How the fuck do I get rid of the dark circles under my fucking eyes...

How the fuck do I get rid of the dark circles under my fucking eyes? I already sleep 7-8 hours every single night but still to no avail. Am I doomed?

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (640x360, 33K)

>smile more

Its the only way.
When you smile you get positive energy sent to your eyes.
When you're sad you get negative energy sent to your eyes.

Attached: dscxcx.png (1000x1200, 676K)

If you've always had them, it could be a genetic thing and you should see a dermatologist. If you're only just now getting them, you aren't actually getting enough sleep. How long have you been consistently getting 7-8 hours? Going to sleep and getting up at the same time every day is more important than how much you sleep for the most part.

Bump coz I have that shit too

Don't be born jewish and you won't have "sleepy eyes."

vitamin c and or vitamin k eye cream if it's not genetic. check your diet and allergens too

not going to lie, I use make-up to conceal it. It works great if you find the color that matches your skin color

Attached: Brand-New-Cover-Up-Skin-Concealer-Cream-Hide-Blemish-Face-Waterproof-Nature-Facial-Contouring-Tube-M (640x640, 80K)

it's because you sleep with your fucking mouth open at night

R u a man

Not sleeping 9 hours a day, ngmi