So wat is this guys endgame?

so wat is this guys endgame?
he manages to get creepier every year.

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Elliott is based. He became enlightened and realized he was wasting his time being some generic, 'le funny fitness youtuber'. He understood how absolutely pointless and meaningless what he was doing was. Now he's immersed himself in a more holistic lifestyle. He's living a happier life and those that mock him are just mindless, entertainment-consuming NPCs that are intellectually as deep as a puddle.

eliot interlectual man very smart good spiritual mindset and strong body inspireational to very many people good guy

elliot pls..

i was asking the others.

veery smart black man interletucceal
he big bongo shaman
he read osho and kant and shiet

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If I had to guess it’s just general short man syndrome. It can really get this bad.

Bitterness + extreme insecurity

The Alex Jones of fitness.
Insane, but in a lovable way

I thought skinnier=better for facial aesthetics but he looks worse.

>shaved head
>le 56

He's a drugged out beta faggot who "experienced becoming the feminine" by getting butt fucked by the women with he was with, also cross dressing, wearing makeup, etc etc. He's also a hardcore opportunist and a charlatan trying to worm his way into the "manosphere" with another conman named Anthony "dream" Johnson. He's the faggot peddling "tactical soap" and $2000 a pop 21 "con"vention seats with a line of guest speakers who're blatant beta faggots.

I suppose it makes sense for him to be a role model, most young men see this stupid piece of trash and him being slightly above a beta cuck would constitute in some retards a "vision of masculinity".

Again, he's a drugged out faggot.

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I hope he kills himself.

watching this guys videos mske me feel sick. i don't know why. makes me feel like im in a fever dream.

My buddy worships this guy and goes to his seminars. Great for him for finding something that he enjoys but holy fuck is it weird. I’ve tried doing some of his latest “workouts” and their all fucking laughably retarded. He does that release bullshit where he’s yelling and crying. There’s no way this guy isn’t doing psychedelics on the regular

>"experienced becoming the feminine" by getting butt fucked by the women with he was with, also cross dressing, wearing makeup, etc etc.
What the actual fuck?

I watched him until the bioenergetics video
I literally unsubbed that very day
Years passed, and his interviews started popping
Absolutely ridiculous shit like that one where he talks about getting into the bus and seeing a sign that read "mind your head", gymbro crap for 13yo
Then he started the cons and his "afternoon with Elliot" for $7K
It all went downhill from there
He did the fasting thing like 4 years ago
Elliot is what happens to a kid that grew up watching too much Disney channel and the motivational crap that goes with it

Agreed good post

how does this asshole not have a fucking single forehead wrinkle yet?

He's black?

it isn't fair. isn't he almost mid 40's?

Elliot is a fag. "I lIfT! THat meAn I'Ma wArRiOr!!!1" corny ass prick

Yo Elliot *dum dum dum wub wub*

He is a scam artist at this point, cashing on legit betas
Either that, or he hires those guys to appear in the infomercials
I can't hardly believe anyone would pay to yell like monkeys to others for a weekend
Or maybe it's an homo thing
Who knows
I wouldn't even go for free

He's a new Rajneesh in the making

Ready your bodies annons, here comes the Eliot Hulse pasta, straight from his own facebook

I know what it’s like to be a woman.
Or more accurately, what it’s like to be in my feminine.
Feeling, receptive, sensitive, dark, emotional, conflicted and conniving.
In 2015 God began to call me unto a healing path, particularly the healing of my wounded connection to the feminine aspect of my soul.
So I chose to go in... as fully and deeply as I could.
I grew my hair long. I wore expressive clothing. I accessorize with pink jewelry and purple glasses.
I smoked pot, learned astrology and tattooed erotic artwork on my arm.
I surrounded myself with women, and slowly began to take on their nature.
Just like with football, strongman, business and my family, I gave myself fully to this experience.
I became a woman, to become FULLY MAN.
It’s called integration.
As a result I have become more clear, confident, aggressive and outspoken... for MEN.
This why I am not ashamed to speak up for men, point out where women have been wrong, and to be a strong MASCULINE voice to this new generation.
I don’t need approval from women anymore.
I don’t put them on a pedestal any longer.
And I will not be manipulated, shamed or seduced by the feminine.
Anyone who thinks I am sexist as a result, you’re wrong.
I just understand the sexes much, much better now .
I make men strong in this backwards, feminized culture.

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For the love of God
What the fuck

This is what happens when you fuck it up by saying women should not vote in an interview, and your business turns around

What a crazy motherfucker hahaha

>hair isn’t even long
>expressive clothing is literally just a graphic tee
>purple glasses are feminine
>having female friends is for only girls
>pink is a woman only color
>i make men strong by doing this
>goes on to blame feminine society

Holy fucking yikes

Well, he married a man so there's that

didn't expect you here glo

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i like how this word is used as cope for people that are weird or am crazy instead of just being proud of being weird or crazy


Ten days after she leaves him, she grows her hair out, starts doing thot ass exercises, hooks up with a 6'+ tall black guy with named Jamal who's a bit on the rapey side and has a foot of cock.

Some of his videos I found pretty insightful and were helpful for me. But I catch him talk bullshit here and there to the point that I no longer trust him. His seminars sound like a scam.

I think he is comedy gold

He's totally batshit crazy but occasionally has some really good ideass, especially in his older videos. One of his videos actually helped me have a realization that allowed me to finally break free of a long-term toxic relationship, so I can't hate on him too much

He's definitely insane but he's redpilled on the Jewish NWO plot so I have to like him

Lmao its like an unironic Sam Hyde video

This is basically this lmao
I want big cults to come back into popularity. The future is fucking boring

>redpilled on the Jewish NWO plot


>Elliot steps a little outside of the box

He's not like us! I HATE HIM!!!

Elliott wants so BADLY to be a cult leader. He wants to walk into a room and have people literally lie down and worship the ground he walks on. For his entire """career""", he's been trying to establish himself as a guru and failing miserably. The dude is a narcissist to the highest degree and, in my personal opinion, it's only a time before he goes off the deep end.

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They're already here
Choose your poison
We have
Jow Forums
And probably many more
Pick a side, get your keyboard ready and you're in

>mass consumerism is a cult



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Based eliott

he's not natty, right?

He still has a decent enough following to lure them out into the desert to commit suicide. He has that chain gym shit in a lot of major cities and a fair amount of people attend his seminars

he's such a fucking retard about everything that isn't strength just like louie simmons

Elliot is the result of taking your first red pill at 40 years old. Figuring out shit at middle age that should have been common sense in early adulthood.

I'm trying to get my bro to gain wisdom, but all he does is whine and tell me stupid shit about how hard he works.

We've watched a man slowly lose his mind. Pretty interesting really

Is this true? lmfao

Alright, really cringe but not like he crossdressed and took it up the ass from drunk sailors in order to understand the Sacred Feminine, you know like Aleister Crowley did.

He's admitted to using tren "in the past".

Richard gains even featured the interview and blasted Elliot for it