Bulking is unironically harder than cutting, i'd even say that bulking is harder than lifting

bulking is unironically harder than cutting, i'd even say that bulking is harder than lifting.

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If by bulking you mean clean bulking with like a 200-300 calorie surplus then I agree.

I ate 24 eggs the other day. I dont even like eggs

This. Eating until you can't eat another bite or else you throw up is way harder. Feeling that shit coming up your throat as you're just about to finish a meal, but you gotta get the gains so you closer your throat so it can't come up, then having to lay down for the next hour because you feel sick; it's not at all comparable to cutting. Cutting is just "lol eat a little less and run if you want."
It's worth it for the gains though

cutting is easy if you are not a NEET

While I do think that eating when you're not hungry causes more discomfort than not eating when you are hungry, the main thing that is difficult about bulking is the same as it is for cutting: consistency.

how? how is it hard to eat? it must be a growing up thing but ive never gone above 17% bf in my life and coupd easily chow down 5k calories in one meal at 165lbs and still have to stop myself from finishing the dish

Yes, cutting is probably the easiest thing i ever did.
Just eat protein dense foods and drink carbonated drinks, you will feel like you're having a feast every meal and eating less than 1200 cals a day

eating a single egg a day is worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes every day

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lmao. im glad im not bulking while doing SS. just gonna eat at my tdee

so its like smoked 24 packs of cigarettes

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enjoy no gains

Would love to know what kind of meal you ate that's 5000kcal. When I'm cooking big meals with calorie dense ingredients I get to around 4000kcal and that's probably 4 1/2 to 5 lbs of food.

For me, unless I am very hungry, I simply cannot swallow food quickly without chewing properly so I take a long time to eat, this makes it boring and I have to force myself to eat despite feeling stuffed early on.

[citation fucking needed]

dumb weeb poster

I unironically want to look like this, and I am a male

By doing SS he wouldn't have any gains either way. Getting fat doesn't make you stronger or more muscular.

not interested in that yet. trying to build a foundation

pretty sure this guy is saying he doesnt like to eat eggs user. boost that social intelligence

I don't understand how some guys can't hack 3500 calories in clean food. I have to restrain myself to not stuff down that much as a minimum. To me cutting is an absolute nightmare.

dont settle for mediocrity

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No I think he's one of the many retarded and neurotic Americans who love to live in fear of food, this board is full of em

only for like 3 months. i trust this book

100% serious here.
I constantly browse fph and it has put something really messed up in my head. Some days I feel like a total skelly, which I am, and people always tell me to eat more. I am steadily gaining 1 pound every two weeks, and I know any more weight gained is just fat.
I am constantly afraid I am going to wake up super fat with a huge stomach and will never get it to go away, which is why I can't consistently eat more.
Just needed to get that out.

All these skinny cunts thinking eating is hard
Eating is fucking easy
Eat more calorie dense foods, and calorie dense liquids like shakes
Fucking soft bastards

I don't understand how people can eat 3000+ calories and not gain a ton of fat
I'm 190cm, work out 6 days a week, do daily cardio, and if i go one protein bar above ~2000 calories i fucking balloon and get a beer belly and mantits

Sucks bro. I have to eat a fair amount to bulk but to cut it's got to be around 1600. Doing IF now even though it's suboptimal just to take the edge off in the evening instead of being hungry literally all the time.

yeah, i cut on 800 calories a day lmao

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I swear to god I've probably be having a lot more than 2600 calories a day through clean bulking for several weeks but I'm stuck in the 70-72kg range. What do?

I go to the gym 4 times a week, swim twice a week and need to eat ~2600kcal to maintain my weight of 105lbs at 5'7".
Wish I could eat more without getting fat desu.

>brain damaged
Like clockwork. You truly are your one of goddesses' chosen

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stay mad pedo

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Pretty sure you’d be dead weighing 100lbs at 5’7 as a male

Stay dumb useless godess

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Cutting isn’t hard after the first couple weeks, I’ll give you that. But bulking is easy Faggot. Just eat more lmao.

The strength foundation would be a lot better if you actually got some strength to go along with it. You’ll just slowly cruise on noob gains.... until one day you’ll hit a wall. Bulk ffs, don’t think you have a better fitness plan than lifting coaches than have been lifting for twice as long as you’ve been alive.

Eat more

Yup. Lifting is fun to do. Cutting literally zero effort. Bulking is a fucking pain because you have to work towards it with multiple filling meals every day. But still, dumb to complain about it, it’s easier to just do it.

>fear of food

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Agree op, i have to stuff myself every day and still can only gain like 0,5-1 kg a month. Eating around 4000 kcal a day at 74 kg 183 cm