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Fitness #512
I encourage you all to lift seriously
I'm a bit overweight and want to get in shape
I like to drink a coke zero once per week, is this gonna harm me?
Looksmaxers BTFO
Started using sauna after swimming everyday...
Redpill me on yoga. Is it really that good for posture?
How do i get BIG like this? Not shredded, not aesthetic, not dyel fat
Carbs are good
Ssri medication and muscle loss
All you need is:
What do you mean...
Take the fast food OMAD pill
How do I achieve Garou Mode?
Never take a rest day again
Nurse, $75k a year
Am 6'1 and 138lbs
Fucking roastie keeps singing on the treadmill. I’ve seen her several times now. I told her to stop singing...
Excuse me sir, your Varbiebot is malfunctioning. She's been throwing donuts at the fatties on the treadmills all day
If stretch really is a meme then why did people do it for so long?
Who do you lift for?
Okay Jow Forums we can laugh at this tall kid but let's be a positive force
Minimalist RPT training
Anyone else bulking through summer?
I'm putting together a team
Why does he hate running?
Is jerking off part of the cause towards depression?
Dark circles
Best Protein Powder?
I'm finally back on nofap and I deleted all the porn from my pc. When will the benefits start to appear?
Fell for the squat meme
Save him
He is not drinking four of these a day
If you could only take one supplument for the rest of your life, what would it be ?
Mire thread
Hello i would like to share my pictures :^v
Carbs are bad
Missed meal
How do I get rid of dark circles and eye bags I'd have great hunter eyes without them
Is a vegan diet the key to a perfect body? I want to look like lily collins. pic related
That was a good workout brah
What kind of music do guys who look like this listen to?
Buying 50 kilo of weights tomorrow
I am fucking done with you faggot ass shits telling everyone to avoid the sun because "it'll age you"...
Hight T-thread
So here's my predicament
/plg/ powerlifting general
You came to get revenge, Tank-Top Vegetarian?
Puffy nipples
Aye white boy! Tell me your biggest Jow Forumsness inspiration right fucking now before I pop a cap in yo ass!
Social Gains
Is the soy thing a meme ?
Lets see those RHRs lads. You arent heartlets, are you?
Have I made it?
Are there anyways to temporarily increase your stamina
/CBT/ still cutting for summer edition
How do i get a face like this ?
What are you afraid of, user? Go ahead and hop on!
Tfw missed out on easy gains and fast recovery by working out as a teenager
Can a 6 x 5.25 penis please a woman?
Besides heavy chinups and curls what else do I need to do to get arms like this?
Tfw no gf
Is a foam roller actually needed?
Sup lads. Just stepped in the building with my back looking like an upside down triangle...
Does a couple beers with dinner really fuck up your gains?
How is my ass fat yet my legs - small?
How often have you had to replace your wardrobe since you've stated working out?
Prove your an old fag
7"+ Big Dick user Thread?
Daily reminder there's no gym for your face...
Whats your favorite lifting shirt? Pic related
Lookism is incredibly unhealthy, fosters mental illnesses, and is counterproductive
Okay fit I have a Skelly co-worker and he wants to try GOMAD but with pic related...
You guys told me at 5'10 1/2 I had to be 220 to look good
Is it gonna be Jow Forums kino?
Ben johnson with this body benched 440 lbs some days before he ran a 9.79(world record) 100 meters dash
Imagine working this hard and still looking like shit
Life Isn't Fair
What lifts will help you in a fight?
Does Jow Forums still venerate Zyzz or is it pure summer in here?
I may be getting uglier overall but at least my hair is better than ever
Around what body fat percentage would you guess I am
What's the tastiest protein powder you tasted?
Why yes I am a scrawny dyel twig who never touched a weight in his life that you could take in a fight any day...
How is your weekend so far, Jow Forums? You did go to the gym today, right?
Hook grip
A 225 lbs bent over row equals a 225 lbs bench ?
Who mogged who here?
How do I obtain this look
Women just want a guy who has his shit together
Fellow white athletes, how do you cope with your genetic inferiority?
