Child evolution

is there a way i can force my child to evolve to be taller/stronger? if i put him into an enviroment that requires height and strength, is this possible?

Attached: pepsiniglet.png (453x604, 489K)

Not how evolution works, but just give him what he needs to be strong and tall

Fucking hell this board is going to kill me one day

Get him to drink lots of milk and supplement citrulline/arginine

Yeah you've just gotta train it to level 36

if i move to amsterdam, where tall people are made in, and have my son, he will surely be at least 1-2 inches taller than if i were to have him elsewhere

Nah youre just going to make him a manlet. If you want a real result take him to a short country

Arguably something called gene expression might do the trick.

Although there isn't a ton of studies on epigenetics.

Generally speaking eat higher quality meat, exercise daily, train the brain too, cardio and weight training when appropriate.

Get your kid to do the same as young as is healthy to do so.

Whisper "grow grow grow" to him everyday while gently touching him.
He should be at least a few inches longer than he would be if you didn't do that.

this thread

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fuck you
that is how evolution works
stop trying to mess with the placebo powers

Unironically get him to drink milk. I loved milk as a kid and grew to be 6'5, I am legitimately the tallest member in my family.

well height is genetic, but you can reach your best potential if you are getting your nutrition.
don't let the kid get into lifting until he is a teen so to max out his test. but don't let him be a lazy fuck, make him play cardio sports to have good health.


Plenty of milk and protein

A rat born in the stable is not a horse


I live off this shit man

Some shit came up on snapchat one day about mothers that were massaging their babys dicks to supposedly make them bigger. It was fucked up man

I don't want to reply to the post above ^^because that is fucked
those moms need to be fucking gassed or raped by niggers

Jesus Christ what
They really should get shot in the streets desu
Can't tell if they fell for that dumb shit or they are fucking pedo's or what.

avoid having him eat or drink from plastic containers or having him swim too much in chlorinated pools