You have to have a hard dick the entire time, I have a big dick compared to my body so the blood flow in the penis is not as much, So the dick doesn't stay hard.
I think you have to do >cardio to build stamina to last longer and increase blood flow >kaggles to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
How do I go on about that? I believed you faggots and perma bulked by PPL without ever isolating arms or abs. And I never did cardio. Now I am just a bloatloard who just looks fat.
I take ashwagandha because it's nice and cheap. Don't suggest me any meme pills,
tl;dr suggest me some nice running and kaggle program. I don't have any formal program to stick to
what do you mean? you go soft after a few minutes or you are soft most of the time and only get fully erect for brief moments?
Carter Watson
You don’t. Learn to play the cards you’ve been dealt.
Austin Martinez
If you wanna get better at sex, then have more sex.
Henry Morgan
yet another incel thread ? i want to leave, you all need to have sex
Jacob Rivera
Make sure your test levels are fine you bloated faggot . >be me >300 test levels at fucking 18 despite playing sports all my life >Some below average cunt in my class is obsessed me about me but i literally couldn t get a hard on for her twice, whole school thought i m a faggot after . >19 now >taking 'trt' >get a hard on after watching my dog take a shit >fuck the shit out of his poop >cum twice and still have a boner >rape everychick in sight Check your test levels anons , jews inject estrogen in everything turning us all into basedboys
Brandon Carter
Stupid fucking thread.
Cardio three times a week + sildenifil citrate 5mg 30 minutes before Showtime. It's that simple.
Tyler Cox
regular cardio and avoid porn
>the more relaxed your body the better >fucking on your side is probably the most relaxed you can get, use this position to recuperate whenever you’re getting close to finishing >if she has a hard time cumming just choke her a bit, normally works
Landon Butler
Do more direct ab work fuck anyone that says squats and deads are enough
Also use a deathgrip and edge for as long as you can when fapping
Austin Kelly
>Not knowing how to channel your inner caveman to draw out the sexual energy that sustained existence of your entire bloodline for millennia an opting for self-help bullshit and making it purely mental NGMI
Make your lives easier gentlemen, get the big dick you always wanted
Samuel Cruz
jelqing, ULIs, clamping, pumps
Zachary Clark
Which exercises make me better at raping? I guess I should focus on my triceps and core. Any other tips?
Christian Johnson
My dick is the perfect size, but I can't last long so I have to slow down and sometimes take it out and hold my breath to not cum. How do I improve? I have regular sex and don't masturbate, I also practice semen retention.
Austin James
seek help
Mason Howard
Advice for lads with a bent penis Put your girl on the side, one leg under you, one on you (should look like missionary on the side). Do it on the side on which your bent dick points down. Bend her waist so that you can stimulate her gspot
Drives them insane.
Hunter Hall
Like help from a professional rapist to get better?
Gabriel Hughes
>professional rapist preferrably a therapist
Nathaniel Thompson
Adam Harris
OP, both
Leo Johnson
What in cardio? I prefer running. Sprint or long ? How long ?
James Hill
the universal advice is always KEGELS, a strong pelic floor is a godsend for everything dick related. start right the fuck now
Daniel Lopez
Chase Butler
You called??
Christian Evans
My dick is big but big dick is useless if you can't keep it hard, it'd feel like a wet rope fucking her. FUCK
Aiden Miller
How do I perfect my raping technique?
Daniel Brooks
how do I lose the fat around my dick area so I can make some length gains
How can I remove the hair around my butt easily and effortlessly?
Tyler Lee
Wyatt Carter
L arginine made my heart rate go up by like 20-40 bpm Took me a while to realize that while working out...
Jonathan Cook
>What cardio? Any >Sprint or long Do what you can physically do (proper form, lesser fatigue, etc) >How long How long as you can
Dominic Murphy
You lose weight
Carter Perez
Dick is sad and small lately. Help.
Christian Butler
im gonna give you the best advice anyone on this board is ever gonna give you if you want to maintain good use of your dick through out the majority of your life (maybe even until you're dead)....
Whole foods Plant based.
Kayden Butler
Dw senpai long time rapist here firstly you have to decide what type of rape you prefer for me it's the barely conscious that I prefer to rape. You may prefer the kicking and screaming fighter or the weak willed who go along out of fear. The key is to put yourself in situations that will lead to finding your preferred victims until you get a lot of experience I suggest you start at night clubs. You can find all three types there easily sloppy drunks girls who came with a group of friends or even chicks that came with their bfs will work and night clubs have loud music and flashing lights to distract others from what you're doing. Note that the more fight your victim has the more likely you are to be caught so be careful. I'm in it for the long game even got me a drunk all the time qtpie gf I rape about twice a week. Sometimes she's not as drunk and puts up a little resistance but you gotta just muscle through it girls love to be fucked and usually once the rape is done you can convince them it's all good sometimes you'll have to immediately do it again for them to get that it's all good. Never give up and if she threatens to tell on you rape her again repeatedly. It's natural for women to form a psychological bond with whoever's dick is inside them and strong willed women may need repeated rapings to bond with you.
