Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #512
I fucking hate smokers guys
Feminism and women are becoming an evil cult...
Is asexuality even real?
Robots, why not just date yourself?
Say something nice about another race
Honestly I don't have anything against women...
Are INTJ women the only type of women worth pursuing?
R9k philosophies: post what you believe in
How do I stop being so shy and awkward brobots?
How does one get a mentally ill gf?
How old were your parents when you were born?
How do you find energy left to play video games after a soul-crushing day at work?
Who else /cock lust/ here?
Is suicide really that bad. People always say suicide is not an option...
Haha you're cute, so do you go to [local college]??
I think she is a 9/10
I fucking hate majority of my race (black)...
If female cum was the same consistency as male cum, would you swallow it?
Coworking caught me night-lifing in a club
Is dating in Florida the absolute worst for anyone else here? Women are beyond shallow and fucked up...
Well, Jow Forums? Where do you stand/think you stand comparatively?
9/10 white girl with black man!
Suicidal anons, what kinds of things keep you motivated in everyday life?
Say the fourteen words. We must secure the presidency for Andrew Yang and a future for neet children
Hello, I'm a 35 y old wizard
/creative robots/
Asian men make the best women since they are scientifically the most feminine race of men...
He isnt on Tinder yet
In defense of BPD
I broke up with my boyfriend and now I'm back here
Break up
How often do you shower or take a bath?
How do you feel about the fact that normies can enjoy sexual freedom in any way they want but you can't even get a one...
Any true oldfigs still in here? What makes you come back to this shit hole?
Friendfree Thread
Honestly, how would you react if your child came out as trans?
Do you really have to be Chad/Tyrone to not get ghosted/flaked on?
/mbti/ general (rip keith)
You are granted 1 wish, but there are three rules:
What websites do you guys use to find an escort?
ITT: Posters you recognize
The reason why watching porn is bad is because it redpills you
Things she'll never say to me
Femcels know true loneliness
Stop circumcision. A crusade to protect children ! Day II Edition
/mentallyill/ thread
How the hell do women spend hours talking about nothing but mundane drivel?
Mom told me she lost all her faith in me
/wht/ - women hate thread
Do brown girls post on Jow Forums?
Why is the world so "unmagical"?
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher, Jow Forums? is this the most infantile of all fetishes?
When did you realize you're single because women are mostly just simplistic normies and your high IQ is preventing you...
Tfw no hyena wife
Which is more cringy?
Why do men orbit women despite it being an ineffective tactic?
We know that White Alpha Male = Chad
When did you find out you belonged here and how? it'd be pretty interesting to hear
I keep getting depressed because i keep seeing people with better lives than me
Fembot Feels Thread
Top 3 ps1 games user?
Should wives do for their husbands what they've done for other guys?
What the fuck, wizards look like this?
Iit post your daily routines
Have you ever felt like you don't belong anywhere?
Can someone, preferably a male with a deeper voice, tell me that they love me and will never abandon me...
How do you KNOW the Earth is a sphere?
I got mckamy manor shut down by claiming russ raped my daughter
What makes you happy?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #97
/r9gay/ - #636
I turn 23 in 29 days. I don't have any positive memories i can remember for the last probably 5 years...
Go out and see this all over a stop sign
I have a job
Alright, almost done
Depressed unoriginal female who should kill herself Ask Me Anything
Wat are ur top 3 comfy games? i'll start
I can't get over the feeling that I was meant to be a world-beating hero born an every man, risen to defeat all evil...
Real goth fembot here, AMA!
My Best Friend Lil Sis
Go on incel, call me a roastie one more time
Missed fembot sex opportunities
Tomboys are real
Is anyone else here perversely curious whether they'll ever lose their virginity without really trying...
Yet another drinking thread
When I was 17 I lost my virginity to a 19 year old cutie who ended up being my amazing girlfriend
You idiots will argue about anything
Tfw attracted to woman but disgusted by vaginas
Hybristophilia Thread
Anyone masturbate to gay porn but would never have sex with a man?
/arthoe/ appreciation thread
There is literally nothing NOTHING worse than being trapped in a small town and cursed and trapped by god
Things youre embarrassed to admit
Why don't you robots get a Mia Khalifa gf?
What would you guys think of a totalitarian government that enforced human genetic optimization?
I fucked up brothers my neet lifestyle will be over soon
At what point does fat become too much for a guy?
