Why should we listen to this sellout again?

>Trains 10+ years
>Doesn't look like he ever stepped foot into a gym

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Other urls found in this thread:


>doesn't look like a lifter
Pick exactly two, no more, no less.

fairies are afraid

>he does biceps isolation for muh aesthetics
End yourself now

I think the beard is pretty gay but he btfo the low bar squat so he's okay with me

Well, OP. Here's a thought:

>post body
Don't forget your timestamp!

Post body to see if you seem like you ever stepped into a gym

t. cringe train untamed fangirls

end up untrained

Jow Forums hates alan because he's the apogee of the mentally healthy strength nerd archetype while this board is almost entirely self-loathing bodybuilding neurotics

Guy looks like a fucking BEAST!

"nerd" you wish weak boy. If anything he falls into the chad category in your kitchen chair psychology.

>olympic weight lifters
>listens to coaches that look like they never lifted at all, ever
>Jow Forums
>why should i listen to someone who lifts more than me and for a longer period?

>listening to a youtuber at all

Unless it’s an Olympic coach or has coached people to athletic success aka no youtuber ever, you should not be listening to them. It’s literally like going to a golds and getting a “trainer”. It’s all just opinions below that level

the two aren't mutually exclusive, anyone who did a STEM degree knows that there's a specific type of entirely self-possessed nerd who gets into woodworking or restoring motorcycles or getting strong, who's just kind of at peace with everything and who's always in a healthy long-term relationship

Share the video. Reading SS now and need some reassurance that high bar is good too. Low bar hurts my fucking shoulders

Alan has been sucking on the SS dick for a while and did a 360 on his opinions about the high bar squat

yet everyone here gives each other advice and tells you to read the sticky even though nobody is a coach or has competed.

He's a strongman, though.

Anyone who takes advice from Jow Forums is a retard and deserves to get trolled.

so Jow Forums should basically just merge with either /x/ or /b/? Seems like this board is actually pointless if even the sticky is worthless

* anyone who doesnt do thier own basic research in ANYTHING and follows blindly are retards

People here aren’t clouded by money and “pleasing everyone” bullshit.
>listening to Jow Forums


> this board is actually pointless


>takes him 10 years to bench 2pl8

Shouldn't powerlifting shit go to /sp/ though?
If you're lifting for """strength""", you're a fucking loser and you should fuck off.

I kind of respect it since he did it after getting out of the marines to sort of show he became his own man.

It does look like shit though.

I didn't say he was good.

Jow Forums isn't bad for giving the basics for a lot of things.

Like most Jow Forums boards its a get launch pad into a hobby/interest but you shouldn't stick around unless you just really like the memes.

No, Jow Forums is shit because the majority of people are 6 month to 1 year lifters, who don't know jack. 90% of people here are not qualified to give lifting advice.

And when they do that they get called out on their lifts and/or body, since without an accomplished coaching background those are your credentials. And there are a bunch of random assholes on this board that outlift Thrall.

>has coached people to athletic success aka no youtuber ever,

Attached: ny-mets.jpg (282x413, 34K)

The sticky is infinity more helpful than any YouTuber who is trying to sell you sugar pills they put their name on though

>Athletic success
Solid joke user

Granted. But that's not the fault of the strength coach.


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I've been lifting for ONE year and I already am approaching most of his lifts at a SIGNIFICANTLY SMALLER bodyweight

no excuse to be this weak, he's doing something wrong.

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He looks bigger than >90% of people on this board, and is stronger than 99% of them. He doesn't look like fucking Larry Wheels, but he's big strong dude that is almost certainly natty.

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Cope dyel who cant post body out of shame

Strongmen dont bench

Didn't NattyOrNot accuse this guy of doing steroids?

The faggots that read and write that stuff think that anybody with abs or a total >1,000 is using tren, dbol, test e, and GH.

10 years of serious and (semi) educated lifting without even a 600lbs DL?

It's one thing to not be dedicated, not knowing what you are doing, being inconsistent and having a subar physique/strength stats, but its different if you dedicate your buisness and knowledge to it, atleast to strength

Well the nattyornot guy thinks no one can bench 3plates without roids
Dont take him too seriously


>He looks bigger than >90% of people on this board

Because he's a 22 bf%.