Cooper Gutierrez
> What Cardio?
In this order: HIIT - Swimming, Inclined walking +farmwalks, cycling and when you aren't shit at walking anymore you go running.
Don't run 3 km straight off the bat unless you want to fuck up your knees, buuld it up slowly. From 2 mins running 20 sec walking intervals 2x 3km week to 3km in
Jace Bailey
Dick don't stay hard. Probably too much porn/stress over staying hard/not actually attracted to person you banging/poor cardio. Bester boners I ever had without cialis were when I had a massive gas tank.
William Flores
Nobody fucks full force constantly and last forever. If you do, then you cant cum, and thats even worse. Pulling out and resting is just fine. Just finger her while you rest so you keep the engine running.
Dominic Carter
>whole foods Means nothing, literally whether something grows off a tree in the wild or is made in a lab if they're the same thing they're the same fucking thing >plant based Good evidence for this piece of advice, but the main reason for that is that it promotes cardiovascular health which is what keeps your dick working best
Nathaniel Sullivan
this whole thread is sad
Carson Parker
I'm perfectly fine health wise but want to try Cialis or a similar. Should I make up a BS story about ED or just tell the doctor straightforward that I want to use it recreationally? Can he even refuse, considering it is classified as "lifestyle" medication anyway? (I'm in Germany)
Jordan Robinson
I don't supplement anything but I never have trouble staying hard. The key is to just stay with one woman you really care about and the bond between you two will make you hard. Red meat and eggs will help too (zinc and cholesterol are important). Stamina will come with experience
Zachary Carter
Nope, you need to invent stuff. Chances are he's prescribing you sildenafil though.
William Lopez
>tfw death grip syndrome
Jacob Turner
Probably the best answer I've seen in a long time. Can support this claim.
Kevin Reyes
Is it possible for sex to feel good if my penis is 4.5 x 4"? I get literally no pleasure from sex and always have to get finished off by hand.
Connor Hall
only 5mg? That's nothing
Xavier Cooper
My dick progressively got thicker and longer the more I worked out and the more sex I had. Went 6 years without having regular sex, as soon as I started having it daily again my dick got huge Might have helped that I don't look at porn anymore
David Sanchez
I'm already doing Judo so I got that covered That's some solid advice but are you saying I should rape them inside the night club? Are you sure that works? Like force them into the toilet or a dark corner or what?
Zachary Morales
Start taking cittruline
Ryder Brown
I do not reccomend doing it in the club that's just where you find the girls. Best bet is to take them with you to a secondary location and if you don't plan on grooming her drop her off somewhere else when you're done. I often dogsit for neighbors and use their homes.
>always cum in 2 minutes tops the first time >wait a few minutes >continue fucking my gf until she has an orgasm never fails desu, and she loves it
Caleb Barnes
Same here unless I masturbate during the day before the sex. However when I don't masturbate and I just have a fast cum in my girl I'm not as hard during the second go though I usually don't wait more than 30 seconds should I wait longer?
Ethan Morales
Thanks, senpai, that's brilliant. Any specific tips for grooming or is that just abusing the right girl at the right time?
Brandon Green
Ian Roberts
>leddit invented spacing off yourself
Mason Gray
Stop deathgripping to porn
Jonathan Ramirez
Right girl right time will make things easier. Girls with family relationship issues or ones who've been abused are easiest and are usually pretty easy to spot people who are happy with life don't drink themselves to the point of blackouts or drug themsleves into a stupor but ultimately it boils down to the same things that keep a gf interested in you play the hot and cold game but the extremes of that hot and cold are greater. You might consider studying the Muslim grooming gangs in the UK they get these girls to get abused and then even go to jail to protect their abusers. UK legal system might make that easier though. I read an article about a 30ish yo Paki guy was raping this 14 yo daily and beating her with a truncheon the cops got called and he told her to put the truncheon in her purse she did it and got arrested so he didn't have to. She claimed the cops came in while he was inside her or at least in bed with her both naked iirc
Samuel Hughes
Only had sex three times in my life. Third time was the only time I came, it was through great effort on her side however. IDK wtf happens, but it's like my mind has me thinking of literally anything but the at-the-moment sex. I just have a hard time believing she is enjoying it while I myself have a hard time seeing an IRL woman as a sexual being at all. I'm not gay at all, what do Jow Forums?
Ryan Lewis
Pushing exercises and grip strength primarily
Ethan Bennett
stop watching porn and have more sex, I needed a couple of times before I fell into the groove
Alexander Reyes
>stop watching porn well sure, not impossible >have more sex hahahaha yeaah right. I'm a fatfuck (5'8", 190lb), those three times sex were either pure luck at festivals or paying for it (unironically the one that made me cum). Sexual health aside though, I'm sorta losing weight in hopes that someone other than myself will love me one day. sorry for blogposting.
