What are your plans for tonight bros?

What are your plans for tonight bros?

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probably will go see my mom

I just got back from lifting, going to wait 1-2 hours and drink some water
Then do a 10k and go to sleep

Gonna be chilling with my family all weekend since they're coming to visit

Exit bag

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Going out in a bit to improve my daygame and around midnight I'll be back and go to slep.

finish my meal, go to bed at 9.30 so I get at least 8 hours of sleep. Have to lift again tomorrow so I better be rested

bench press baby

based family anons

based sudoku user

based early sleepers

Crush some fucking weight

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I've just finished with my last exam, now I finally have some time to lift. Hell yeah man, hyped af.

meet up with some mates Im going on vacation with in the summer

You're a big guy

Go for a run out innawoods, cook some steak, read a bit and then hit the sack after some ganja

Broke up with my gf so I’m gonna go to a bar and sit there and let women hit on me just so I can reject them but feel wanted at the same time.

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gonna eat an pizza

Having a slight cheat meal

>A bucket of homemade chicken wings
>Couple of beers
>Wandering around the continent (Witcher 3)

Smash ultimate and not eating until 9pm when I’ll pop melatonin just to do the same thing tomorrow

Just brought a large bottle of whiskey
I'll drink and see if I stay alive

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Any good conversation starters for when you're at a pub? I'm too autistic for that

Browse Jow Forums, Jow Forums and youtube until 3-5 am like I do every other day.

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>worked an hour overtime today
>then went to gym and worked out
>got home, ate
Now I'm gonna quickly browse Jow Forums, read something and prepare for tomorrow when I have to work at an event.

Get home at 9 from work and go to sleep so i can come to work tomorrow

>woke up
>player some Fortnite
>hit chest
>now just gonna chill before i go to work at 4pm

Ehhh i guess it’s okay

lit af bro

Going to lift after work, then eat, go home to study a bit for my certification and maybe play some Magic Arena.

if i need to go to the restroom ill ask the person/bartender to watch my drink and to make sure someone roofies it. always gets a laugh and you can make casual conversation after you get back by keeping the joke going if you want to.

Nobody likes stoners

why would you want roofies in your drink thats fucked up
are you trolling?

Take CBD oil and pass out listening to rippetoe at 10pm

Lift after work. Go see my gf and celebrate our vacation plans being finalized and payed for. Have a good meal cooked by her and wine followed by sex. Tomorrow I'll wake up and go to MMA practice followed by cliff diving with gf. Go see dad Sunday and give him his gift(fancy coffee maker). Life is good.

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>study for another 3-4 hours
>practice some pieces on my guitar
>play some TBC

Hang out with my son.

Hooking into the intel stream on the Iran situation. So far it looks like another non-happening but you never know.

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Finish abs and cardio, go home and clean up a bit, make some tacos for dinner for me and my fiancé, play some video games together until bed time, maybe bang but probably be too tired, watch Hulu in bed and fall asleep. Nothing that exciting.

Cutting so I can't do anything enjoyable like eat or drink. I will just finish up the work day, lift, then go to bed. There is no fun in the weekends without junk food and drinks.

Trying not to die from this heat

>Couldn't sleep last night
>Crushed deadlifts already today
>not even noon yet and now i just have to get comfy for Bellator and watch a 5'5 jap conquer another organization's champion AGAIN

horiguchi gonna do it lads

1l of beer at local bar

sounds gay

Grab dinner with a friend. Probably go for a run, do laundry, and play Dragon Quest after that.

Watch a film with my fiancee or play Rome Total War next to her while she watches some netflix trash. See how I feel.
Tomorrow I gym.

Ur gay

Lifting, then playing Fire Emblem.

Got home from gym, cooked some good food, relapsed after 14 days of nofap. Now trying to recover from feeling like a degenerate. Its all good though.

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For what purpose? Just cut out porn

GoRuck Tough tonight. GoRuck Light Tomorrow

i just hit 220lbs squat, 6 months ago I couldnt do 176lbs for one rep.
Im rewarding myself with french fries.

Thats it for tonight.