+25 General
He's a boxerfag
Can someone tell me what men mean by this?
Guaranteed response thread
Im curious about guys
If I continue to avoid and ignore all my problems, they'll eventually go away, right?
*steals your equipment, money, and frames you of attempted rape*
I was hooking up with this girl from Tinder yesterday and she told me my dick was actually too big for her...
Bf of 4yrs doesnt want to have biological children with me
Profile Pics of Jow Forums
[[[[ You guys know the drill! Let it all out! ]]]]
Do femanons have big asses? I really want them to
I hate fat people so much. there is no excuse for being fat. I don't care if you're depressed...
Why are you all so against abortion...
Walk past some random car
Women Searching for Ultra-Violent Porn
Femcels, so how do you browse the board?
Tfw thinking about a cold and lonely fembot needing to be held
What would it take for prostitution to get wider legalization in the US like weed has?
Honestly speaking, can white men compete anymore?
Has a girl ever bullied any of you? tell the truth
Chads and Stacies create a red cup swastika at their drinking parties
Why are women almost never interesting to talk to...
Would you date a transgirl?
If this doesn't motivate you, then nothing will
Alright, which one of you fags was this?
What are some interesting facts about you user?
Why do you hate black people?
Jobs from neet?
Why is a trend in porn Black/White and WhiteMale/Asians. What's left for Asian men?
Cousin letting me stay at his house for a few days
/r9gay/ - #635
/Britfeel/ - Superior Brit/pol/ Triplords Edition
What can a depressed, racist incel do to cure himself? Am I too redpilled?
Just what is exactly the appeal of /nightwalk/s. Why do we find it enjoyable to go outside when it is dark and silent?
"Whew, user, you almost got to see my nips. How about a game? You solve my riddle and I'll let you take a peak...
Why do people drink or smoke weed?
Why do women hate short men? Why is it so acceptable to hate on short men
The easiest way to get an egf is to play MMORPGs. Women love those and can easily be found in them...
Waifu General - /waifu/ #96
Do you think she deserved it?
What is the greatest video game you've ever played?
Femcels don't exis-
Jazz recommendations?
You wake up and you are suddenly 18 years old and a senior in HS again. What do you do...
Things i'd do if I become a dictator / emperor
So what music do you listen to, user?
Band name
Why not just import a qt gf (male) from a homophobic country, incels?
Is it normal to be an 18 year old guy who's never kissed a girl?
Posting a Woomy everyday until i get good at Splatoon 2
/creative/ thread
How do I stop being fat?
Ive never been happier! Ive gotten in a relationship with the love of my life...
Why are robots so patronizing?
This site is actually evil I'm slowly turning into more of a NEET because of it how do you non NEET robots do it
Remember in October when a femanon killed herself on a wooden horse? Good times
Meet japanese qt on okcupid
Is this really a white woman?
Jow Forums turns you gay
Look through boyfriend's Discord chat
I'm a pathetic NEET who will be turning 25 in a couple of days. My mom wants to know what I want to eat on my birthday...
How do I get a cute gf?
Do femanons have fetishes that go beyond being dominated by a man or are they like the other girls?
Why do so many "robots" think we need a strong, life controlling state...
Be 22 years old
What are your thoughts on her, Jow Forums?
Be me
What happened to this place
Wake up and go to Jow Forums
Young whites are becoming racist nazis because they're sick of you people
Watching how women behave on chaturbate is a really strong red pill
Why arent you on tinder yet?
Got pulled over and got a ticket for playing music too loud
>How to land a loyal, trusty, certified e-gf ?
If a woman makes you wait for sex she never really wanted you
Why are male "love" song always about sex? Can men not distinguish between love and lust?
Would you rather date a 10/10 with 100 IQ, or a 7/10 with 130 IQ?
Do blackbots like fembots?
What do you think of sapiosexuals? Guys like to tell me they're into smart women...
Skellybros get in here
Found a robot tier movie you might enjoy
Are there any signs that indicate if a girl fucks her dog? Like the dog behaving weird in some way or other things?
Is it true that white girls love the BBC? or is it a meme?
I've been larping too hard recently
Wake up
Do Asian girls have nice smelling asses?
Fembot Feels Thread
If it's all about looks and confidence then how come those neckbeard comic con guys get girlfriends when they are very...
Can the racial divide in America be healed?
Am I the only one that cuts cold butter horizontally...
