Were the 2000s actually that comfy and kino or are people looking at it with nostalgia glasses...

Were the 2000s actually that comfy and kino or are people looking at it with nostalgia glasses. I barely remember it beside the comfy games I played on gamecube and minecraft
t.zoomer born in 2000

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Only good thing about it was that we had decent internet but it wasn't pervasive. No always online life. Social media wasn't taken seriously.

speak for yourself I was always online on runescape

And chinese hadn't yet taken over my country. Forgot that part.
I'm sure that was an adolescence well spent.

I think he means the fact that social media wasnt everywhere and a constant thing in peoples lives back then

2000-2005 weren't bad because phones and social media weren't pervasive and you still had to go outside and actually do shit and talk to friends.2007 was the last good year, once the iPhone came out and the crash happened everything from entertainment to the quality of human interaction plummeted

The economy hadn't collapsed yet so that's a plus.

born in 1998. I thought cable TV was pretty cool when we got it, I still watched lots of VHS tapes of Pokemon episodes or things I would rent from blockbuster. GameCube was cool and I thought it was very futuristic for the time, I played a good amount of Dreamcast too. The internet got a lot better and I spent a fuck ton of time playing flash games and watching newgrounds animations. FUCKING BIONICLE as well lol.

It was a weird time where CRT TVs were heavily rampant for a good while, it reminds me of the 90s pt 2 in some ways.

Since you guys experienced the 2000s what do you think of todays time

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The 2000s were basically just an extension of the 90s slowly shifting into the 10s. It really didn't feel like it had its own thing going on. So basically it sucked like the 90s, but not as bad as the 10s.

I kinda can't believe someone is asking this you must be young. I got too used to being the young one playing multiplayer online games I guess.

I thought pop music sucked back then desu but it kinda owns compared to what's on the radio now lmfao

You don't even remember 9/11.
Too many asians. Harder to get a job. Harder to get a loan. More bureaucratic. Stronger police presence. Hate to agree with poltards, but the culture is more sensitive, and you have to be careful with your words.

2000-2005 fucking sucked, 2006-2009 was alright, then everything went to shit again

They were pretty boring honestly, but that was probably because I was a plebeians taste back then

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> FUCKING BIONICLE as well lol.
>flash games

1.Are you a boomer or zoomer
2.Which is best girl
3.Do you like society currently
4.are you virgin

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B has best body but C has more compatible personality.
Technically no.

Femdom fetish? Why do so many zoomer and doomer have this fetish. Also whats bothering you about society rn?

That chart doesn't have personalities but this one does no homo

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The personality of C I envisioned was not that. Those aren't real personalities. They're fascimiles made by a retarded weeb.

Yeah femdom is great. Doomers and zoomers are probably into it because of how prevalent feminism has been through our childhoods. Plus divorce rates are high, so maybe that has something to do with it. I wasn't raised entirely by a single mother, but I definitely spent more time at her home than my dad's. I really just hate society in general. I don't think there was ever a good period of human history. At least these days we have technology to drown ourselves in entertainment so we can ignore the world.

What did you have in mind for B and C then

For me it was the dawn of the internet age, when I got my first pc in middle school in around 2001. Games, music, grainy AMVs, playing MUDs. It was the comfiest time of my life. Had a job right out of HS, had money for the first time so I could indulge all the shit I always wanted to do. For a lot of anons it probably sucked, but for me up until around 2008, the 2000s were max mode comfy. Now it's just awful and shitty everywhere.

>H, K, L or E
>no it's awful
>sadly no.