He has pulled 600. Not sure if he's hit anymore PRs since this though.


>Can barely even bench lmao 3pl8

>bench mid 360+
>deadlift 600
>squat 550+
>"hahah, fucking faggot, doesn't even bench 4 plate or deadlift 700"

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I don't know much about him, but I saw his video about bench press form, and it looked pretty goofy to me.

>owns a succesful ever-growing business
>going to be a dad soon

Alan might not be the biggest or strongest dude out there, but has something that 99.99% of Jow Forums will never have: his shit together.

>Going to be a dad soon

Well, he owns a pitbull, so I'm not sure how long he'll be a dad

Ay yo bruh dem gud dawgs. Aint nevuh dun nuffin.

>the only way to have your shit together is spawn little retards into this world

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Damn. Thats one hard cope

bench is worthless to strongmen, it doesn't translate to any of their stuff

Like having a family and running a business?
Sure would be easy to put on some noob gains and keep them if mom and dad gave him a room and kept him fed like a big boy.

You are the one coping. I guess billions of aids invested subhumans in africa have their shit together. Actually they might have. In the literal sense.

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anyone can spare 1 hour a day
nice fucking excuse you subhuman dyel

look at fuckin geric bugenhagen, he has a daughter and a wife too

nice bait el retardo

none of this is bait
keep making excuses

ah yes, the breed of peace

Samefag here, let me ellaborate. The good the bad and the ugly about Alan:

>own his own gym, and runs it the way he likes it
>makes side income by talking about lifting on yt
>basically lives as he likes
>His vids on form are on point
>his vids are among the most entertaining and best edited in the fitness community

The bad:
>ever since he teamed up with SS, has been drinking the kool-aid a tad too much
>his programs don't make any sense

The ugly
>that beard needs a trim or some sort of maintenance
>too reliant on gimmicky stuff: bands, pin presses, SSB squats, etc.

>has coached people to athletic success aka no youtuber ever
This is the most shallow view on coaches I've ever heard. It's just celebrity culture applied to fitness.
Anyone who has the basic genetic potential to be a successful athlete (I assume you mean professional, since you said no youtuber has ever done it) is going to make incredible gains even with a bad coach.
Show me the coach who's coached cerebral palsy-stricken kid to power clean, or an octogenarian grandma to squat and no longer need her cane.
That's the person you should listen to.

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absolutely peanut sized brain microscopic IQ
coaches exist for a reason
weightlifting coaches need to be extremely good even if they're working with the top 0.01% of the genetic pool to actually win gold

>Show me the coach who's coached cerebral palsy-stricken kid to power clean, or an octogenarian grandma to squat and no longer need her cane.
the dyel in jeffs videos will have his brain pop if he does any kind of strenuous activity whatsoever, and he's still at least making some sort of gains with jeffs training


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So you've gone from "athletic success" to "win gold at the olympics" as the minimum acceptable credentials for a coach to be worth listening to.
I hope you're employed a local soccer field. You're good at moving goalposts.

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Why yes we do lift for strength

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Man, it's a shame Andy's kidneys exploded. One of the best deadlifters in existence.

post body, post lifts, post your youtube channel

he's a foot taller than you

Yet here you are

weakfag cope

>gym filled with power racks, platforms and all kinds of cool strongman stuff
>bunch of funny and encouraging strong dudes to lift with

Aye, whou would like to train there?

what is this shit

Bruce Lee > herp derp bodybuilder retard

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I really like the memes.

how strong do you need to be to unironically sport long hair AND long beard?


Double overhand too, fucking nice. Thats a good deadlift

this is hook grip

is this a photoshop? that is ridiculous progress for one year. Like the fucking popeye arm wrestler fella


you won't.

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ever watch baseball? those guys are fucking jacked. their arms and forearms are freakishly developed.

Hook grip dude. Doubt there is any natty out there who can double overhand a 600lb deadlift proper.

its a common assistance exercise for overhead events