/hikki/ Shut in thread general
Why don't women in their 20s have any self-respect?
Why do trumptards do this
Do you wash your hands after shitting and/or pissing?
How is this fair?
Bone thread
Daily reminder that if you were outside your little circlejerk...
This is the worst shipping company on the planet earth...
How are other men even capable of respecting women...
Would any of you robots date a brown girl?
Oy vey is it really him!?!?!?!
Why don't Millenial women want children?
Why does Jow Forums think women can have anything they want as a partner? That's not true...
Close sister started dating a black guy
8 inch dick
What does Jow Forums think about Sweden?
You cannot love someone you have never met and only talked to a few times online
If hacing sex isn't that great, why do you normalfags keep doing it...
I miss my e-gf bros. She broke up with me last month
Why should i work 40 hours a week just to be able to save up to spend all my money on a house then all my time on woman...
Nothing matters right?
Say something that's never been said before
How do you KNOW that the Earth is round?
Some people don't believe in social constructs
Waifu General - /waifu/ #95
Drug tiers
Fembot here. Just want to let you all know that you aren't missing out on anything not being in a relationship...
Do normies have souls?
Feeling sick and lonely. Don't really have anyone to talk to. I'm afraid of talking to people. My head hurts...
Well, I know who I'm voting for, what about you Jow Forums?
Ask me to do something risky with my snakes
Don't sleep on either side
Sup dude *cough* wanna fuk?
Bisexuality isn't a real thing
I finally got a shaman mask after over a week
This white girl prefers asian men. How does that make you feel? Be as honest as possible
Say nice things about president Trump
How old are you, robots...
Why the FUCK do doctors merely try to treat the SYMPTOMS of depression?
I want to be a trad housewife but I'm a girl(male). Do you think it is possible I could have that?
Im horny and I wanna amazon ride a guy
If you do drugs you are a nigger/wigger normie and must leave this board
What just happened? Idk how to process this
I'm robot with no social life and i'm high as a kite
I'm starting to suspect that a longlasting romantic relationship is not the greatest reward that life can offer you
BPD Feels
Can you guys post your femcelchan pictures? Need more of these thanks
Reminder nigger ape must leave to africa
Who's the most obnoxious YouTuber??
Creative Robots
Whats considered a small penis by r9k?
I'll remember you when i'm killing myself
How do you know if you are mentally ill?
Feels Bar is open. Grab a beer and vent, user
What would you do in this very oregano situation?
Would you watch a 24-hour neet stream? Someone suggested it to me a few weeks ago and I'm considering it...
Did you go to senior prom, user? What were you doing on prom night while chad made out with your high school crush?
Tfw back on heroin again
Would you take an arranged marriage at this point robots?
What is the longest time you have stayed awake and why?
Have all kinds of autoimmune diseases
Generation Hate
/uni/ general
I used to masturbate with this one but it belong to a 6 year old girl...
PSA: If you're a mentally ill roastie, just get yourself sterilized
You know, I really don't even deserve a gf
Should i just fuck a hooker?
Why do you play as girls and have girly profiles in multiplayer games?
Femanons, tell me about the day you fucked up
ITT this is your chance to make the absolute worst post ever posted on any board on Jow Forums
How to I smoothly transition this to a date...
Who else /bulimia/ here? someone please help me out of this hell...
Serious question, why would anyone ever date a white girl when asian women exist?
Can you induce schizophrenia? asking for a friend, of course
What song would you off your self to Jow Forums?
How does it feel to take the virginty of someone you love? Do guys even want/like that?
Promises they're not going to abandon me
Crack open a Bang's root bear
I just started Doki Doki Literature club. Seems fine but I want suggestions for waifu games...
How bad is it?
How does one get to this point????
Do schizos actually get cured?
What did incels do before video games existed?
Can Anybody Else Feel It?
Things has changed. I'm a brazilian dude...
Cat is dying. He can't piss after trying multiple times. and cries in pain when I pick him up...
What is this "bullying builds character" meme? What character was I supposed to build through bullying...
Can you tell a guy if is repressig tranny when you see him in public?
When did you reaIize you don't need sex or a gf to be happy?
Tfw never going to have a girl give me a valentine gift
Whats the best porn you've ever watched?
/r9gay/ - #634
I don't think he did anything wrong
Everyone, this is user, your new coworker!
Jow Forums forms a party and prepares to delve deep within an ancient ruin...
