Tfw poorfag who can only afford 60g protein per day

>tfw poorfag who can only afford 60g protein per day

I'm never gonna make it bros

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Just buy a bunch of eggs and throw the yolk in the trash
Boom 150g protein a day for peanuts

Here you go, 60g of casein for 49cents. Add that to your 60g and that’s an easy 120g a day

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most of the protein minerals and vitamins are in the yellow from se egg.
you are retarded.

he didnt mention anything about vitamins and minerals fag
he just wants protein, the white is pure protein

Just be yourself :)

>can't afford chicken
What the fuck do you eat?

Legumes + chiken +eggs

lemme guess, such a retarded nigger tier subhuman can only be a mutt.

he mentioned he is a poorfag, poorfags also need iron vitamines and minerals.

holy fucking shit.
just kys.

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An entire rotisserie chicken costs like 15$ in leafbux, less in burgerland from what i've heard, just go OMAD