
Cruising on 500mg edition

Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read ALL OF the r/steroids wiki:

>Reddit link
yeah, fuck off

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

ABSOLUTELY no source talk.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.

Don't ask us to help you schedule your pinning dosages. Use steroidcalc.com/

If you're going to ask a beginner question, make sure to include:
- age
- bf%
- time spent training

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Other urls found in this thread:


did testicle got eternally btfo ?
how can he possibly recover ?

Please, let's not start this back up.

Testicle got BTFO by masTs humongous manhood. Since testicle got BTFO by masT giant penis, the tribe(/fraud/) has expelled testicle from the herd, and masT took the rightfool place of the alpha in the herd.

This topic pic triggers me

>tfw everyone calls her ugly
>tfw she looks like me

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IM A WINNER faggots!!! BOOOOMMMM!!!!

in for testify and his faggot hips

i dont wanna be that guy to tell you this but most people are ugly AF so there's 90% chance they are just as ugly as you or uglier

dont be depressed femcel.

I have everything ready for my first cycle.
Only one thing is not clear for me:
I have AI ready (aromasin) for taking during the cycle, but do I need to continue to take it after the cycle together with my PCT?

Only if you're experiencing gyno. It's really good to have on hand, when you're coming off. What's your stack?

12 weeks of test-e (400mg), nolva as pct and aromasin as AI
Also 10 days of anavar, I'll use it at the end to get rid of some bloat I think.

dont listen, its just salty testicle enablers who are pissed cuz the jew got btfo hard by based mast
shes a qt

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>t. Soiboy

Should be good - With a stack like that, I don't think you'll be experiencing a lot of gyno, but of course it's different from person to person. I had a similar stack, just using 500mg test-e/week, and I didn't seem to be needing the AI. I hope you don't either. All the best mate, hope it works out for you.

Thank you

MasT Why so you settle down with a gf like this? She is Not in your League you can Score way higher than that?

Srs question, pls nö Bully fren

Because it's obviously not true. I mean you could find it not attractive, since people have different preferences. But truly ugly is something else most people will agree with. It's obviously samefagging anons, trips and mike. These threads are dead within an hour if i don't post. I am used to this since i started to post here.

BUT if those people truly find her ugly. Then i challenge those people who call me out for a tinder challenge; both 3-4 pics from our gfs with the same settings etc. The one with the most matches wins. That's the only honest way to solve this issue. I don't play no fucking games with you incels.

Man the fuck up or get rekt like Mike with his ugly weasel gf

Why should i listen to your advice? I find her attractive so why should i listen to you.

Otherwise please show me how your gf looks.

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doing babby's fist test cycle soon and have a question about pinning. got a 1.5" needle which is, if I understand correctly, rather long. how deep do I put it in my vg?

>tfw married my hs sweetheart
>loved her more than I've ever loved anyone
>think she's beautiful
>have kids, a house, the whole 9
>shit goes south 7 years after marriage
>get a divorce
>everyone tells me I was out of her league
>never believed them
>start fucking tinder sloots
>most of them more attractive than >her
>I mog the dudes she dates super fucking hard
>suddenly realize I probably wouldn't have swiped right on her

How to deal with being horny the entire time?

You already fucked up by getting married

Show me pics from hs sweetheart and your face

Overdose on letro

Hotter chicks have better self esteem. She obviously has low self esteem if she puts up with him. For fucks sake she cuts herself. Hotter chicks would dump his ass as soon as he started roid raging, which is every single day, so that's why he settled for her since she's one of the very few chicks who are willing to put up with his shit.

why do people do this?
>deform their skull with blasting HGH
>never making it to the bigtime bb
>ending up a bitter balding asshole
>talking shit all the fucking time on a podcast

seriously, why?

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Who is this faggot??

Why does everyone dodge my challenges? I get criticized all the time, but at least i am man enough to not hide behind an anonymous name. You know about my face, dick, gf, cats, house and body.

Now let me see what you have in store. If you criticize me all the time, you obviously can do it better than me right?

gast wat triest

Thank god you fell for BnC meme and never used HCG and now are infertile.

b-b-b-but dave palumbo said blasting hmg and hcg can make you fertile again for sure. dave never told a lie in his life and didnt use ivf to get his kids that he never shuts the fuck up about. you're fine keep bnc you will never be infertile just hop on the miracle stack 10 years down the road and it will be a walk in the park to knock up your wife. just ask dave.

