Is there technology capable of sending voice messages directly into the brain?

Just asking for a friend, btw.

Attached: Light.png (600x600, 220K)

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nope nothing that can transmit to the brain but there is tech that can take small amounts of information directly from the brain

How about one that makes you hallucinate your own voice in your head?

no nothing currently exists that can put information directly into the brain without using the eyes or ears externally

Well that sucks. Thanks or the info anyways.

if your friend hears voices it could just be an overactive imagination

>overactive imagination
I wish it was that simple. I suppose there's no hope for me.

why do u say that, plenty of methods available to a person looking to better access their thoughts incoherent or not.

What is your goal?

This is an original post.

To end my suffering, one way or another.
I've tried many methods over the past 10 years, yet my health is failing rapidly,

dont give up regardless, we don't know alot more than we do know and we can never know the future

How much must one suffer before they're allowed to give up?

I'm not sure how sending your own voice to your brain would end your suffering. Your brain isn't even what really produces your voice, anyway. It sends signals to the instrument that does and knows nothing from there. You wouldn't be able to understand your brain trying to speak to you.
this dude seems to be close enough

Electronic mind control is very real but not available to the public.
One of my proffesors told us about the shit they had and used during ussr, he even had access to some equipment.

these is no limit its all perspective your mind can repair almost any damage if it has the right conditions

Well something is doing it.
Hmm. I'm in ex-ussr. Things are starting to line-up it seems.

No, but I'll send a message directly into your heart
be my lover

>directly into the brain
No, but I imagine that if there was a demand for it, they could create some type of implant that would feed the sound through the bones into your skull into your ears.

You're just imagining a voice. There'd need to be a way to transmit the same signals that control your vocal cords into something that simulates your voice.

How would you find such an implant if it was inside you?
I'm not imagining. It does exist separately from me.

I've read about a reciever that can be drilled into your mouth. When somebody speaks through the transmitter the reciever vibrates and after a while you can understand it as speech

Please get help. Nobody has implanted you with anything.

That's what I'm trying to do. I close to giving up though. I get told to drown myself though. I know that I shouldn't do it and I won't, but it's still very annoying.

alot of people in here are just talking out of their asses and would be better off ignored

I already told you in the other thread.
Take the antipsychotics, they'll only make you a bit dumber in exchange of not having to deal with the voice shit.

So they essentially would make me even easier to control? Don't you think that sounds a bit convenient?

Nobody is trying to control you, that's just the madness in you trying to make you believe it.

If this isn't roleplay, I'm quite worried about your paranoia and/or schizophrenia.

Yes, it is the flow when you are in R.E.M. You can influence others through mere subliminal messages.

Yes. Your "friend" isn't crazy.

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And I do get tinnitus! One more clue falls into place.
The way I see it, it's both. Sure, I may not be "all there" in my head, I never was, but that doesn't mean there can't be malicious outside forces after me. I understand that people are capable of stuff like that, and if they can, they will.

>I understand that people are capable of stuff like that, and if they can, they will.
And why you? a literal nobody girl, come on.
What's has an higher probablity, you being the target of a vast alien sovietic conspiracy with secret technology, or you being schizophrenic and in need of meds?

military always has some crazy shit that nobody knows about for years in advance from public knowledge/use of said technology. So I wouldn't doubt it. also another possibility: 5G

this type of technology still uses the vibrations picked up in the air by the eardrum and results in the victim hearing a whisper it is also very limited in range due to light scattering

Kind of a sketchy website but the machine they're talking about on it is legit
Ignore the guy talking about "my insider connection" and just read about the patented CIA device.

>vast alien sovietic conspiracy with secret technology
You just put it like that to make me sound crazy. I'm not. I am what I am. All I've ever wanted was to be left alone. But apparently that's too much to ask.
It could be planted somewhere in my home. I notice that when I go for a walk, the voice lessens.

i dont mean to be skeptical but would a laser being in the LW light spectrum have the ability to vibrate molecules in this type of way there may be a wave length issue here that means it couldn't be done with anything done above the UV spectrum,
it wouldn't be in your home it would be to big easily spotted and easily damaged

Seems like someone's banging downstairs, I might not survive this.

Attached: Exhaustion.png (600x600, 192K)

Girl, just take the damn meds and you'll be left alone.

