Which is more attractive to women?

Which is more attractive to women?

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another incel thread

before roids, obviously

>caring about what is attractive to women
not gonna make it

He looks miserable in the after photos

it depends on the woman. Generally speaking on average? the former

I'd rather be the roided up guy. Fuck mediocrity.

>before roids: untrained chad
>after roids: gymaxxed incel

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He looks like shit in the after pose because he's doing a weird pose while flexing with a pump. The difference between the top and the bottom is that nobody would be able to tell he lifted with a shirt on in the top. When he's relaxed and wearing a T shirt, he probably looks great.
Also this

His face hasn't changed that much so probably equal.

Top vs bottom is literally chad vs gymcel

damn he was perfect top middle

>I'd rather be the roided up guy. Fuck mediocrity.

Dunno about that. In the second set of pics he looks like no more than any dime a dozen gymcels.

First set is maxing aesthetics to a higher level than the second is for mass or size (still shit compare to a pro bber)

Also the hair, also went from great to some common pleb shit.

TL:DR roids are fucking retarded

top looks great
bottom looks like trash

bottom looks better and more alpha and more intimidating

It's the hair and the fact that he looks like a constipated retard in that pose

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Honestly even the before is excessively gymceled

Fit claims another victim.

Before roids but involves a lot more dedication to your exercise plan and diet. It took me a while to realize MOST girls aren’t into roids users as I go to a gym in south Florida that is an epicenter for the shit. Roids users still get girls but from observation they tend to be more manly themselves.

In general though most people though 95% of bigger bulkier guys are manlets. At only 6’2” I rarely ever see anyone taller than me no exaggeration.

>caring what women think

From twink to a monster. Noice

This is why you don't train traps.

Hell, if there's one big advantage to staying natty, it's that you have more freedom to choose which muscles to grow, whereas gear will grow your traps without even training them with few exceptions(anavar, other cutting agents, etc)

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this, lots of frat guys will look like top row but just because they half ass it in the gym and kitchen and cruise on enough test for it not to matter. They are pinning to keep up appearances, this is the cost on males of instagram culture.

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im natty but look like a smaller version of roided guy, i would look deformed if went /fraud

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this is mei have traps and neck genetics and having massive traps a d a 17 inch neck with my frame makes me look round instead of wide any way to fix this ? im broad from the back but from the front im all neck delts and traps, good thing, its been years since i dont have a headache and i can take hits in the head no problem

Before but do whatever the fuck makes you happy

his legs look like shit in the after

really hard to read what you wrote but just know you look great and you should feel great too

you look like you weigh 130lbs

are you slavic? i'd put money that you're russian or something

yes im slavic how u know, im 176 lbs

before roids, but who cares about women