Post the 13th image from your frog folder
Waifu General - /waifu/ #94
Why aren't you doing your part to save the race?
My cat is dying
Jow Forums has convinced me that white people are no less racist than they were 100 years ago...
Where my bipolar bots at? How you holding up?
At this point I just hate all females
Did you know someone that committed suicide user? What were they like?
Hello, I'm running an experiment
Im so fucking sad I grew up in a small shitty town and not LA. growing up around palm trees daily...
Go to a university full of Chinese girls
I'm dating a girl who really likes me and I'm finally not an incel anymore...
Why does nobody have any depth
Anybody else here hate being eastern European?
Is it possible I am schizoid?
Why don't you just date a foreveralone NEET girl with SAD, Jow Forums? She doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs...
How much better does it feel to have sex than jerking off? I don't care about romance or love...
Cop hate thread?
Alright bots, post and rate
This is me and my wife
Basically not a fan of nignogs but found this video on instagram and now I'm confused who to side with...
What haplogroup are you
I don't wanna work
You don't deserve to eat NEETs. God doesn't want you to live parasites
What's up with conservative women and braiding their hair?
What games are you playing right now?
Homosexual urges won't go away
White women and their disgusting obsession with Korea and Japan
What is your experience with Hispanic girls? Have you ever got to play with a Hispanic girl's ass in real life?
This is the most beautiful image I have ever seen
Which one of them are you most attracted to and why?
Whats your favorite color robros
Fell in love with a lesbian
What's the scaredest you've ever been?
Do women like beeing weak or would they rather be strong?
Sorry to that nice Lithuanian user
Americans, how do you feel that whites will become a minority soon in the US?
/YANG 2020/
If we lived in a meritocracy all positions in society would be determined by test scores that anyone could take at any...
Why do leftist people hate so many of us autists...
Is it true that a 4/10 guy can score with a 6 or 7/10? Is this a normie meme?
Are you or have you heard of the Pink Knights? White knights sure...
Is it possible to cure bisexuality?
Be naked
If you believe in equality, you're a masculist. Sorry to tell you
Why do you all act like it's over for women once they hit 30?
Tfw 24 and no driver's license
There are needy, lonely fembots in this board RIGHT NOW
Tfw no big tiddy jewess gf
Americans, how does it feel that the closest thing you have to this is Disneyland?
If size is such a big deal, then how can girls get off using only their fingers?
go to nipponese class
Have you ever joined a cult?
I really like female knights
How do I get a white guy, r9k? I'm surounded by east Asians, south Asians and middle easterners at university...
What hobbies do you have fit?
ITT you go back to 2009,what would you do differently?
Redpill me on NEETdom
Should I kill myself?
How does it make you.feel that your bullies got tons of pussy while you were ignored and/or friendzoned?
Sticc thread
Jow Forums was never good, but by jove it has never been this shitty before
Sunday Karen, Anonette, and family stories thread
Have qt 3.14 Asian gf
Which would make the best partner to you?
Thoughts on this sexy dog?
Daily Fuck Normalfags Thread #6
I want a girlfriend who will tie me up and beat me
Got called a "sir" at work again today
Well user it seems apparent to me that whatever behaviors you dislike about yourself you should immediate set about...
Why do foids say they want genuine and kind guys...
Alright lil bro, mom says I have to sleep in your room while mine is getting renovated...
Leave a note. Leave a hundred thousand notes for all I care. No amount of notes will make me do what you want...
I am obsessed with transgirls, I love them
Post your worst experience you've ever had with a fembot
Want to nut
All genuine discussion is drowned by porn, race baiting and meme depression. its literally just /b/-lite...
We call bully victims pussies and tell them to fight back and then we get mad at them when they shoot people...
Be me, just woke up
Why are white men so choosey about what women they fuck or date?
I cannot anymore
Who is the heaviest robot on here? 387lbs reporting
Name a more evil American than pic related (pro tip, you can't)
Kinda wanna kill myself
Average sized cocks are "really big cocks" to women. Fembots will confirm
Saturday skelly thread. report in
This guy's parents probably ask him "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" Like isn't the answer obvious...
I'd date anyone
Fembots, why no bfs?
Fembot Feels Thread
Waifu General - /waifu/ #93
Diet/sugarless soft drinks are amazing, they taste great AND are healthy. What's your favorite?