How big do you need to be to intimidate normies?
got drunk last night
/fat/ -Lonely Road Edition 29
My perro is going to take a caca
Eat 500cals a day
Stop watching porn
I bet you faggots drink your protein with milk or some other gay shit
What's the best oil to cook with?
Day 5 of fast and I have lost all hunger for food. I have lost more weight in 5 days than 3 weeks of normal dieting...
Jow Forums open mic night
You need to lift to look g-
Does hard work always pay off?
Im 6'7", and tell people I'm 6'3" whenever manlets (6' and under) are around
ITT: post your krpytonite
What do we do about the lookism incel defeatist problem?
I'm a skeleton trying to get fit and I can't gain weight for shit
How can I live as long as possible?
Jeff Nippard is following Pierce Brosnan teachings
Why yes I get workout routine from Jow Forums, how can you tell?
This is what my roommate had for dinner last night and he wonders why he’s overweight!...
Jannies removed the feels thread
User was going to get me a job
Okay guys, how do I fix my posture?
What's the most disgusting thing you've done post workout?
How do I get this mode?
Me again
I really started looking at people starting a few weeks ago and noticed how out of shape adults seem to be...
Tfw fell for the cardio is bad for fat loss meme
Does anyone else find joy in spreading Disinfo?
First day of vacation to FL and sun fugged me, what do?
What the fuck is actually wrong with women, like, holy shit
Name a bodybuilder/fitness guru and the other user says their best and worst advice
How do I keep from drinking the estrogen in the water supply? How do I stay hydrated?
Did you get it in?
Red pill me on cheese
Why has nobody called out the food industry for destroying your health in the obsiety epidemic?
Daily reminder that if you dont have a decent face and chin, then dont bother
Newfag here , i just found out that how big your calves can be is just predetermined by genetics...
Day 10 nofap
Abs in 2.5 Months
Cbt threads are basically high est threads for women
How not to look pale?
One chance at life
Daily reminder that if girls would rather date a fat guy with a clean kissable mouth than a chadbody with disgusting...
Gut Health General
Would you rather be mogged by gigachad or fabio?
What mode is this
How are you holding up, user?
He thinks lifting outweighs facial importance
Post Chad's or anyone with a good face but shit body frame
I just noticed an outbreak of pimples in my groin area (see pic). i had sex with a stranger like 5 days ago...
Want a real workout? Go work in the finishing department at a steel foundry for 8-12 hours a day
Post your height and how many calories you eat a day. I want to get an idea of how much you guys are eating
Jow Forums make fun of him
Would any form of alcohol ruin me if I'm on a cut? Even if it's 0 calories/0 carbs?
Do you do PPL, Full Body Workouts or Bro splits and why?
How can you tell when you've made it? What does that mean to you Jow Forums? Pic is me 2 months apart
Women saying "taller is mkre protective" is bullshit
>you will never have a girl look at you like this
Why do you lift man?
Reminder that your body doesn't matter if you're not an alpha
Upperchest doms
Is 48h really enough (for strenght training) for your body to be 100% ready to a new lifting full body session and to...
>Got girlfriend
Do y’all trim or shave your genitals/ass? Or even just trim your chest/armpit hair...
Jow Forums redpills you wish you knew earlier
Thoughts on Apha Destiny and his "natrually enhanced" program?
Would Judo actually benefit you in a street fight?
Thoughts on Jason Blaha?
Of course this nigga name Bryson Dalton
Hi Jow Forums guess my total
Tap water has estrogen and trace amounts of copper
Why is dating a single mom bad but having a mommy gf is based? What's the difference?
Look bigger than what I lift
/sig/ - Self Improvement General
Have any femanons had experience with pro-ana coaches...
30$ shoes for running and generic sports or is it worth spending 250$ [spoiler]just started running but my shoes are...
Old dudes at the gym with stupid leg tats
Finasteride experience
What animal would have the best lifting stats ?
Can weightlifting give you the prettyboy face that girls dream of kissing?
Hmmm i wonder who will get more pussy?
Jow Forums
I was born without a left pec major
Anyone else love watching men squat?
User, you've been lifting for years. Why the FUCK can't you squat 4pl8 AND bench your bodyweight for a set of 10?