What is sad about that? Unironically you guys are the sad person in this matter by constantly hiding and thinking you have the right to criticize me while looking like an ugly dyel khv incel

So again. Who the fuck will face me? Who can do it better than me?


self esteem is set in stone at age 5
if it's low it always will be low

>random study says that fertility could be restored for some random AAS user
>this automatically means that this also applies to me

Mast have you checked your fertility?

in the US, no insurance, any way to get bloods done for cheap? or through the mail or something?

Why post shit that has no value? UNLIKE the other alpha males here i ACTUALLY have self esteem since i am not scared to post that i can do better than everyone else on this incel website

If not, then please provide me with the evidence. Don't come with your bullshit meaningless replies

>this automatically means that this also applies to me
Do you know how studies work? I have read a lot of studies about restoring fertility after being years on gear to conclude that if you were fertile before gear you can restore it on gear.

Have you seen how many bodybuilders have children these days? Even Bostin loyd got a kid and he runs more than everyone combined here


So does it generally takes 3 weeks to notice the effects of increased t? I thought you'd feel it straight away

You live in an apartment, you tool. You don't have a house and you're pushing 30, loser. You know who lives in apartments? College kids. Gtfo you boomer or neck yourself.

>UNLIKE the other alpha males here i ACTUALLY have self esteem since i am not scared to post

>I have such high self esteem I hang out on Jow Forums every day

And before your rebuttal - so do I...but only one of us denies he has low self esteem, deadshit.

Just because a scientific study says that fertility was restored for some AAS users, doesn’t automatically mean that it applies to you individually as well. And I’m asking you again. Have you tested your personal fertility?? Just because Bostyn Loyd got a kid doesn’t mean that a vast majority of other bodybuilders aren’t infertile. A lot of bodybuilders are infertile like Jay Cutler, Dorian Yates, Calum Von Moger etc.

This guy was saying dumb shit about self esteem so I had to correct the fucker because he's not keeping up with the literature

I think your body and gf look good

Whats the EU equivalent?


>Overdose on letro
I'll have to do this

>Whats the EU equivalent?
Just google it, it's not expensive and you can do it wherever you live

How about you stop swinging from his nuts and apologizing like a little bitch? His gf is a cutter, a classic and clear case of extreme low self-esteem. No ifs and buts about it.

So? It still looks better than yours. Why should i buy a house if i live by myself and my gf only comes over in the weekend. Plus no children etc. All the extra room for nothing.

College kids shouldn't even spend on Jow Forums in the first place fucking incel. Imagine spending time on Jow Forums during your teens lmfao

This doesn't do me much desu. More attachments less talk. Back to the drawing board

No i didn't. Why should i test it if i know it's fucked right now. I have to go on hcg + hmg for months. Dorian Yates has a son dumb ass. How do you know about the rest????

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dorian yates has a kid, jay cutlers wife has claimed she miscarried when they tried for kids, and calum von moger is a closeted homosexual

Imagine spending your time on Jow Forums when you're what 28 or 29? If your heart doesn't explode from all the roids by then I bet you will still be here when you're 40 talking about how you btfo testicle in an internet argument 10 years ago. Loser lol.

Fuck you Calum is based and redpilled

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>Imagine spending time on Jow Forums during your teens
Y-Y-Yeah user great joke haha y-you too

I remember back when we used to just talk about putting illegal compounds in our bodies, and only shitposting every once in a while. When did we reverse this?

>it's not expensive
How much is that

HAHAHAHA dude are you really in your teens?? YIKES go outside and explore shit in your life fucking incel. When i was your age i was doing drugs, fucking woman and spending time outside with friends. Fucking basement dweller. Seriously these guys lmao.

If you are my age you have to work full-time and you don't have time for that bullshit anymore. I am happy i can just do nothing right now and bully some nerds on the internet after busy week. Currently waiting until my ugly is done with working so we can have ugly people sex

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If you're living in the EU, expect the equivalent of 100 usd or so. You could also just go to your doctor, be honest about using steroids, and that you're worried about your levels; then it won't cost you a dime.

>You could also just go to your doctor, be honest about using steroids, and that you're worried about your levels; then it won't cost you a dime.
Except my healthcare (Netherlands) won't cover it and I have to pay out of my own pocket.

