Woah,dude.So wacky!

Woah,dude.So wacky!

Attached: Jujimufu-1-640x544.png (640x544, 127K)

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sorry you dont like to combine fun and lifting, dyel.

This guys is 100 percent bisexual. Anyone who saw that video with him and omar at the end could tell. This dude fucks butt.

How am I supposed to have fun when this fuckface is on every single video?

Attached: DtG9n0oX4AE_EM4.jpg (1200x675, 126K)

yeah he doesnt even use gear what a loser

he single handedly got juji from 50k subs to now almost 1M, plus he makes the videos beautiful sometimes. what have you done with your life, why are you so angry. just sniff some amonia and be okay

>Woah,dude.So wacky!
>I'm having such a good time!
>You can have a good time too if you hit the Like button!
>I'm not stoned on anti-depressants, I'm stoned on life!

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

he was better when he didnt talk or appear on videos and just edited them

This soiboy looks like Lou Ferrigno's homosexual twink son.

He really is an annoying fag tho