Over head press and deadlift are the 2 most functional lifts

Over head press and deadlift are the 2 most functional lifts.

Deadlift to lift things and ohp to shove people with great force.

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True but I'd rather bench

upper back is more functional than front delts

>Trump is 6'1
>political cartoonists always make him short to ridicule him
When did you realise that manlets are fair game for treating like untermenschen?

>Yes goyim, fight for Israel's borders not your own. You're not a racist, are you?

is this image supposed to make trump look bad?

I think pull ups/chin ups are fairly handy as well. But ohp is the shit got to 180x4 and my shoulders are looking pretty.

Only to numales, feminists and PoC

Endless war is good. Get ready to be slaughtered, goy. You think your military is there to protect your borders?

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I dont think one soldier has said anything like that. They signed up to die for israel and will eat a bag of shit with a smile if daddy tells them to

They signed up for the paycheck. Enough with that "die for Israel" crap. They are employees and they're getting paid.

It’s more like a 50/50 split between getting govment handouts and feeling like a big boi because you get a gun and a fancy uniform you can wear out and make your peepee feel big when your superiors let you touch the guns

Post gains.

What steroids do you take and how much bro?

Noice, 155 x 4 last night, getting Dem boulder shoulder

Post beta cuck body

What about the glutes and legs in general, also forearms.

I thought the pay was pretty shit aside from college coverage

>post 1940
>occupation where death is a generally accepted job hazard
Yeah not like these men coulve picked up a shovel or some bricks and got a paycheck


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Officers swim in money unless they're retarded

>They are employees and they're getting paid to die for Israeli interests

Exactly, they're mercenaries for ZOG

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