>tfw no cute crazy gf to forcefed meds to

It's really hard to be alone these days
I live in one of the most convenient places for it though

If you're serious, get some tin foil and layer it at least 5 times and cover your entire head. Leaving some room under your chin so you can breathe. If you don't feel relief within 10 minutes, then you're not being targeted and it's something else. Some will call it schizophrenia but i call it a blessing. Listen. Talk. Learn. You are always in charge. Without you as a medium, they lose their reason to exist.

Yes, please return my calls user. I love you.

I don't want to be seen as "that crazy lady". Fuck, what did I do in my past life to deserve this? Maybe I'm a reincarnation of Hitler or something.

You're not crazy, I am just projecting my feelings for you into your brain.
Please love me back.

I certainly hope not. Imagine the amount of shit world powers would abuse that for.

You're not that bad
Even Hitler wasn't really that bad
Fate just has this funny way of being unfair to people
I won't think of you as crazy

Who the fuck is going to know you put tinfoil over your head besides the people that you think are watching you? Do it faggot. See if you feel relief. If not, throw that shit away and forget about it.

I always hear about "muh crazy girlfriend" and such when people talk about relationships. The thing is those women aren't actually crazy at all. So imagine what they'd call me. Scary.
Okay. I'll try it out tomorrow.

I had a crazy girlfriend once, I think you'd be better
At least you have self awareness

I just said you weren't crazy. Why are you rejecting me like this?

And how exactly was she crazy? Did she ask you to wash your dishes and not to keep clothes on the floor? Would you prefer one that can't remember if anything from last week was even real and thinks that she's constantly dying?

I feel very bad for you. If only there were some way for you to feel comforted, if only temporarily. Is there anybody online that helps you calm down? Any music? Are you ever able to be convinced that the voices aren't real?

I went through a few months of severe paranoia, but some serious effort and cognitive behavioral therapy got me better. It sounds like you're deeper into it (and something else) than I was, though.

I would prefer that, fighting off imaginary secret agents seems a lot easier than fighting off Tinder Chads.

no, more like
>parental issues from both sides
>hated all other women
>easily jealous to the point of paranoia
>demands I give her sex whenever and however she wanted it, cried when I wasn't horny enough
>demands I give her attention whenever and however she wanted it, cried when I wasn't attentive enough
>refused to cook, I cooked everything we ate for two and a half years
>threatened suicide if I ever left
>claimed it was my fault for being unempathetic and cold all the time
>was a filthy fuckin commie
as for dirty dishes and clothes, she was actually much messier than I was
I think you would be well on the way to solving your problems with some therapy sessions from a professional and some more introspection, from the sounds of it you're already a few steps down that path

Well being here helps. And I do listen to a lot of music. It helps drown out the other thoughts.
>Are you ever able to be convinced that the voices aren't real?
Not really. If I can't trust them to be real then I can't trust a lot of other things to be real too. Sometimes I do have moments of extraordinary peace, when everything starts making sense again, but those don't last.
More like watching me 24/7 so that I do even the most basic self-care tasks like feeding and grooming myself. At least that's where I imagine I'll be soon enough.

Have you ever tried using a live person's voice to calm you down? Do you have any online friends who would be willing to do that for you? Maybe the ability to have someone constantly reassuring you in real-time would be helpful.

About not trusting them to be real, I suppose that's true. If you were able to differentiate how real the voices were from actual reality, then I guess you wouldn't be in your predicament in the first place.

>was a filthy fuckin commie
All was fine until this part. Fuck commies, they killed my grandpa and fucked this country.
In all seriousness, I'm a pretty needy person too. I might not protest things as much, but I'm pretty useless, so you'd have to do all the work probably.
>from the sounds of it you're already a few steps down that path
Kek. Should have spoken to me just a few weeks ago.

I'll feed and groom you so you don't even have to do it. Easy.

no it was not fuckin fine
all these terrible character traits and a distinct lack of self awareness are half of what makes commies as bad as they are
here you are admitting you are needy and that you might actually be crazy and that makes you a better person than just about every commie that ever lived on this earth

I lost the only friend I've ever had around a year ago. I don't seek any friendships. I think they're exhausting. Not to mention the whole paranoia aspect.
I haven't showered in a few days. You better do a good job.

Then I hope someone is out there who is able to convince you that they're not out to get you. You could use someone to talk to and ground you.