Is bodybuilding dot com worth frequenting in twenty sixteen plus four minus one?

Is bodybuilding dot com worth frequenting in twenty sixteen plus four minus one?
This board is with a pump now

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Based eight Chan doxed her

does your step-daughter know you're red on

there's a million thots out there who make bank from their thottery and i'm indifferent to them. so why does this chick aggravate me so much bros?

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because she has a punchable face which is furthered by her obnoxious facial expressions compounded yet again by the fact that she is a multi millionaire just for existing

Her face makes me feel violent and she preys on betas like those who have thots as the thumbnails
It’s sickening

I want to hate fuck her so bad

>preys on betas
She doesn't "prey on betas" you beta bitch, it's not like she sends emails out. These beta turds go looking for girls online to give their money away to. If it wasn't this bitch, it would be some other.

Bizaroo incels give these kind of e-prostitues their betabux to compensate for the female attention they never get
It’s sad, girlfriend simulators basically for lonely lonely men

>betas fuck as many girls as possible
>girls lash back and fuck as many guys as possible
(except getting your hole pounded more is pathetic and not empowering)
>whores break more weak betas
>betas fuck multiple women this creating more whores

>post thread on Jow Forums with random pic
>Entire thread about the picture

Yeah this board sucks ass and has for years, worse now that it's summer. Just larping and incels reeeing blaming women and non-whites for them being DYELs

1) seems really smug about it
2) got buttflustered when the IRS went after her
3) is 20+ but wears braces to give off a 14 year old feel, will probably not age gracefully and will be bitter about it
4) the sheer number of faggots who like her because she dresses as anime elves makes her worse than girls who just show their titties

If they got in shape and developed the facade of social skills then with their fat wallets it would be easy for them to get girls

What user is saying is that he's mad these faggots get paid 70k+ starting while he's busting his ass, and they give away their big bucks because getting in shape is more effort than they're willing to give and they'd rather be a lonely codemonkey instead of a Jow Forums web engineer.


This girl is literally African. As in she was born and raised in Africa and so were her parents. She makes money cosplaying as anime characters.

Tell me, Jow Forums, where does the "denegeracy" narrative start? African girl imitates Japanese cartoons to collect patreon money from mexicans, sudacas, and pajeets.

Yeah, I want to cum in the bitch the same moment she dies from me choking her. Hot.

Checked and you need a pic of some dirty Instagram whore to get attention from all these thirsty beta orbiting permavirgins

All iSlags prey on betas. This girl just passes as underage so she has cornered the market on pedo betas

What do you mean?

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She looks like chumchum

I unironically respect her entrepreneurship
There are countless girls as attractive as her, but none have build up the beta worshiping empire and capitalized on them so effectively.

they call them "staceys"

Yes. She is the queen stacey, based off sheer number of orbiters and magnitude of income she gets from them

Instagram isn't real

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Looks like one of those boy to girl before and after transformation pictures.

I love how mad she makes Jow Forums, Jow Forums and autists in general. Beyond that she's a degenerate thot and will get the rope but she goes last solely due to the impotent rage she induces in the mgtow good goys

They refuse to get in shape because decades of media propaganda have essentially told them they can't. You're either a jock or a nerd type shit.

You'd think autistic engineers would do well in the gym, they've obviously got no problem putting insane amounts of effort into shit nobody cares about, so a couple of hours a week and mildly watching your diet should be a cinch.


left is better


>beta worshiping empire
you could make a videogame about this

What a good guy, I'm not sure what you're doing here when you're drowning in all that sympathy puss...


Are you seriously saying you like girls caked so heavily in makeup you can't tell what they actually look like? Makeup-free is better because at least you know she isn't a dude in a wig.

I really wanna knock this bitch up and let her beta fans support it.

That’s just make up and a wig, why are you retards all acting so suprised?

How much makeup is that

the engineers at my uni are the Chads, workout regularly, get outdoors, do sports, or are veterans.

Every single hating idiot itt would do the fucking same as a thot. U 100% jelly.

Cringe as fuck

Why do beta cucks and incels who never had sex worship them so much?

