I love black girls and I have 0 problems getting them based on my face alone. So why should I even continue lifting? I pretty much mog 99% of fit in physique and I'm 6ft (5'11 irl but I tell women).
Give me motivation to even bother lifting when most women care about your face and height. Not a troll post, considering going shredded twink mode since my face is all that matters
Why should I even keep lifting if it's all about face?
You could park a trailer on that nose
Why are so many niggers spamming on fit lately? Don’t you have to go get your food stamps?
You're pretty good looking. Flat eyebrows, strong brow, decent cheekbones, good hairline and beard
t. Gayfag
> 6'
> mog
chose one, blackanon. I'm 183 cm (exactly 6') but i'm seriously considering suicide / leg extension surgery.
You got enough meat on your nose to make a ham sandwich boy
I don't get the hate for wide noses, they look like cute buttons
OP would you date a black tranny? Asking for a friend.
There’s wide noses and gorilla noses
i saw you at the small walmart in town yesterday you're not 6ft youre fucking 5'8". that white girl was checking you out because you have nice shoulders in a wifebeater. idk if thats a good looking face or not but i saw her checking out your back while you were turned around.
just keep lifting its fun.
also kek, sorry bro
Haha I’m 6’1” White, lift and I love black bitches too. They’d almost all choose me over you. There’s nothing I love more than ramming an ebony girls cervix while making her call me massah just before I dump a massive load inside of her hahahahahaha
I like to wear a nazi uniform while doing this while she wears furs
Threads questioning "why should I even bother lifting" should really result in a ban and the thread getting deleted. If you can't come up with a reason to lift get the fuck outta here and stop wasting catalog space. Place needs better moderation and to kick out the non fit fags jfc
Yeah except I wasn’t making shit up, I actually make black chicks call me massah during sex. I really wanna call one hard r nwords(op has gotten me banned for typing it here in the past, not waiting 48 hours to shitpost again) while I rough full Nelson anal her but I think that’s too far for them
ok I made that up but I would love to do it that way
If i punched him in his eggplant nose hard enough, it would look like the liberty bell
I just want everyone to know I see this guy at the gym all the time (even yesterday evening). He's probably 5'7" on a good day.
You should leave a banana with a noose on it where he works out the most
Depends on the type. There's black girls who will never talk to you because you're white. Either way, I get laid nattylet.
Well I'm in better shape than every single one of you natties so..
Yeah definitely, but those are the bitchier types that always want to cause drama and problems for attention. You can have those. Even then half of them are coping because they know they’d fuck a white guy if they could
Nope ;)
Pic related oops
Mirin, atleast you're not stupid enough to lift natty.
Shut the fuck up lanklet.
t. 176.9-177cm
I REJECT this post.
An anaylisis of beauty would imply some are prettier than others,and that would he unfair.
Roids can't fix face haha
you look good user, dont worry too much, go lift tho, it's good for you.
Post benis daddy
Elaborate on how what you said negates what I said you dumb ape, if you can't think of a reason to lift why should we give your nigger ass one.
I thought he was in ottawa
Can you came to house and fuck my wife BBC King
I think you're forgetting that the main purpose of exercise is to make you healthier.
You shouldn't. Just stop doing roids and let your gains all fade
God i knew this stupid faggot was insecure as shit. You'll never be able to talk all that shit in the CBT threads anymore now that I have your thread screencapped.
to motivate others and eventually your kids
Seems like it’s all about confidence and how you present yourself
When your threads were about looking better than all people here people were miring and some insulted you out of insecurity
Now you call yourself ugly and everyone agrees and picks up on your flaws
OP is not the pic related dude, OP keeps roleplaying as him and keeps making threads and spamming in /cbt/ threads, fucking summerfags
Found the actual summerfag
We know he is an r9k faggot who doesn’t lift but most threads are already trolls thats normal
Well I'm sick of these shitty threads taking up space you can't sage either because some other dumbass bumps anyway
post pic
your metabolism starts chugging along when you hit 30 user. good habits will keep you from looking like a fat goblin at 35.
Next time I see him in the gym I will
keep going user - people like big lenny can get laid and you can too, dont mind the racism