ITT we give incels Chad advice
Fuck my life
STEM Major?
How the fuck did he have professional Chads coaching him and still couldn't get a girlfriend? Did he get scammed?
Are rightwingers incels?
Incels need to be ridiculed and shamed until they stop being incels...
Am I the only one that think tall people look like mutants? Why do girls like tall guys? What the fuck is the appeal?
Would you date a girl with prosthetic hands?
Force fattening your girlfriend will make her more docile and less attractive to other men...
1. Would you disown a child for being a straight acting gay guy?
/r9gay/ - #633
Dont be shy, user! I know it's your first date with a girl, but I promise it will be painless...
Why long nose janny delete my thread?
What are you eating today
I hate all these normal fag movies
Anyone here ever been doxxed or doxxed themselves by accident or even on purpose?
What would you do if Belle Delphine was your girlfriend?
Will getting fit also make girls look at me like this even if I am 5'9?
Feels music thread
Hey losers
Getting ready to hang myself in a couple hours, anons. I've already tested the rope a few times, drafted a will...
Live in the most sexually promiscuous time and society in human history
Nigger ape no belong here
Where are all the introverted girls at my university?
One of these threads
This is the reality of what yellow fever betas end up with
Dad is faking an interest in your hobbies in order to get closer to you again
ITT: We ask other races questions in a respectful manner
I have a very important question
Drunk thread? What you drinking tonight anons?
Any anons in north California?
Why does everyone abandon me?
/drugfeel/ - trippin ain't easy
My girlfriend said she's saving her vaginal virginity for the right guy which isn't me. I'm only her practice boyfriend...
"Choke on my chick-meat"? user, stop being so crude! If you want to suck my She-nis, just ask!
This pic makes me very angry and I literally could not give less of a shit about impoverished African children...
Guy says he loves me
Brazilian Favela Guy - AMA about Brazil or any curiosity related
For you she leaves read
I wonder if she is getting pounded right now
Be thankful you're alone
I fell for a Discord girl
When did you realize that college is a scam
Any anons want to chat?
Is there anything worse than being a small town jannie?
How do you other fembots feel about girls with benises? Do you want to give them a big smooch...
Looking for a comfy discord server when I can cry about my pathetic life
Robot poem
Fembot feels thread
What the fuck am I even supposed to do in life? I don't even mean in the grand scheme of things...
Let's have a music rate thread
I look at the mirror and i see a handsome man
Is there any reason I SHOULDNT put this hollow point in side of my own brain...
Osrs thread
/ITT/ Autistic things you do
"Principal user I went to the city morgue yesterday, they said we can borrow some bodies for experiments!"
How is the boy wife search going anons?
Weapon Enchantments
Tfw no /varbie/ gf to pin me down and rape me
There's no need for this hatred, Mr. Janitor
Why aren't more robots anarchists? It seems like the ultimate Jow Forums ideology
Why are you here?
Should i get cat?
To what do you attribute the massive rise in the popularity of buttplugs among teens and tweens in 2019?
What are fellow femcel's political positions?
Tfw no aryan princess fembot gf to save the white race with
$4 plus tip
Have any of you aggressively incelled cuntotrons ever thought of perhaps being less threatening in order to attract a...
Ywn have soft comfy sex with a thicc femanon
Why do normies pretend to be so buttblasted when their cat/dog dies
If all you need to get a gf is a big dick how come I don't have a big tiddy mommy gf?
There's this girl in my class who keeps staring at me. I've made a thread before...
I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her...
How to get gf
Do you think there'll be a time when either VR or plastic surgery will be good enough that I can experience what it's...
Why are we still here
How do we bring about true matriarchy?
How do your parents cope with you being a mid 20s khv neet hikikomori? Mine alternate between 3 moods really...
Draw requests
Post your top kinks/fetishes, and the runners up if they're relevant
Why havent you installed Tinder on your phone yet?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #92
Why is it soo easy to argue with Jow Forums?
Normie roommate goes outside with his friends every night to smoke weed behind the dorm
Is this something Americans see often?
Video games are no longer fun
Tfw vulva is so puffy my pee stream is all over the place
How do I become straight?
I made an OK Cupid account using nothing but the mug shot from a random meth addicted home invader from Alabama
/r9gay/ - #632
Why do women feel the need to extenuate their sexual body parts? For example push up bras, low cut t shirts...
How many human face to face interactions have you had this week and month?