Pro runner
Resistance builds muscles
30-Day Jow Forums Retreat
I have no friends, I don't know how to talk to people...
This thread is to pay respects to those we've lost along the way to making it
Finally an /a fit/ webm
What's the fewest amount of exercises it takes to get a full body workout?
Have you ever been in a fight after getting Jow Forums?
I lift for them Jow Forums
What kind of music do guys who look like this listen to?
Inernet and masturbation kill your motivation
Went to the store today to get food for the next 6 days. How did I do?
That's it guys, fuck meat! I'm going all vegan. The benefits are just too much
Rate my gf /fit /
Anyone else here who had his life ruined by porn?
Why do twinks always have girlfriends? I have seen weak as shit men like this (good face...
Is it possible to mog someone who's taller than one?
Fitness ruined her life
Eye exercises. Do they work?
Get Jow Forums
This is it lads
"Come on, don't be a fucking pussy bro. One night of getting wasted isn't gonna hurt your gainz bro."
Looking for a hair product to help with the thinning
Jow Forums humor thread
Once you hit 30 it's all over
Jow Forums Father
Why is this board so based?
Fasting for 72 hours, deep in keto, lift and I am hitting PR’s. Jow Forums pls explain?
Who else /tallnitro/ here? that first sip really gets me going before a good workout
Has your strength ever come in handy outside of the gym?
What's wrong with upright rows all of a sudden?
Run vs Jog
You did it again didn't you, user? You fucking skipped your cardio
How much can you squat?
I will never overpower the Primarchs
Friday night feels thread. Everyone else is at a bar, and we're here together. How are you? How's your progress?
Do you still do these?
Is masturbation really a gains goblin?
Is sex a /fitness/ exercise? Also fuck janniggers
"Yeah, I warm up with the bar"
How can I get as wide as possible?
I jerked off to it again, please help me bros. How do I get rid of porn addiction?
I just started lifting and I have mild scoliosis (19 degree curvature)...
Why do the majority of people pick back squats vs front squats...
Spend years wishing i had a gf
Anyone got one of Jeff's programs for free?
This is how pathetic you are to the real world. Go look at the thread and read the comments
How much i need to lift to get a gf?
He overcompensates for his height by lifting weights
Could lifting have saved him?
Let's settle this once and for all
Why yes, we lift for strength, how did you know?
How do I into protein shake? What powders do you guys like? How much do you use? What do you add...
My OHP is already stalling at 100 lbs
I'm a permavirgin but I have a chance at getting a 5/10 slam pig for a sweet test boost...
Be me
What's a semi-unrealistic goal you have, Jow Forums?
/soc/ twink here, this guy claims 242 lbs and elite level lifts. Don't lift, is he telling the truth...
/run/ - comfy running thread
Feel awful
Meme Routine
What do you dress like?
Jow Forums, how and where can I find steroids?
Protein Bars
LMAO Jow Forums BTFO!!
Women should not workout and just keep a soft plump body instead
How do you Jow Forums on vacation?
The Training Hall by Odd E. Haugen CUCKED
What is the most aesthetic man‘s sport?
Being a skeleton and bulking is harder than being a fat person and cutting unironically...
Balding user here
How can I get this body ?
What muscles do women admire the most on a man?
Oh user you are silly. Most young women prefer fit but slender guys, your frame is intimidating
Loyalty average vs. hot
ITT: People you though were big before you started liting
What inspired you to start getting fit?
How do I get this body?
What do you think about CBD, lads
Post your anime body
/fast/ Cold Water Edition
Let's see some progress photos
Will we ever reach a point where the most extreme body types will be easily achievable through medical advances?
Alright Jow Forums I've got one question for you
Post brutal Mogs
Walk into shed
Soy Boy
Hey, im from Jow Forums (i heard you guys are legit faggots so dont consider me your friend)
Bitch tits
I benched 2pl8 for the first time today bros!
/fph/ & /fps/
Whats up losers? ;) i just got accepted to pilot school;)
Weighted dips
/fat/ - anime edition 28
Is it true that pushups and situps are overrated shit exercises?
