Let's get in the squat rack Jow Forums

Let's get in the squat rack Jow Forums
How do you squat: ATG or parallel? Wide legs or narrow? Bar position? #?
Why aren't you squatting ATG, dumb-dumb?

>high bar
>was injured, sub-100kg squat

Attached: photobender_2.jpg (720x720, 122K)

High bar parallel because I'm a lanklet

ATG, Medium stance, high bar.
Pic related is me

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-193240_Video Player.jpg (2220x1080, 1.15M)

post glutes!

No thanks I'm not gay

that's hot

someone please help planet fitness fag here and all they have are smith machines. is it safe to squat on smith machines? any advantages or disadvantages to squatting heavy on smith machines? snap city?

Fairly below parallel but not quite ATG
A bit past shoulder width
Low bar and front
250lbs 5RM back squat, 185lbs 3RM front squat

Foot position looks a bit uncomfortable, have you tried a more narrow stance?

not for honor,but for gloots

Not for honor but for gloots

>shoulder width
>low bar
>I'm afraid of fucking up my knees

Redpill me on ATG


Oh and forgot 110kg for reps(I don't know my 1rm)


God bless

Not for honor, but for gloots!

Yea, but then I cant go as deep. Honestly this position is not uncomfortable at all. Never got any pain from it. And I'm gaining good. Still a dyel tho (225lb 1rm)


Parallel squat, high bar, wider stance.

Narrow, highbar, oly shoes
Trying not to build the glutes, you feel me?

Not for honor but for gloots

Not for honor,
But for Gloots

if that's all they have, then switch gyms
you will have a limited ROM using the machine and that will limit activation of muscle groups
also yeah, snap city. you can't just let the bar fall behind you if it's soldered

Not for honor but for gloots

>higher ROM because you squat deeper
>harder due to having to bring up the weight from lower down
>more "advanced"
>makes me happy :)

i say advanced cause there's less time under tension if you squat all the way into a slav squat. squatting all the way while being under tension is ideal but a bit harder to do.