Thoughts on social media personality, sports commentator and webcam model Mia Khalifa?
Be 2019
You see this walking around
Where can I find fine specimens like her, they don't necessary need to be coal burners or dye haired?
Help me
/creative robots/
Already got asked if I'm gay because I "never show any interest" and never approach...
A "radio host" has accused famous philanthropist, artist, philosopher, author, academic, poet, Nobel Laureate...
Crack open a Bang's root beer
Does it ever get better? Any robots ever made it out of this hell?
If black women like this are the least desirable in the dating market why do they get thousands upon thousands of...
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being female and not a virgin
Why do you guys think being a virgin is a bad thing. it isn't
Is Instagram ruining women?
Can't lose your virginity, let alone your kiss card or hold hand/hug card
Black people have really bizarre cultures and I'm surprised there aren't more horror movies based on their unsettling...
Former robot here, I'm now kinda considered a chad by my friends
I think I'm a sapiosexual.. guys like to tell me they're into smart women...
This is all your life will ever be. There is nothing after death, and on some level you know that. This is it...
Go to the kebab shop
What's her name, user. Ho old is She? Why don't you talk to Her?
Would you let her put you in a chastity cage?
Weed experimenting
Open up steam
Waifu General - /waifu/ #91
"user, I like you as a friend, but you're just... too nice to be my bf"
Why would a girl want a skelly, no style, depressed bf like you?
Why do you post here if you have a gf? Dont you have any shame to come here when youre a normie without real problems?
If you have a cock smaller than 7 inches, you should honestly just kill yourself. ok?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #91
Have that shit on my penis
Old fashioned guys
I would never want to be a woman. Imagine being nitpicked about every little thing...
What would you do if Belle Delphine was your gf?
/mbti/ general
Is this unironically what women are like...
Is love even real?
Daily reminder that your future girlfriend is not a virgin and has taken multiple dicks in her pussy and mouth and...
The Return of the King
What ticks me off is how people think being a 30-year-old virgin has no effect in one's life
The Virgin A and AB
The ends of the IQ scale are the danger...
Would you fuck a harpy?
"why am I so fat I can't seem to lose weight"
Does having a girlfriend cure the extensional pain of existence?
Sex survey
Virgin thread
1.Your score
I never got over the fact that 2 years ago my crush chose somebody else, a guy much younger and dumber than me...
Why do incels disappear after 2-3 years?
This happened to me a few years back, still think about it to this day
Tfw no 6'0 skeleton trap Lithuanian GF
I always thought being tall and muscular makes me more popular with women and people in general
What is the appeal of being a mommy gf?
What's the Chad-est moment in your life?
/r9poly/ - #01
What if I told you I have experienced this all before would you believe me?
How do we deal with the incel problem?
How can you legally kill someone
It's C right?
Who else drunk and lonely on friday night? I tried talking to some people but everyone else is going to bed I guess...
Fembots, describe your ideal relationship
What is an user to a jannie? What is a jannie to a mod? What is a mod to a schizo roastie?
Would being immortal really be a punishment? What would you do if you stopped aging past adulthood?
What'll you have to drink, faggot?
Fembots, why aren't you inducing lactation and selling your milkies to hungry robots?
Is Grindr a good app to find femboys to fuck and cuddle with? Any other places I can look?
There are people that have watched so much femdom porn they turned into cuckolds
Cute shy girl at school
Going to Japan in a couple of months and I just learned about Paradise in kawasaki
Why are all men liars?
He's into femdom
Give up before it is too late
Femanons, how would you feel if stacy wanted to fuck your boyfriend while you watched?
Choose 2 Game Mechanics to apply to your life:
"Hey buddy, spare a couple of bucks? I know how to "earn it" if you know what I mean!"
Fuck the jannies. Roastie uprising now
Jow Forums how do you talk to girls?
Why do I feel like I'm eye-raping women when I look at them?
Anyone else a shut in?
What are you robots smoking tonight?
I feel like I have nothing of value to offer women. Sure, I have various fundamentally meaningless accomplishments...
Am I the only one obsessed with periods...
I'm sick of their shit. I steal wooden doorstops to get back at society. I suggest you do the same...
So why arent you hanging out with your friends on friday night user?
Post pics that are GUARANTEED to trigger roasties
Frogs and Feels Tavern
What's wrong with the pic on the left?