Imagine pretending to care about your body while using these
I'm a sugar addict
Does bodybuilding attract the worst genetics?
You fags made me gay
Did i fell for the ss meme
Weekly Failures/Victories
Weed and gains?
How do I make nonfat Greek yogurt taste better without adding any sugar or carbs?
What kind of music do guys like this listen to?
How the fuck do i get 120 grams of protein...
Cant deadlift
Back day
30 UFC fighters vs 1 bear
Average female height: 5'4
What is the 1/2/3/4 equivalent for the average woman?
I am a Jow Forumscel who just recently made it and met up with my highschool qt crush who never payed any attention to...
Has anyone got any experience with keto not for weight loss but for mental health more specifically for ADHD...
Do you use apps that help you working out?
DAE do noexpression to age better?
Gym Ban Stories
Lift for strength
I'm gonna sign up for a gym membership tomorrow, I never went there and I have no idea how it works. Any tips?
The 30 year old boomer fears the zoomber
Jow Forums in a nutshell
Gucci is living proof that you can be a fat fuck and still make it
Wait he's a manlet AHAHAHAHAH
Wake up one morning
So, what do you mean by “making it”?
Fitness pill
10 chimps vs 30 UFC fighters
Bois I’ve got a holiday in 8 days consisting solely of slutty college chicks on beaches...
Hex bar deadlift vs conventional deadlift, go
How am i supposed to not eat anything during fasting?
At long last, the tide is turning
Is an untrained man strong enough to beat a trained woman in a fight?
How do I get rid of my sweet tooth? I'm 24 and still eat candy on a regular basis
What's the most meme exercise that you remember?
What is her routine?
Kill Feelings
After lifting for 7 months, girls are finally responding to me. Thank you for the advice Jow Forums
Every time I go a few hours without eating I start shaking. I feel like shit. I get light headed kinda really easy...
Tall fag here (6'3) girls ALWAYS ask me how tall I am, I always lie and say I'm 5'11, they always look visibly confused...
Can you become strong with only bodyweight and dumbbells?
Proven real ways to make your penis larger?
Leg Day
You will make it!
When did you realize that lifting is usually just a coping mechanism for deficiencies in looks, height, penis size, etc...
The unholy things I do for gains
What got you into lifting, Jow Forums?
How do we get this look Jow Forums? This is THE aesthetic look for a rockstar motherfucker
Be 1 hour ago
Tfw no gf
What ACTUAl defense is there against a pitbull attack
Is this possible to get thicc as fucc naturally?
List everything you ate today
Black fitness general
What does Jow Forums think of the buff dudes?
If I'm dating a single mom I actually really like why shouldn't I knock her up...
Be me
Remember the man who stood in front of his girlfriend, to protect her from gunfire in the Colorado theater shooting...
Carnivore Diet General
Pull-up thread: NO HALFREP edition
Black fitness general
CBT but we insult eachothers body's to motivate eachother. The other thread reached the bump limit
Almost 50 years old
How much could you bench press your first time
The stress of social isolation wreaks more havoc on your body than obesity...
How do I achieve a body like this?
Post your pre-workout pussies
Any of you fags play any sports?
How good/bad do I look guys? Could I get a gril or no? How would you rate me?
For all those OHPressing 176 lbs 1RM
R8 my progress Jow Forums
Alpha m
I just ate 5 cloves of garlic and now im ready to go to the gym and CHIMP OUT
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Day 1 of nofap
Anyone on Jow Forums have experience as a personal trainer?
Post your lifting music
Lanklets BTFO
God my apartment is so lonely right now. I miss having a hot horny girlfriend to fuck after the gym sash bros
He drinks the white ones and not the blue ones
One chance at life
Why didn't you grow a beard yet, Jow Forums?
What's his bulking secret?
What is wrong with my diet?
Lying to doctor about gyno?
Before and after
You are at the squat rack and this guy comes to you and says:
Is it true you get physically stronger and dominant the more you breed? What's the science behind this?
Can i take 2 to 3 tuna cans every day instead of whey ? seems cheaper and tastes better
How do you look ripped in a suit?
