How can I get abs like this?
I'm doing abs and cardio daily
How can I get abs like this?
I'm doing abs and cardio daily
Start doing 10 max-effort sprints 3 days a week. Anywhere from 40 to 100 meters
My current cardio is 4 tabata sets of skipping every day
Should I decrease the frequency then?
Also any recommendations for an an routine? Right now I'm on meme ab workouts.
Bumping for advice
No, you should stop doing whatever that gay shit is and do 10 max effort sprints 3 times a week like i said. Also, get yourself an ab-wheel and do as many sets to failure as you can manage without comprimising your form. Do those on the days you dont sprint.
Also if you are a tranny then disregard everything i said and fuck off the side of a cliff
Meant to also add that you can do whatever meme workouts you want after your sprints
What is your bodyfat %?
That's where I would start.
Going by this image I'm at a 10-14%
No you're not if you're female
Tits or gtfo
show me your tits or poast hole
There are no females on the internet :clown_face:
Some of them are stupid enough to come here
Abs are 80% diet.
cut the carbs
That's it. If you aren't seeing any progress at all, do more cardio, cut calories, and re-examine your ab routine. Do something similar to the athlean x 7 minute ab workout on youtube. You don't have to do that specifc one, but it's a great example of what a good ab workout should look like. If what are doing isn't similar then it's probably shit. Having nice abs is easy as fuck. Having abs while building or maintaining significant muscle mass is the real challenge.
sorry I'm pre-HRT
I'm doing level 2 of the 8 minute ab workout on YouTube
abs on women are repulsive. i love grabbing my girlfriends small little tummy
only dykes and closet faggots want women to have abs
To each their own, user
God, I hate internet whores.
Wow it's almost like different people have different tastes
Ok. Now read the rest of my post. If you are doing that every day and aren't seeing progress, then you also need to increase cardio and/or decrease calories. You have a layer of fat hiding your abs. You will never see your abs, no matter how developed they are, until you reduce this fat via a calorie defecit. Eat less, cardio more.
im not op but going for something similar except more toned / less protruding
im doing the same thing, i know it takes time to see results, but i want to know how important protein is- ive been active my whole life, but have always had a layer of fat over the muscle. im not overweight anymore, and am restricting to lose more weight.
since i still have muscle i'm maintaining do i need to worry about protein intake? i know the sticky recs 1.5 protein per body weight but its nearly impossible to get that much on 1000cal daily.
Only the most extreme autists struggle to understand that opinions other than their own exist.
bulk up, cut down. hope you have good genetics.
now you've gotten advice, post tits and ass or gtfo.