Vegetables don't do this

>eat a steak
>1 hour later I'm shitting my guts out

You have 10 seconds to convince me not to go vegan.

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>steak bad
>chicken good

>he thinks steak traveled through his digestive system in an hour
Unless that shit came out looking like chewed up steak, no

blow your brains out instead so you dont have a chance of spreading your piss genes

Steak don't do this

>eat a Celery stalk
>1 hour later Chad is pumping my emaciated twink boy guts

its what I had for lunch, no breakfast

dinner last night was rice with some chicken and vegetables, are you telling me they waited 16 hours to explode out of my ass?

>He's never eaten an entire bag of broccoli and witnessed the eldritch horrors that result

You just have a weak digestive system, normal people with good genes don’t shit their pants after eating a steak

Except that doesnt happen unless you ate a rotten steak. In which case is just as bad as eating rotten vegetablrs

i've ltierally never heard of this. what part of a steak could you possibly lack the enzymes to digest? it must have been rotten.

maybe my body just reacted badly?

>eat steak,fish, milk every day
no farting bloddsugar spikes, good shits without whipping

>visit vegan sister
have the worst shits in my life

guy we just need to eat a blanced diet, not meat only or plants only.

middle is the way to go.

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Gastrocolic reflex you dummy

explain it to me

Yeah because fruit and vegetables never made someone have the shits before. Are you sure you didn't shit out part of your brain?

you're on the fucking internet you goddamned ape. he gave you a point of reference, search for it yourself. you're like those absolute fucking retards that demand a source for a claim, as if whatever shitstick that posted it has a source bookmarked ready to post, rather than looking out of their own curiosity.

in no goddamned world did you eat steak then shit it out an hour later.

Then how do I stop steak from fucking my shit up

but you're right

maybe your gut flora is total dogshit, maybe it was tainted meat, maybe you didn't realize you had to cook it

Maybe he’s a fag, did you consider that?

>cooking meat

hehe... bye bye nootrients hehe

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It's probably those gallons of human semen you drank straight from the cock an hour before that.

usually consuming large amounts of semen causes it to be vomitted up. i have searched high and low and literally all i want is to find videos of a chick on an empty stomach vomiting the cum she ate from 60 dudes up. best video i could find cuts it out, and hentai doesn't really do it justice.

Please, do go vegan.
You have shit genetics and intellect.
I very much want you to die.

You think food takes 1 hour from ingestion to come out of your ass?

>are you telling me they waited 16 hours to explode out of my ass?
Yes that's how digestion works bro..

I think I only discovered that 5 or 6 years ago and I am goddamn 34. I need to do more !SCIENCE!

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Once you go soi, might as well start by cutting off your dick and balls.

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Bruce hulked out in entirely different ways.

>tfw he uses his penis as a petti

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Your stomach is fucked and isn't acidic enough, stop eating alkaline meme foods

Jow Forums - Fitness

eat whatever you like as long as you don't give support to those pesky factory farms!

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I used to eat a lot of veggies along with any of my meals and I was always wondering why My shits are half liquid and why I am shitting three times a day. Now I eat like 2 portions maximum a day and i have nice compact shits.

>thinking the middle road will ever catch on in Jow Forums
there's got to be more constructive ways to waste your time

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Do it. More meat for me.

>eat a steak
>1 hour later I'm not shitting my guts out
Maybe you're a faggot

fuck you, go vegan you faggot
hell if i care

>eat a shit loat of vegetables
>1 hour later hungry as fuck
>eat meat
>feel content for the rest of the day
Explain that

Its just food reactions user
Its healthy to shit somewhat regularly you know
If you dont want to shit daily, dont stay hydrated, don't ingest fiber and fats, or maybe take an opioid

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I lean more plant based, but I disagree. Vegetables, especially greens and alium give me crazy braps

Low calory dense vegetables

It's not calories that make you feel full though, there's plenty of foods that pack massive amounts of calories in a small package

>>Millions of people
>>Have been eating meat
>>For millions of years
>>No problem whatsoever.

>>It totally doesn't work for me guys!!!!

Are you a recovering vegan? Have you never eaten meat in your life?

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I'm been carnivore for 3 months. AMA

Weak stomach

>eat 8oz, medium rare filet
>2 sweet potatoes
>shit ton of cheese fries with ranch
>no noticeable difference in my shits at all

Do not wish for better food, wish for a stronger digestive system.

I'm too poor to afford carnivore. A gallon of raw milk costs like $20 where I live.

I see the American education system has failed yet another of our youth

I have a similar problem with eggs, namely that they give me horrible gas and constant liquid shits. Anybody else get this? I don’t think it’s cause to cut them entirely, just kinda annoying to shit twice as often as I would otherwise.

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>A gallon of raw milk costs like $20 where I live.
I'm sorry user.

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Nigger what? Sounds like you just live in a shitty urban gentrified hellhole. I don’t even drink milk, this just makes me angry.

To acquire said raw milk, do you guys drive over to the dairy farms and get ot from the farmers themselves? I dont think it is possible where I live to just get raw milk from the supermarché

Saaardieeens will never betray you!
Fish are your friends