Being fat is genetic. I dont care what you say. it is
Why are you afraid of boxing Jow Forums? afraid your muscles will shrink?
Only wash my hands after peeing if somebody else is also in the washroom
It's all in the face
DOMs thread. Where does Jow Forums have DOMs currently?
Bangs Rootbeer
Whats fits opinion on hexagram bars? is it basically only used for dead lift...
Protein pack
Hey fitbros, i'm a fatass trying to lose weight so i don't die before i lose my virginity
When is running supposed to become enjoyable?
What's the ideal body to have if you have a prettyboy face?
Post moggings
Walk into the gym
What makes someone a “Gymcel”?
Made 2 plate bench press
Is this achievable natty?
Here's what I look like after a year of lifting
My mom called me and told me the doctor said her blood pressure is 170/110, how fucked is she?
Post your age and hairline
He doesn't eat broccoli at 11pm in the evening
If crazy tall wouldn't you?
What exactly are the consequences of not being breastfed and how can you make up for it?
/sig/ - self improvement genital
/Fit Hobbies/
Women will never understand this feel
What's true strength?
Hey Bros, let's see your backs. Almost completed my first year of lifting
But Stacy only wants to date Cha—
Does this really burn 100 calories?
Media tells me beautiful people are arrogant, stupid, and have no personalities
Are these Jow Forums approved?
FPH: Fat People Hate
Rate, estimate body fat, give advice please
Just turned 20
You don't need ANY other exercise
Why the fuck my back looks so fat when I'm in a relaxed pose? Is this bad posture...
Does jelqing and extenders work? I'm 6x5.25 and I wanna get to 7x5.5
Whats some good deathcore to listen to while working out?
Redpill me on dental health
Mire thread
Dick Thread
You're not just gonna scroll by without saying Howdy to the gains bird, are you?
So what's the height requierements now...
"BuIIying is fucked up man"
Spend 3 hours at the gym
Be pesco-vegetarian, not vegan
Gym is 50% cardio machines
"sorry, no infidels allowed in the gym"
What would you do if your daughter developed anorexia?
YES. I knew that bait thread I made yesterday would of gotten @fit_memes_and_greentexts attention...
Gym gain confidence?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
How fit do you have to be before you can pose nude for art/porn/etc Jow Forums?
Theoretically speaking what is ideal body and dick size if I wanted to fuck a chubby girl with a fat ass?
The only thing that gets me hard is humiliating femdom stuff
Is 5x5 a meme?
Hey Jow Forums how do i stop sweating so much?
Roids gone wrong
Are you a hungry skeleton or just started working out?
He spends all his time working out rather than learning how to not be a social retard
No one ever clears this up
Rate each other’s Routine
Intelligent people are more "compromising" on facial aesthetics
Gained 3 kg again
Has this man ascended?
ITT: the most powerful athletes
Dry fasting fucked me
Cardio bores me so fucking much...
CBT experienced lifters only
Vote what is the best routine
Hey Jow Forums why are my hips so wide and what do I do about it?
So are we just gonna ignore /a/ creeping on us, Jow Forums?
How can i get thick forearms in home by just doing dumbells and bodyweight exercises
Freeze user!
My ribcage is narrower than my hip or leg area. slightly narrower than in the photo. what should i do?
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Women still won’t have sex with me even if I lift weights
Do you really lose muscle this hard when you stop lifting...
Was his phisique that impressive anyway?
What did ancient greek gymnasiums look like and what kind of exercises did they do in them?
What is the most awkward machine in your gym you are using?
Girls programs
I can't feel anything in my pecs during chest training
Tfw handlet and wristlet and it's actually starting to affect my grip strength during deadlifts
How much do you squat?
Seriously?! It’s like he’s photoshopped
Redipl me on carbs
Finally makin it bros
Make sure you get some food user
What are some easy to consume calorie dense foods for ectomorphs with very low appetite?
Quit buying soda because it was expensive
Do you want to know why so see so many dyels...
Mfw retards actually pay for gym membership
>When the females in your family see you losing weight and their jealousy kicks in
I had an eating disorder where i thought i was too fat. I did what christain bale did and eat 1 meal a day or no meals...
