what mode is this and how to avoid it ?
What mode is this and how to avoid it ?
It's called pedophile mode.
You avoid it by not being a degenerate.
You avoid it by being a plebian or a homosexual
pedophiles look like that ?
Unironically consider suicide
garbage show mode, start by watching something that isn't fucking atrocious,
Also start squatting now.
Cute mode. Avoid by being male or at least not a trap.
Holy shit the delusion
Post your body now
Nice one
I hope my son wont turn like shit just like you user
Fucking lol
I'm on the bottom
this is some next level cringe, I hope you are just trolling
>seething hag on damage control
oy vey
You just have to do your Rubesty!
why ape escape though? im pretty sure i had the first one on ps1
this is some next level based, i hope you are being serious
>why ape escape
haha idk user
Wish I still had the version with the Lazy Town logo
returning to tradition is not degenerate
It was a simpler time
Quality bait, now shoo shoo kike
Actually its the trad redpill they're keeping from you, pic and post related wifing up used up slags that have a dozen bodies and can no longer pair bond properly leading to higher divorce rates is what the kikes want for you
How do I into Astolfo mode?
What are some good eating/working out combinations to achieve this?
arsenic and neck rope pulls
I don't think that's accurate my dude
no i am pretty sure it is see pic related
That's a meme made to mock incel straight dudes
unfortunately i couldnt find an astolfo one and cant be fucked making it so youll just have to imagine it