What does a vagene feel like? I bet it feels gr8 but I will probably never experience unless I pay a prostitute
EU>NA. The only thing NA can be a bit better in is wagecucking but that's it...
If you have a small dick you will always be a joke to woman in bed
Can Straight Men ever be Driends with Girls?
Boy i'm in love with and think about constantly sends me a picture of a an e-girl he likes
What are you eating for diner anons?
Is it true that girls find sexist guys that treat them badly and treats women as weaker than men more attractive than...
God i want a girlfriend who is bigger and stronger than me so fucking badly
If you have a big dick you can't a robot
Should i trade in my neetbux for night security?
/drugfeel/ raped by machine elves edition
/r9gay/ - #631
Don't fall for the tranny meme
Daily reminder that femcels belong on this board
Why the fuck do i need to fill out a fucking 100 question survey just to apply for a fucking cashier job at a grocery...
Why don't call it pedophilia when Chad does it? We should arrest all those fucking sickos not just the weird ugly ones
Abigail Shapiro starts a yt channel
Muslim girl starts smelling me
What's the benefit of motherhood?
Virgin nerd all throughout highschool
What does dying feel like? And what happens after?
Love n Shit
We're all anonymous here, you can admit it. Do you ever enjoy watching sports?
I lost my girlfriend and my job on the same day
This girl starts flirting with you
Do women actually care and see as wrong if a man older than them wants to date them?
T. Average "male" into femdom:
What is the point of living if I am a short fat Asian what the fuck why did god create me
How did you get into drugs, Jow Forums?
What does it mean when women look at you this way?
Should women be able to vote?
Question for females: is being a 30 year old virgin a complete dealbreaker...
Tfw no tomboy gf
Marrying a woman who isn't a virgin
Reminder that every time you speak to a femanon you're speaking to a girl that is uglier than this
I feel like I'm the only guy on this website who finds asian girls hideous
Scandinavian Chads are unstoppable
I ate two whole medium pizzas today
25+ Thread: Friday Blues
Movies with a loner/loser/quiet protagonist
No gf of a gothic nature with large breasts
She sends you this and asks to see your dick
Waifu General - /waifu/ #90
Did you have any sexual experience before you were 18?
Are brainlet wojaks the greatest form of rethoric ever invented...
Tell me why I shouldn't do it
Why do girls like it when guys treat them like trash...
Intelligence is everything
User sometimes there could be a girl trying to talk to you and you wouldn't even realise that she's talking to you
Selling babies
Why are fembots so dominant and powerful?
Anyone else bisexual but still wouldn't have sex with a man? Why?
Male privilege isn't re-
Why are shitholes so aesthetic? Did God fuck up and switch the hole design by accident or something?
What do you think of this album I made?
Has a girl ever rejected you because of your race? What race are you? What race was she?
Self-improvement thread
Anons, if there was a perfect girl but she refused to have children/had her tubes tied, would you still marry her...
This girl literally made a patreon last night and now she's making $50k+ /y overnight taking pics at home...
Why is it so fucking difficult to not hate women?
Why havent you got a vasectomy yet bro?
ITT: Anime girls you want to pump full of your warm semen
Masturbation Thread
When did you realize
Would you fuck a 16 year old?
It's a friday night user, why are you on here instead of outside? /tBeMEq
Got fit
Doesn't remember him
Any incels in northeastern US / eastern canada want to fug a single mother reddit whore?
Visual Novels Screenshots Thread
Important PSA: If you're suffering or unable to comprehend reality
I saw this thread last night and really liked it. Can we do more of this, anons?
Why there's so much LGTBQ propaganda shilling on this site...
ITT: Posters you recognize
L have wasted my life
Conundrum of the month.. see if you can solve it:
March 1, 2019
Toxic Masculinity
Why are non-white men so attracted to white women, blondes in particular?
Okay what the FUCK
Another Friday, another PAYDAY! Post your balances ITT and discuss your financial woes
Normalfag hate
Dumping some pictures of the sexiest man on earth
What kinds of people can you not stand?
My justifiable misogyny
Is it autistic to play your 3DS in a coffee shop?
Cursed Image thread
Question for malebots who want to be fembots; do you want to get pregnant and be a mother?
Can girls get erectile dysfunction?
Post your gender and answer this question
How are you supposed to be at peace when you are never alone?