I don't think I'm mentally strong enough to stay on a strict "clean" diet if the food doesn't taste good...
Thanks for skipping your workout today to visit me in the hospital, user
Leg press
What did you have for dinner tonight, Jow Forums? heres mine
I'm ready to do whatever it takes. I don't care if I look like a freak...
What's the most Jow Forums way to get rid of farmer's tan without getting skin cancer?
You have to fight him in the ring
Who /narcissist/ here?
Whats her routine
Does anyone else not like this dude...
Gf starts going to the gym 3 days a week with one of her guy friends
Arm thread
This is William Murray of England. Winner of one of the first Bodybuilding competitions...
CBT - Kill me now - There is no hiding from the sun
Drink water buddeh
Who can beat him in a debate
Greek yogurt and cottage cheese
What do you do when you feel sad and alone
Rate my dinner fit
How can one man have all that Powder?
Honest thoughts on deadlifts?
Why are muslims so weak?
Dubs decide if I get pizza or not
Jow Forums recipes
Just finished with the bench, bro. All yours
Dumbbell rows
Literally can't stop eating
Ricepill me Jow Forums
Gym turns on the a/c
Are there irreversible consequences for someone who has been fat for his entire life, and is now losing weight?
First time on R*ddit in years. First day back and this shit is asked. I thought you guys were retarded but holy shit...
OK so I honestly dont know where else to post this...
/fat/ Did everyone make it Edition?
Why is my country so obese?
Is this the natty limit?
Why yes, I do have a large collection of hot sauces at home. How could you tell?
I've been lifting at my uni gym for like 3 years now I dont have a consistent diet cause I just eat what even my...
Insecure females always roid
See girl doing pic related with 2 pl8
What should I do?
Hi Jow Forums, small apartment yuropoor poster here...
When did you take the carnivore pill?
What's worse, being short as a man, or tall as a woman?
What is Jow Forums's rebuttal to this image?
It's Time to Celebrate Our Queens
What is this ?
Just got my adderall prescription bros, what should I do first?
Imagine paying more than 2 dollars per pound on chicken breast
Name something people in your gym do that annoys you
Push up thread BOYS
How important are rest days really?
Do you lift with your gf?
Reminder to brush your teeth and eat healthy
What's this forming between my fingers?
What are the three most important excercises for aesthetics user?
Thoughts on sand wrestling?
Jow Forums btfo
I have now tweaked my back three times doing deadlifts. It fucking sucks...
Yo Ive got nothing in the tank today. I cant lift shit. Is it okay if I skip the workout
Ahhhhhhhh 395 lb deadlift today, 1 full rep, double overhand, no girl straps
Redpill me on Zinc
Home gym pics
The hotness gap
Rows or Cleans?
Reminder that this is what girls want
He pays to lift heavy objects
Just take the damn receipt sir
What are you afraid of, user? Hop on!
What is YOUR personal opinion on protein powder, bcaa's, amino acids...
Why all of a sudden are skinny school kids coming to the gym and wearing tank tops when they are DYEL, I’m 18 btw
How do I use my big dick to get a gf Jow Forums?
How many of you Jow Forumsizens have been bullied in the past?
Finally squatted 55kg today for 3 reps
What the fuck bros. I'm 6'1 so I never cared about this manlet shit. But this girl asked me what my shoe size is...
Doesn't carry his Zyzz totem everywhere he goes
Ex wife took home gym
I was just drive-by punched by a child (no older than 12/13) who was sitting on the handlebars of his friends bike...
I tried incline bench for the first time today and it was way lower than my normal bench. Is this normal?
"_____ should be consumed during workout"
It's all about your face
Finally start working out and running. My fat ass has already lost 10 pounds after 3 weeks, have to go out with family...
If I start smoking will I become like him
*BOOF* ssnniifff...oh yes my Jannie....sssnnniiiffffff....quite pungent that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...
When his height starts with 5
Before I go to the gym thought I just want to say that girls can really be the ultimate gains goblin...
Music for people who are going to fking make it
Jow Forums ever since doing nofap and meditating a lot I went from basically being an enuch to craving thicc women and...
