
Welcome to /sleep/, in which we discuss the importance of a regular sleep schedule and means to achieve it.

Unironically, have you taken the /sleep/ pills already, Jow Forums?
I'm taking pic related and have been struggling to sleep the minimum 8h a day as I always wake up before that, at around 6h~7h of sleep, sometimes less than that.

Am I missing out on some of its benefits? How do I /sleepmaxx/?

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10mg is too big of a dose, you shouldn't really need any more than 1mg

Melatonin is for weak ass losers. Just get some sleep anpn. 7 hrs minimum. Gains are bigger when you get enough sleep.

Easy way to get started getting enough sleep:

1. Stay up as last as humanly possible (even up through the next day)
2. Struggle through the next day and don't nap
3. Go to bed at a time where you will get 8 hours of sleep
4. Congrats you will now have a normal sleep schedule

take me

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I hear 5htp works good with sleep, not sure how true. Also read to be careful if you're using amphetamines no matter if it's prescribed or recreational and 5htp together. Also the studies on cbd aiding sleep seem promising, even if it's just placebo.

My issue comes that I work overnights, get home around 8am, can't get to sleep until 10, then get stuck waking up unable to sleep at like 3pm then I just spend the day tired as fuck looking forward to my next sleep, only to have troubles sleeping. I don't even have any underlying mental issues explaining why I can't sleep. I haven't tried supplements yet. But. Eh.

If you do any research on melatonin you will see that higher dose doesnt equal stronger chance of working /effectivness. I would reccomend a 3 MG dissolvable under the tongue. Even 2g . 10 mg is a RETARD dose. I promise

>How do I /sleepmaxx/?

Go to bed on time
Don't look at phones / pc screens until the last minute
Install f.lux on your pc
Meditate before you go to bed
Read before you go to bed
Don't eat heavy stuff

Why do people think you need supplements for everything you do?

Not if you have a toxic attitude towards sleep where you try to milk each waking moment.

Yeah but people who aren't total neets don't feel like staying up two days in a row, especially through work faggot... And wasting your two days off a sleep deprived zombie just shouts mental illness. You forgot to post the step about being a total cringer

You're on Jow Forums, the only thing you're milking is your wrinkly balls.

Okay? Then don't get a proper amount of sleep, ruin your gains, and continue being exhausted. Work yourself to death buttchugger.

Sleeping is for the weak.


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My body produces melatonin natively

get melatonin in mouth spray form, spray again if you wake up in the middle of the night
black out every light possible, get black stickers to block out even the tiny lights from electronics
don't eat anything 3 hours before laying down especially sugar
no caffeine past 12pm
sleep In cool temp
laydown atleast 30min before your preferred sleep time
distance yourself from electronics that give out any type of frequency or radio, phones computers tablets etc

Melatonin is pretty based but mostly if you have trouble falling asleep, I used to lie awake in bed for hours no matter what I did before going to sleep. Now it's 20 minutes tops, usually faster.

I still wake up during the night sometimes, usually just to take a piss but there are nights when I wake up 3 or 4 times. Fall back asleep instantly so it's no big deal but to combat it I switched from taking 3mg melatonin at once some time before going to sleep, I take 3 1mg pills spread out, with the last one right as I turn the lights off. Seems to help.

Other than melatonin, make sure your bedroom is
>uniformly dark

If you have your PC or even something like a router in your room with LEDs turn it off/unplug it before going to bed. If your environment is super noisy, try earplugs - they take some getting used to but they were a lifesaver when I worked nights and went to sleep at 8 am.

thanks for the advice, bros
will get to it


I try to listen every day if I can but I've never looked into setting up a schedule

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Sleep hygiene is definitely important for me. Work schedule is totally fucking whack right now though, working mornings, then nights. Impossible to sleep right when I get home too, so I end up not being well rested for the next day. I absolutely fucking hate shift work.
Boomers working 9-5 have no idea what a luxury it is.

