Mires everywhere I go

>mires everywhere I go
>95% men
>I'm male
Why didn't you tards tell me before?

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They’re not mires from men unless they’re verbal, it’s them trying to convince themselves they could take you in a fight.

If you didn't know, you are really inept.

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>literally every mire thread since the dawn of time is stories of men complimenting
>Jow Forums is literally the gayest board behind /hm/
>why didn’t you warn me

the signs were all there my guy

We did
There's like 6 extremely well circulated comics/image macros that point this out
Check your image folder, you probably even have one saved.

That's because men mire the objective.
Woman mire what other woman mire

Attached: mires.jpg (383x467, 54K)

>been working out for 5 years
>In a good spot physically but not shredded
>Consistently get mires from my Boomer coworkers asking what I eat and how often I must work out
>There are no women in my office because women aren't in technology
Feels bad man

You let yourself get blinded by memes. For every thread about lifting for girls there are anons screaming about how lifting doesn't get you girls. That feeling ia on you. The real question is, what are you gonna do now?

You actually though women care about muscles when it's ALL ABOUT THE FACE ?
Ha hahahahahhahahahahahhahaha

That's a mire, in a way. You constitute enough to be a threat in his eyes.

Wemen do care about muscles, but it's not the first thing that count for them, like boobs or ass for us.

To me the number is
>100% men
>0% women
Count yourself lucky.

Women mire too, even more than the men. But they are very subtle to hide their true intention.

Every woman believes she is a very complicated, spiritual being. The last thing a woman ( or a girl) want is to be considered "shallow" and "materialistic", despite this is the true nature of women. That's why gossip and backstabbing happen all the time between women.

But never mind, if you cannot catch the subtle, secretive mire from women, you suck with women anyways.

Duh bro, impressing other men is the entire point of lifting. If you really just wanted to be healthy you would simply do cardio + calisthenics. Lifting is unironically a cryptofag hobby.

>Every woman believes she is a very complicated, spiritual being.
Imagine being a wemen kek they're literal emotions animals and think they're some kind of genius.

And what are we? How different are we? You are not special just because you are a lonely sperg cunt. Most men act a certain way, same with women.

I'm an animal too but at least i'm not totally jailed by my emotions (I am to a certain extent...)

>tfw software dev
>only woman in my department is this quiet poo qt that spaghetti every time she's near me
she's married but she mires all the time

Are people honestly doing this or am I being baited here?

Dude, you didn't start lifting because your girlfriend told you it would look better. You started lifting because YOU thought it would improve your looks. Lifting ATTRACTS THE MALE EYE, females just want a non-fat guy with a pretty face.

post body

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Replace "women" with "humans" and it's true.

>females just want a non-fat guy with a pretty face
Painfully true. Face-gains from lifting are the most important.

>females just want a non-fat guy with a pretty face

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either youre a woman or a rather passive male if youve never done this imho

or a confident male kek

>either youre a woman or a rather passive male if youve never done this imho
Or I could just be mentaly sane.
And like every other sane person I ask myself "do I have to?" instead of "can I?". What you are doing is an insane waste of time. I mean, how is that question even relevant? How many males you meet do you fight? 1 in 100 000? So the answer for your question has no real world application for 99 999 out of 100 000 males.
And for the last guy it is:
-he started the fight so you have to fight and the "can I take him" is irrelevant
-you started the fight and
calculated that you are stronger -- you are scum
calculated that you are weaker -- you are an idiot

upvoted and gilded

i do this but im a faggot so while seeing if they can fight me i also look to see if they have a nice ass

>assuming people have image folders for fucking Jow Forums

hahahah fucking autismo duuude

Imagine never doing this tf

Most women dont show mires openly u ultimate brainlet

how to unlock this mode? youtube.com/watch?v=1WhQ-AEZovE

But half my mires are women, maybe it's face/frame. Have you considered that you might be ugly?