>Tfw get literally any blood tests done for 25 euro


>*coughs up phlegm* "Back in yester year I was fucking all these wimins but now I'm an old yeller. Knees weak from old age and I can't stand up. Roids killed my dick and I can't get it up." You're a sad joke, boomer.

Ah shit mate, that sucks

Absolutely. I decided to just wing it and keep an eye on any high/low est symptoms.

>Currently waiting until my ugly is done with working so we can have ugly people sex
my sides

Lol you guys know me, I am straight to the point. I am upfront with you guys. I told you everything and you have seen anything. There is nothing i am ashamed of. Yes i have no friends anymore and i abandoned my family i don't give a fuck. Secrets are for betas.

I am not hiding, i am not samefagging. I am here.

You're an allright based boomer. I was just baiting lol.

Fucking BOOMER

You always post the same fucking picture of your little 650 square foot apartment, no one here is actually impressed by this.

> don’t have time for that bullshit anymore
> posts all day on an image board

your life is progressing nicely, incel

masT got annihilated by this

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Do gains disapperooni after a cycle or do they stay or what

>has no time for friends or family
>has time to argue with a random stranger he has never met before in his life in order to prove himself 'superior' over a bunch of Vietnamese rice cooking forum users

absolute STATE of masT

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Is this why your girlfriend is so depressed?

Began a blast around 10 months ago, started cruising in February. Noticed in the past couple weeks my balls have all but disappeared. This is normal, yes?

> have son with mental disorders
> comes home from school every day because the kids made fun of him again
> put him on steroids to help with his confidence
> kid turns from a vegetable into a raging looksmaxxing autist
> starts telling dad to pull out cock, post living room, post face, and post pics of him fucking his mom
> dad kicks son out at 18 and ceases communication with son
> life has been good ever since


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oh mike you are a bastard

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The samefagging is very obvious in this thread. Can we just discuss steroids?

no fuck off

> don’t have time for that bullshit

You post in the discord and on this website all day man. You waste your own time

this is one of people samefagging fucking kek

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You samefaggers know you can see the amount of posters that post in the thread right? LMAO

Which is still better than yours. So you are impressed.

>If you are my age you have to work full-time and you don't have time for that bullshit anymore AS REFERENCE WHAT I MENTIONED BEFORE
>I am happy i can just do nothing right now and bully some nerds on the internet after busy week.
LIKE HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO READ it's just amazing Mike lmfao

READING COMPREHENSION MIKE. Not only did the homeschool NOT TEACH you how to interact with people, but you also don't EVEN know your abc's

I am baffled you have the fucking balls to show your ugly jew face here again after fucking obliterated you so hard you are even afraid to post under your own name now.

Either way i am off now, good look with the samefagging MIke. It's probably the only attention you get

God my wife Akko is so cute and dumb

kys crucy

3 years bnc rate my results

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Why is mast mad in every post he makes? Does he look at his animal girlfriend and then post?

> being this paranoid one single guy is responding to you

You are equally hated among anons until your cocksucking trips from the discord come to stick up for you.

predator vs prey

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masts nose is fucking huge

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no it isnt, i just hit him up and he didnt respond

i have changed my mind about cycling if this is what it turns you into

> good look with the same fagging
> good look
> look
> reading comprehension and basic grammar
> dutch retard trying to speak english correctly


>fell for the equipoise meme
help me

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add tren and it will kill your appetite

Same, got fat eating 5k calories a day lmao. Now I’m doing a mini cut mid cycle.

a lot of people have ignored this post but 100% this. if you've ever seen a post of how masT treats his gf you just know that any girl with any kind of self esteem would have left his ass a long time ago. he tells her to get plastic surgery, plays mind games with her like he's 16, tells her she's replaceable at any time, goes through her shit, gets jealous about her instagram...

it's really no surprise she cuts herself

pinches her fat and tells her shes fat lmao

no wonder why she is ageing so fast. his mental abuse and obsession with physical appearance is a way one street into depression for himself or anyone else who is involved with his life.

look at all the looksmaxing bullshit he posts here and imagine how fucking obnoxious he is about this shit with her in real life. it's honestly a miracle she hasn't offed herself yet

Hey Cyb, you flaming homosexual. Post body. Here's me dressed as a gay redneck.

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I think she has tried to by cutting but I am sure mast is there to tell her plastic surgery is her way out. I can’t even imagine living with an autist like that. Inb4 she kills him in his sleep

mast ur gay

unironically this

What is the typical babby stack and cycle and what can i expect from it?

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read the op, retard