CVS vitamins like everything else in their store are way too much but they are usually always buy 1 get 1 free. I think buy 1 get 1 even at their ludicris prices is probably still better than most places.
Also, if the one you want only has 1 left, 1 of 2 things will happen
>theyll look for another one in the back
>give you the one they have at the price 1 would be if getting the deal (buy 1 get 1 = 50% off // buy 1 get 1 half = 25% off)
Disclaimer: I do work for CVS but they don't pay me to advertise here; I wish I could be on the CVS CIDF team and shitpost for money
1 more semester bros, we almost out this bitch.

Optimal dose is actually 0.3 mg.

unironically cuddling with a girl and having her fall asleep on your chest is how you /sleepmaxx/

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I got no problem getting to sleep but do you know what fucks it up? Fucken dry mouth. I often wake up with the dryest mouth and need to drink water. I went to the doctor just this week and he diagnosed me with ‘rhinitis’ and gave me a nasal spray.

Sort of wondering if I show just mew more and dry fast instead of using a steroid nasal spray everyday like he suggested

this guy sounds like a fucking loser, really cringe post

I've slept 5 hrs for the past 8 months and wanna die. Can't find any way at all to sleep.

I probably have had worse sleep patterns than most. I’ve tried everything. Everything. It’s under control somewhat now. I’ll lost my thoughts below:

Supplements don’t work long term. You grow a tolerance to them. Even melatonin. You’ll get a great nights sleep or two and then it goes to shit.

Supplements that do help: ZMA, L-tryptophan, melatonin. I like to take ZMA often and the others when I really need a good nights sleep.

Meds are shit. Mostly because of the side affects. Stay away

The best way to fix sleep is to do it the old fashioned way. Meditation and fixing the stress in your life. If you’re going through a rough time mentally/emotionally it’s going to linger while you’re in bed trying to sleep and will be waiting for you when you wake up way too early. It’s the fucking worst. And it takes hard work to fix it. Meaning you gotta take care of your mind and soul. Therapy if needed. Talk it out, meditate, clear your mind bros. Get rid of the toxic shit. And you will sleep like a baby guaranteed

Been on the melatonin + 5 htp train for a while. Don't take it every day because I don't want the effects to diminish, but it's helpful a couple times per week. Especially when I've had a heavy workout and want to make sure I knock out that night. I'm a light sleeper and have pets so this combo really helps.

When I take melatonin if feels like I sleep more lightly for some reason. Like I'm in a state of half sleep. Maybe that happens all the time and I just remember it when I take the melatonin, I don't know.

Like a retard I took 10mg of melatonin and had a bad reaction a long time ago. Got so itchy I was ripping off chest hair. Funny stuff looking back. Usually just take zzquil now for help.

I've been sleeping really nice while listing to come, the snakediet guy. His grating canuc voice is soothing.

Fuck me I need more sleep.

melatonin + 5htp + gaba
just trust me

Gonna try a new trick where I eat two cans of tuna before bed for protein instead of chugging a protein shake and see if that lets me sleep 8 hours straight instead of having to get up at 6~ to go pee. Anyone else tried something similar ?

Meditation is for faggots you need to learn to pray and have a relationship with God not mentally masturbate yourself with "ohms" and headshrink crap

What is?

I had been doing good for a week in bed before 9 sleep before 10 up at 5 but last night I blueballsed myself (nofap but relapsed on porn) before getting in bed and had that feeling of needing to piss and pain every 10 minutes. Probably didn't sleep until past noon just laying in bed enduring my horrible mistake. Hope I learned my lesson. Slept in today till 8. Awful.

Lmao when i was a storage hall worker i didnt sleep for 24h atleast once a week, you dont know what you are talking about

Phenibut sleep best sleep

Anyone in Canada want to redpill me on Udream. Other people have tried ripping off the formula exactly and it doesn't do anything. There must be Ambien or a derivative or something in in it because any time I take it I get knocked out, also it leaves a really metallic taste in my mouth.

>take melatonin
>Get stupid and horny

What's going on?

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>tfw finally fixed my sleep schedule
Vidya was the culprit

My doctor prescribed me benadryl. I can drink 2-3 cups of coffee before bed and knock out within 30 minutes of taking some.

>being a total cringer