I'm on t-blockers and estrogen. What exercises can I do for maximum feminization gains?

I'm on t-blockers and estrogen. What exercises can I do for maximum feminization gains?

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neck hangs

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I honestly feel bad for you user, i hope you find peace in this life.

SS + Gomad

kill yourself

Just kill yourself in advance
Livestream it when you do

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Bret Contreras' Strong Curves program (best program for women, especially booty gains)

Probably better off doing the absolute bare minimum, muscle wise. Do what most grills do at the gym which is just not eating + cardio + any butt lifts. Don't do any upper body at all desu

Look senpai. Just do the world a favor and suck alot of dick.
Like, aggressively suck dicks.
Find the one guy who's always in the gym alone and just suck his dick.
It'll be the only usefull thing you do before you commit suicide.

lower body ONLY

Do you discord trannies have any idea how badly you are shifting rhetoric to the right? It's extreme. So many people who would've been neutral or supportive saw what you post here and now they hate you bitterly.

based and , dare I say, redpilled

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I do not give a fuck about other trans people are what dummies think about trans people. I just want a nice ass.

>I do not give a fuck about other trans people are what dummies think about trans people.
peak trannybrain

why would posts like this make people hate trannies? It's not like this post is even mildly annoying for anyone who isn't already obsessed with trannies.

You should probably just go hide your disgusting body in your room and talk to your friends on discord.



Hey, you go ahead and find out how people like it when you rub things in their faces 24/7. I won't stop you. Hell, it was my monthly act of charity just to point it out

This website is literally obsessed with transexuals and brings them up in every single thread no matter what. 1% of that time it's brought up by an actual trans. I cannot understand why they are so obsessed.

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Repent and call on the name of Christ