There are people on Jow Forums right now who think bulking is hard
Me 1.80m
Dios mio
How to jaw gains?
How do you build muscle on carnivore? Without carbs you have no insulin
How does one get a flat stomach
Tfw smoke 75 cigarettes a day
Jow Forums Fast food
How do you stop your new found success with women from eroding your healthy skepticism towards their bullshit?
Arching back
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Chicken, broccoli, and rice yet again haha
Skinnyfat misery thread
Redpill me on swimming
There's no better curl than a chin-up
Reminder that if you want to avoid bicep tears when deadlifting you should be able to curl 1/5th of your deadlift
Food you literally can't stop eating
Is this the natty limit?
Some say not fapping fro 7 days make testosterone peak and then it decreases again some say not fapping increases...
What Kind Of Endurance Is Used During Moving?
Ketocucks BTFO
Fitness memes
Is modern society overall a testosterone goblin?
What do you lift for?
Does Jow Forums consider this dyel?
What is the best Fast food restaurant for gains? And why is it Chik fil a?
Don’t forget the ass implants too
/sig/ - self improvement general
Real muscles?
Oatmeal with water or Milk?
Would you rather lift or be lifted?
Mfw I see someone ohp in the squat rack
How many matches does Jow Forums typically get on Tinder?
Redpill me on retina
How would you rate your "game" Jow Forums?
He doesn't boulder
How are people skinny I do not understand it
Eat Right And Exercise
FUCK cardio
Random calf cramp when sleeping
Femanon here. Does anybody else find AlphaDestiny super hot?
Best tape to cover gyno with?
Has RSD became the ultimate cope?
That guy who blasts music in his headphones
Jow Forums what is with the homoerotic undertones on this board...
"I just don't have enough time to go gym"
What does Jow Forums think of Buff Dudes?
Tfw gf wants sex so much it's effecting my strength and energy in the gym
Tfw quit lifting for a few years because i hurt my quad doing a squat and tried to do bodyweight squats for a few sets...
Alright lads
What would be your 3 Jow Forums related wishes?
Post routines, how long you spend in the gym per workout, and current lifts
How do I quit weed? I hate this shit but I feel like I’m addicted out of my mind. Someone please help
Hey /fit
What is it like to have a ridiculously hot instagram model tier gf? First hand experiences only please...
Gym twink smiled at me today
Been cooking rice in this for months
/QTDDTOT/ Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Relationship Health General /RHG/ - Boyfriend Edition
cardio kills gains
I'm using strong app to track my workouts
Hey bro, I'm making breakfast, you want anything?
Amazing natural transformation!
Does Jow Forums buzz their own hair?
One chance at life
That guy who I caught listening to incel podcasts
Does masturbation effect muscle mass?
At the beginning of the year I weighed 393lbs and I decided this year was finally going to be the year I did something...
Muh calorie deficient
Realistically is it possible to look like shit if you've been consistently lifting for 2+ years and didn't bloatmaxx?
Okay guys I’m at a crossroads right now...
IQ distrubiton
Untrained Chad
Whom rember zizz
ITT people who wasted their chad genetics
How are you supposed to go to the gym without feeling insecure...
How long will it take to gain 5 lbs of muscle if i have never worked put before? Pic is my current body
My Testosterone results
How do i become a horny fucker again?
It's been a week since I took a shit
Classical music while lifting
ITT: post Chads in real life
What exactly is it about him that makes him LITERALLY the most attractive/sexy character to have ever appeared on a...
Why do americans celebrate things by getting together and eating giant fatfuck portions of the worst possible food...
Could Hafthor really crush someones skull like this?
Gym /mu/sic
Is there any hope for my homeless friend trying to get fit...
Found on soc. Could this be the same person ~4 years apart or no
Is keto a meme or does it really work?
Should I cut or bulk?
Drinking a gallon of milk a day to break out of auschwitz mode
Turns out all along you just need to do head day EVERY DAY
Let's talk about old school body building vs modern body building
Who has the best butt in all weightlifting community and why is it Kris Pope?