If you are not white. Fuck off my board
ITT: We ask other races questions in a respectful manner
Who was in the wrong here
Oh god I love you user! I'm such a lucky girl to have a NEET with no job, no money, no savings...
What is your best manga Jow Forums?
Ah, fuck yes. My mom just left for work. I have the whole house to myself. Now I can masturbate. But wait...
Hmmm, really maeks you think
Women are worthless and should be rid of
There is no hope of finding a decent woman, is there
To the user who told me to try the tinfoil thing: fuck you
Statue of WW2 kiss vandalised after US sailor's death
What is her secret?
Fapped to THAT again
Alita dominates my thoughts night and day
Why don't incels just make a post to r/sex about how they're lonely and then fuck some canadian overweight single mother
Tfw surrounded by normie Stacies who want to use you for sex
Why haven't most of you commited suicide yet? Assuming most of you aren't dumbass passerbys from Reddit and Twitter
Get in minor conflict with good friend
Who here /psychosis/
Tell us what ur dream gf looks like
This is the newest sex ed guide book for middle schoolers in Europe
I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay
The Official R9K Music Thread #10
How much to be Kina Shen?
Why not settle?
Post you real pokebro
How do you ask a girl out? And what if she says no? And what if she's in ur class? Isn't it awkward?
Do arr rook rike a wockstar?
Why does everyone abandon me?
Robots don't understand this. They are incapable of love
My mom is forcing me to see a therapist for my "sex addiction" after I admitted to her that I sleep with strangers...
What are your thoughts on wrestling?
Negro attacks Latino
There is no such thing as a "bisexual...
Jow Forums approved movies thread
My neet roommate is sperging out and destroying everything in his room
Fembots, why do you reject others because you don't like yourself? If someone really wants to be with you...
This is what perfect profile looks like
Loneliness causes irreversible brain damage
Why wouldn't this work?
How to cure avoidant personality disorder
Why can you call a fat person fat, a faggot a faggot but you can't call a nigger a nigger?
Frogs and Feels Tavern
Anyone else really bad at math?
Being an asian guy must fucking suck...
Share your computer rooms, best one gets a visit by a whore in their dreams tonight
Most depraved disgusting embarassing shit you've busted a nut to?
Nofap won't cure me being a turbosperg will it
Eating in the dining hall
What is the creepiest thing a guy has ever done to you femanon
What is the reason for your loneliness?
Why didn't you just ask out that really kind and friendly chick?
Reminder that all south east asians, hapas, amerindians & mestizos
Vent your frustrations
Do guys get intimidated if a girl has a bigger pee pee than they do?
Just got fucked by an American billionaire
Pizza Ordering General
Who is UNIRONICALLY the most pathetic sad fuck on Jow Forums?
There are people on Jow Forums now who have friends
Acne Thread
How important are teeth to guys?
How the fuck can you 'attempt' suicide and fail? like just shoot yourself, just grab a knife and stab yourself
Be white from ghetto upbringing
Would you lose your virginity to a trap, if given the chance?
At what age did you grow out of the cringy Jow Forumstard phase?
Why do so many white guys love Asian girls? Every fucking time I go out I see white guys with Asian women...
Why are men incapable of love?
Why is everyone I talk to from Jow Forums an NPC? I feel like I'm the only unique person on this board
Everyone on here talks about wanting to suck a dick but how many of you have actually done it?
Steele Reserve just came out with new flavors and Benzedrex is now 5 dollars per inhaler...
Have you ever held hands with a girl? Unironically
Social Outcast
This is the pinnacle of male beauty. Nothing will ever supersede him/people with this facial structure and look
Waifu General - /waifu/ #89
Is this gay? if a girl dressed up like a guy and another girl found it hot you wouldn't say she's a lesbian...
User told me that guys like "crazy girls"
Any other robots with this? How the fug do I get rid of it I just want to get scissors and chop them off
At what age is it weird to have never kissed a girl?
Any girls here into mommy dom?
Hey fembots, are women really obsessed with black men or is that just a meme?
Why do blacks have such strange bodies?
What do you think of wahmen that don't want to have kids?
Tinder thots
Breasts so big they give me migraines and back/shoulder pain
How do I leave this place
Robots that have a thing for short haired girls/tomboys,why? Any good stories or experiences...
Job hunt
What's the biggest thing in your life that's making you a robot
Can planes or satellites be used to track individual homes?
Why do the normies worship this
/r9poly/ - #00
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship