
Is there such thing as "too many eggs"?

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completely unironically, and no word of a lie as hard as it is to believe, every day of my life I literally do eat 24 hard boiled eggs. groups of 4 through the day. my erections are harder than ever, but most importantly my hair is getting thicker, I shit you not. I can play footy with twice the energy and passion now.

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You have to eat all the eggs

Time to start eating 50 eggs a day

I wish I liked the taste of eggs more. Would eat 36 daily.

5580 Kcal kek


Wouldn't hurt me

but why tho

someone post it


just clog my heart up

Any more than 6 a day is just retarded, I have 2 with each meal and 2 in my protein shake (tastes like shit but the gains are worth it). 6 eggs is the perfect amount

Also wtf is up with these gay ass captchas? Took me 10 minutes just to post this

I eat 5 eggs a day to get that 1g of Choline gains

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>6 eggs a day are the perfect amount because I eat 6 eggs a day

I'm still right though. Any more than 6 and you're asking for a fucked up heart, any less and you're probably skelly

I eat 2 eggs every 2-3 days. They're so tasteless now no matter how I cook them.

Its not about the taste bruh, its about the GAINS

What are the macros on eggs? I get mixed results looking online. Some places say 10+ grams of protein and other sources say only 4.5 grams. Wtf? Also some times it says 80+ calories per egg and some say 17. What do. I love eggs but I wanna track my shit and with all these random numbers I can’t get a good idea of what I’m eating.

different eggs weigh different amounts user

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Fuck off mom

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>source: bro, BRO, TRUST me, DUDE

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my uncle had a stroke after eating too many eggs in the morning. he now has hemiparesis

I ate 9 eggs last night & so far have shit 3 times in the past 3 hrs.

Imagine the smell

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No. I eat about 10-15 eggs a day and have done for about 12 years. It's a staple of my diet and one of the healthiest foods in existence.

The fact that this question even gets asked just shows her pernicious is the indoctrination from the big food and big pharma industries and their useful idiot vegans.

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depends what eggs

commercial eggs are shit tier and lowkey unhealthy

do eggs have any fiber? if you eat a bunch of eggs, your shits would be messy, I'd think.

That looks like a dude and I would unironically fuck that even if it was a dude.
Phoneposting is unironically better. Captchas are less (((complicated))) and you only have to go through it once, not select 34,000 fire hydrants.

48 eggs a day and you will be large
60, and you will be the size of a Boogie

Anything more than 2 large eggs a day is retarded and unnecessary.

Look to diversify your diet as much as possible and stop cutting corners, you retards.

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how do you u even eat so much eggs, its just noch possible.
wtf, 5 egg/day is totally fine.

are you my faggot flatmate?nigga if i catch you eating my eggs again i'll smack you

Sure, if you want to stay a weak, low T faggot you shouldn't be eating more than 3 eggs a week

Macros for per 100g?

Someone post the revenge eggs

Funny maymay