Sure thing buddy. Engineering has the highest rate of incels and manlets. The real chads are meds and physicists

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Finance acshually

I have never in my life meet a chad engineer, its always smart dorks and betas
dont mean to bash them, I respect engineers

That's because she's a male.

Even the right looks flat lmao

Career dicussions on Jow Forums are alwas the worst with sub 80 IQ posters blathering about:
>muh learn 2 kode
>dUDE I did a 1 month cyber security course and now I earn 300k in SA tee hee
>dude just trust me bro I do """IT consulting"""
These posts plague Jow Forums too. It's obvious none of your faggots know what you're talking about when some Jow Forumslet asks what your career is and you just respond with some vague answer like "IT consulting stuff tee hee" or "ummm cyber security :)))))"


I was talking about physics and medschool. You need flawless grades in high school and a stronger work ethic than in other fields. Not something you achieve in a year. But here, have a (you), you offeneded little engineer.

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why are you so angry, nerd

delphine paypig detected


guys theres no excuse for this behavior. stop donating to instagram models. stop donating to twitch gamers. stop donating to ecelebs on youtube. STOP

If you were an oldfag you would know the age old rule: never make a thread with a more interesting image than the subject.

On topic, Jow Forums with a pump isnt too bad. I come here to shitpost about gym stuff, you cant do that in many other places.

Uh Chad works as a fireman and flips houses making per hour more than some gay doctor and working far less hours

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Because everyone wants to hate fuck her. I'd beat her til shes bloody and blue desu and I've never done anything harder than choking a little and spanking a bitch which everyone does.

Thots and betas are like drug dealers and drug addicts. If nobody bought, nobody would sell.

I agree but I still want to slap that stupid expression off her face.

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Based. The other cope is the autists who think they will make 100K a year as an entry level programmer. Nope user you became a social pariah for a job that some Pajeet will end up doing in 5 years.

redpill me on cyber security

>tfw Jow Forums doesn't even know about findom
If only you knew how bad things are...

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That's not her btw.

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Classic, the dumb nigger takes it to far again by talking about starving your kids. No sense for nuances.

I started at $12.50/hour entry programmer (only hobbyist experience, no degree) and make $110k/year now. Medium cost of living Midwest. It's a lucrative career path but you have to pretend to not be autistic if you wanna move up.

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I knew about it before Jim ever made a vid about it. Common filth used to talk about it in this tumblr vids.

Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't change the fact that shes actually fuck ugly without make up, wigs, and hours worth of preperation. If you dont believe me find her make up tutorial. Shes ghastly.

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this desu, she's a hussler

user I am a developer would you mind if I made a free open source video game about this? Armies of betas battling each other over online waifus.

What kinda gameplay we talkin? FPS? RTS? RPG?

For battles I'm thinking RTS with low control over individual units (think: battles in the Total War series). Maybe I could even make it have a simple physics engine. Blender has the open source Bullet physics engine, which includes soft-body modelling so you could see the fat jiggle on all of the betas, from the skinnyfat to the boogie-sized blobs.

To get resources you need to produce some sort of video propaganda to recruit and convert betas from the general population, so you'll have to follow and also create+manipulate some sort of "Zeitgeist" mechanism. This will be much less straightforward,at least for me. I'm still ruminating on how it would work because I don't actually know anything about these girls besides what gets posted on Jow Forums.

>video game
Not far enough... We should try to utilize these camwhores to get dweebs to join gangs and fight each other for our amusument

go ahead, I'm busy with another thing
I was thinking in a management one though where you create your little business

Cool cool
>I was thinking in a management one though where you create your little business
What would you include in the business portion? Because this is how I want the unit recruitment to work

I wonder what kind of turbochad bangs this millionare attention whore

based bull poster

It's very likely some dweeb, but King Dweeb. Honorary chad in a virgin's clothing.

And soon He will lead his army of dweebs to battle an army of neckbeards

>marching orders delivered on giant monitors by seemingly vapid but subtly sinister camwhores
Sounds like kino.

I know the dude, hes my good friend.

I'm thinking the battles should look like TV news footage, with headlines for updates, some sort of ticker for stats at the bottom, and a very confused reporter commentating on it.

If this is true, can you get him to get her to create these dweeb armies for real?

>Working in science
>Making 6 figures
lol I wish