Oliver Russell
>Open OP pic on phone >instant boner >look closely >realize that she has long hair in a bun, not short hair >boner lost
Camden Morgan
if you don't have a steady sexual partner then why do you even care? It's probably just anxiety and not being used to sex, since you mostly achieved climax through masturbation in your life. If you get a gf I'm pretty sure the problem will fix itself naturally after having sex 5-10 times
That's a hilarious series of events. Thanks for sharing.
William King
Once you find a regular sex partner (which you will, eventually) you'll find it gets easier to cum with her. You're always going to be nervous and anxious with a new partner, but once you've gotten comfortable together it'll get easier for both of you to orgasm. The only advice I can really give is to just relax with her and have fun. Sex isn't SRS BIZNIS, it's about having fun and sharing something intimate, so chill out and enjoy yourself.
Christian Butler
I don't think it has much to do with cardio... I noticed that can stay erect with no problems but I only get fully erect for a few minutes at a time. For me it has more to do with attention, if I am focused entirely on her and how good she is feeling talking dirty shit like that, I get really hard. If I focus on other shit, like whether or not I'm being awkward, or I just don't feel comfortable around her I can only get half mast. But I have a very desensitized dick and can't feel anything besides when I am hitting the end of her vagina, so sex is almost entirely mental to me
Nicholas Flores
Does this work? My gf lets me finish on her face when I'm feeling froggy and I'd love to just plaster her sometime
Julian Mitchell
but my dick is bent upwards so I do missionary with her butt on a pillow or regular cowgirl
Thomas Bennett
Give me a program I can fucking follow what X what? Nigger faggot read OP
Colton Collins
Any shit with her facing you
Bentley Long
do some research on that, there are different muscles in the pelvic floor: PC muscle and BC muscle PC is good for stopping preventing ejaculation strong BC makes harder boners, stronger orgasms and drives you to cum faster I was doing mad kegels, I could hold a hard kegel for over two minutes and I was cumming faster and faster, and kegeling during sex to try to prevent it but it would just make me cum immediately I did some research and learned I have to work on reverse kegels more and focus on finding the PC muscle which is deeper in and closer to the tailbone I found some links on it
Joshua Taylor
Post links
Ryder King
I can't make my gf cum from fucking her, I can make her come from oral or fingering her but not with my dick. Which I heard is rare in women anyway.. any tips? I last a decent amount of time but it sometimes varies. I wonder if it's due to her getting dry during sex with a condom.
basically do missionary or cowgirl and let her rub her clit on you
Noah Butler
the rapist?
Austin Morales
full force grip her throat until it turns blue. if she passes out thats good, it means she cummed. then u can fuck her more without worrying about her pleasure
Hudson Anderson
>fuck the shit out of his poop
oh god i’m too tired i laughed hard
Jace Wood
bent upwards is superior
Nathan Lee
>get it More like have it
Jace Lewis
>want more than a 6.5 inch long dick max
enjoy never having rough sex again for the rest of your lives enjoy never being able to go balls deep in 95% of women no idea what the fuck people have with this big dick craze
>actually have decent sized penis (7x5) >however, 27 year old khv incel from a combo of being ugly and being a social retard >once i hit around 21 or so, was so humiliated over being a virgin that i don't even try to get sex because i would have no clue what i was doing >have never even asked a girl out in my entire life or even thought about making a dating app profile >know that if i ever miraculously did get into a sexual situation, i would either make excuses to escape or humiliate myself by not knowing how to do even the most basic sexual positions, cumming in 2 seconds or in my pants, etc >realize i'm going to commit suicide as a kissless virgin
how to overcome this, Jow Forums?
Daniel Thomas
>every girl I fuck is into being submissive >wants to be pushed around, choked, fucked hard >go through the motions because they love it >in reality i just want a a loving gf to tease, dominate me, make me lick her pussy and suck her toes with nothing in return but being called a good little desperate boy
honestly jerking off to femdom audio is 200x better than sex at this point
Read one of those Visual Novels where the ugly bastard with a big dick mindbreaks every girl that humiliates him.
Ryan Gray
Thread on page 1 and none of you faggots gave real running or kaggle program, there are anons LARPing as rapists here. What the fuck Jow Forums is it summer already
Grayson Turner
I just found out that nofap is fucking retarded but noporn is a godsend >Horny as fuck in the evening after Ive done my workout, cooked, ate and have everything done >Get horny as fuck thinking about my petite uni classmate and how I would fuck her in at least 5 different positions >Be done quick enough, clean up and continue my day Meanwhile >Not even horny >Look up porn out of habit >Start edging while browsing porn and trying to choose the best one >Keep going for 30 minutes until I get tired and say fuck it >Too mentally and physically drained to do literally anything else porn really is a poison