Yeah, me too

Hmm I've always just thought that I should do nofap to completely get rid of the whole cycle of wasting time on porn. Your post made me think about it, and I might try just doing noporn. It might actually work better for me, because after 2 weeks of nofap I was feeling so horny all the time I had a hard time focusing on anything.

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Workout. Eat. Go to bed.

Try it out for yourself. I don't watch porn but fap pretty much every day. Just don't see the point desu.

Checked and Mommy-pilled

Lift, watch Jojo, then go out and party.

>Just returned from dinner with my mom

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Jiu jitsu,eat a bunch of food,try to finish the book that I'm reading

Cheat meal day.

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Download some more VR porn and go wild

Usually my friends will ask me to hangout. If not, I'll lift and go for an evening jog and maybe go see a movie. I've been drinking the last couple weekends so it won't upset me if I dodge doing that this time.

Girl that asked for my number has been wishy washy, but she wasn't that hot so I'm not that upset. I need to make sure I stay busy, the second I'm bored is the second I get the urge to masturbate.

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Tennis match tonight and in the morning

I totally forgot about Jojo. Time to download the newest episode.

like every other night. just me, alone in my room.

ive been going out multiple times a week cause my friends are in town and the raptors were in the finals

now thats over i can finally go back to being a neet and cutting and spending $0

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i hate cunts who post pics like this, and then have the audacity to look like shit

if you dedicate your life to not going out and lifting at least look like a bodybuilder, not a pear-shaped pasty cunt

seriously fuck antisocial cunts who don't drink, and fuck you too OP you fat cunt ill kidnap ur nan and knock her hairpiece off her boggin skull

Bench, Rows, and some assistance work. Then I'm going to watch TV, eat chicken/rice and sleep.

Gym and cannabis with my bro.
Tomorrow? Gym, cannabis, and a concert with same bro.
Pretty hype about this weekend.

Already been the gym and had a curry with the gf. Now chilling out about to watch love island.

To get swole.

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i have a first date tonight and im honestly scared shitless

nice bro

just be confident bro and have sex

im gonna try bro im gonna try

user you do realize fathers day is around the corner right?

my dad lives out of state i'll just call him

Picking up my gaming laptop and setting it up, then going to sleep. Planned on going on a date but turns out the girl I was trying to get with is a lesbian.
Probably going to study avionics over the weekend too

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3/4 quarters through

>Mr.stark I don't feel so good


I feel way more fulfilled building up my body then when I used to go out every weekend. Even though I have no friends.Just applied for Uni,Conservation and Restoration,so maybe I'll make some friends there.

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very wholesome

play some vidya, maybe get dinner with a couple friends

Not much, contemplating using my bolo tie as a garrote to kms.

Go home. Lift, cook, eat, try to cry in hopes of relieving some stress, fail becuase I can't feel any emotion aside from stress, stay up most of the night because stress-feuled insomnia. The usual.

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Going out is a mistake

Enjoy it while it lasts

I have a rugby game tomorrow so it’s an early night for me. Gonna have some Greek yogurt and then it’s bed time for me:)

Playing chess with dad. I'm leaving home soon and I don't know how often I'll ever come back.

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It's an obvious joke and conversation starter in that context. You know, shit you do socially. Fucking autists never gonna make it.

I actually won, that brings the score to abou 5-200.


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Smoking weed doesn't make you a stoner.

My dad never learned to play chess, but I would sometimes go for long walks with him, while he talked about life.
At that time, I found the talk boring and annoying, but almost 15 years after, I found those pieces of wisdom to be invaluable.

Kissed gf goodnight and went to the gym for late night core and cardio session.

I have no friends.

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my dad just drinks beer and watches tv


>I have no friends.
>no friends
what did the normalnigger mean by this?

Friends to do things with socially without romantic ties.

Ever hike a mountain alone? It's only fun the first few times.

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First came to fit when I was about 19, took it seriously for a few years, but really let myself go, now I'm almost 28, lurking to get back to where I was about 5-7 years ago.

Need one more coffee to shit. Then shave, tidy, gym (commencing deload week), try to ignore crushing loneliness and bitter feels, focus on a hobby, sleep in the day time.

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For you

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