What do you think about when trying to push out that last rep
Is there any reason to use a belt if you just want to get a few years of strength gains before moving on...
Face fat
Is it possible nowadays to be a Jow Forums dad? Or is fatherhood the beginning of the end for most men?
Sup loser i saw that pathetic attempt at a 1pl8 bench earlier, what do you have to say for yourself?
How do i make it as a skellyfag? I hate how my body looks, how do i start looking like pic related...
Is sushi healthy for you or is it just a meme?
Eyelet thread
Can use any gym equiptment whever you want
Wtf is this bitch doing?
Is 24 too old to get cirmcumsed?
See janny in the movie theater
Enter Boomer gym
But Vegans can't gain mu-
Tfw no cool indian guy to call you "big man" during sets
Do girls even care about traps/lats? Let's say your back muscles are proportionate to your front muscles...
Lifting for women
I have spent basically every waking hour from the age 13 to now 27 in front of the computer...
Redpill me on SARMS
75 chin ups every day
Im doing swimming, running and calisthenics. Should I knock running out or am I fine...
This is Edward Zakayo. today he won the diamond league 5000m race. he's 17 years old
How to activate chest on bench press?
How did this guy eat 4,500 calories a day and lose fat while gaining muscle?
Was told my hips aren’t round enough
Its chest and bicep day
Hey bros I'm new to lifting and pretty skinny. Just wanting to bulk up a bit, what are some suggestions...
The Strongest Shall survive
Stop watching porn
Red pill me on sun tanning
Daily reminder to bw yourself bro
Whats your 1RP on
Thoughts on working the pole?
I fell off the fucking stairmaster
It's time to quit my last addiction
Glute thread
Is this possible with 1 year natty lifting?
How do I into Bronson mode?
How do we stop pajeets in the gym?
Thoughts on eating eggs pretty much everyday?
I am sickened by the amount of you fueled by vanity
Is eggs really that bad for your health?
Today's meal
Neck pill
So Jow Forums, why haven't you switched to a front wallet yet? Do you enjoy slowly destroying your spine...
Is it possible to make it as a wage slave?
How ya holding up Jow Forums?
Todays Workout
Only the best protein powder flavors may post in this thread
Is Olympic weightlifting a meme? All of their form is so bad... none of their movements are strict...
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
CBT Thread
Why do I have man boobs?
Jow Forums btfo
Just got back from the doctors 46bpm resting heart rate, you fucking cowards could never
Tfw you'll never make it
Live in middle of nowhere
Mire thread
Why don't incels just settle to an average 6/10 like her?
Why are women the meme Gender anons. This pains me
Did i fuck up?
Need to put on lots of weight boys. Give me some good ideas for cheap and easy to prepare meals, high cal, high protein...
Tfw stopped drinking coffee two weeks ago
Rest days
Men with 'dad bods' are happier, more attractive to women, survey claims
Fit humor
Reminder to eat at least three pieces of fruit a day
Why are womanlets so insecure?
How the heck do you get enough protein if you cant afford a lot of meat? I eat lentil soup a lot is that enough?
How would you stop your gym bro from transitioning Jow Forums?
Technically, how much bullshit is this?
How do you quit drinking?
Why is 25% bodyfat the pinnacle of strength?
Jow Forums on suicide watch
It’s a mog or be mogged world
Are you bigger than a vegan?
Bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy...
/fast/ #457 - Clear skin edition
Started lifting for women
Woman clearly shows interest
What are some high protein snacks that are cheap
Am I hurting my gains by not taking creatine? What are the pros and cons?
Lateral side raises hit your delts/shoulders
Im going all in
Salmonella in penis?
Fat hate thread
Am I just a Lost Cause?
Ground beef vs chicken, what is the best meat for weight training?
Why is the plus size fitness meme pushed so hard...
How do people lose weight
/fat/ - NEET edition
What do you boyos do in regards to raw dogging girls and worrying about pregnancy?
What are the pros and cons of a carnivore diet?
I want to start drinking water
Big bro can i feel your biceps pls ?
Be sad
Worst Gym Experience (WGE)
Sorry bro, this decline bench is mine now. You can work in though, if you want
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship