Personal Copes

How can I cope with the fact that I will never get the chest I want thanks to my genetics? I don't have square pecs or even connecting ones. Mine will never look good even if I do get them big.

Thanks genetics

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you get over it and do your best anyways

Do you want tits? That's gay.

Just get big

You can cope by using gear

feels bad man. Still gonna get huge but disappointed because I kind of idolize that type of body. I guess that's body dismorphia?

unironically yes. big juicy muscle tits are the best looking part of a guy's body.

i am a faggot so it checks out

considering it when I lose the last of my excess fat.

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i think if you are focusing that much on a single detail like that you are mentally ill and you should see a doctor.

Same, I think my chest looks alright from the front (when I'm keeping it up) but people here tell me it looks weird from the side. I'm not sure why, perhaps I have pectus excavatum.

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bro your chest looks way better than mine, you've got those square insertions, even if they don't meet. Mine curve outwards in the middle.

>unapologetic faggot
what's the point of having good genes if you're not going to pass them on anyway

why do you care about not having aesthetically optimal pecs when you don't care about not having a functionally working receiving sex organ

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