How the fuck do I get rid of the dark circles under my fucking eyes? I already sleep 7-8 hours every single night but still to no avail. Am I doomed?
How the fuck do I get rid of the dark circles under my fucking eyes...
>smile more
Its the only way.
When you smile you get positive energy sent to your eyes.
When you're sad you get negative energy sent to your eyes.
If you've always had them, it could be a genetic thing and you should see a dermatologist. If you're only just now getting them, you aren't actually getting enough sleep. How long have you been consistently getting 7-8 hours? Going to sleep and getting up at the same time every day is more important than how much you sleep for the most part.
Bump coz I have that shit too
Don't be born jewish and you won't have "sleepy eyes."
vitamin c and or vitamin k eye cream if it's not genetic. check your diet and allergens too
not going to lie, I use make-up to conceal it. It works great if you find the color that matches your skin color
it's because you sleep with your fucking mouth open at night
R u a man
Not sleeping 9 hours a day, ngmi