This is why I don't go to they gym anymore

This is why I don't go to they gym anymore...

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youre going to see fat people in yoga pants where ever you go. They have no shame these days

shes trying to improve herself.
underage detected

I want to bury my face in that after her sweaty workout.

Making fun of fat people at the gym is like making fun of a student for going to the library. They're actually doing the thing to improve themselves that Jow Forums makes fun of them for not doing...? How the fuck is that a bad thing you stupid piece of shit!? They're trying to improve themselves, and they have to do it in an environment where fucks like you want to make them feel shitty for the doing only thing they can do to not be in the condition they're in.

In short, fuck you! If you see fat people in the gym, encourage them instead of shaming them, because that's the only way we're gonna get less fat people you dumb fuckity shitstick!

There's a pretty big dude at my gym that complimented me on my weight loss, then I got fat again and now he's ignoring me lmao

are you gay?
i would enjoy this view

imagine the smell if you laid your face right on those hams and just inhaled at full strength through your nose.


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Everybody has the right to go to the gym, if you are a faggot it's nobody's problem

This is like seeing someone at a library eating a book because they believe they can ingest knowledge. She already does extensive leg work carrying that fat body round all day.

You don't "start" this fat, you don't just get born and you're either fat or not, this kind of shit takes years of sloth and gluttony, it already shows weak character and is already despicable.

Just because after years of being a piece of shit you suddenly realized something is bad, doesn't mean you get rewarded for doing the first thing to improve yourself.

You don't get a pat on the back for doing less than the minimum.

big yikes user

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Yeah they fucked up, so what? If some 40 year old decided "I need an education" and got his GED, I wouldn't shit on him for that either.


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I'm not shit talking her for working out, i'm shit talking her for being fat and an eyesore

So were you born into a fit family? I worked out hard 5 days a week my whole twenties but will never be able to fix the loose skin I have for sharing my parents eating habits as a teen. I never was educated in healthy eating habits as a kid. My "sloth and gluttony" wasn`t fully my choice when it started.

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She's working out to stop being an eyesore.


oh did you miss the part in school where they told you that shoveling twinkies in your face 24/7 would make you fat?

Oh man, I fucking lol'd

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big girls who lift are the sexiest shit ever. They already have thick muscular legs, and they lose fat as they lift and end up super THICC.
also, why are you so beta that seeing another person makes you avoid a place you like to go?

EVERY exercise burns calories, you dolt.
fat girls who do "everyday is leg day" end up sexy as fuck. Every single guy here probably started with the "every day is arms day" before they learned about more stuff to do.

tell him that you're bloatmaxxing and you learned that thing from an online rice farming forum

there are tons of legitimate circumstances for why someone is fat or out of shape. Maybe they were fat as kids because they're parents were shit? Maybe they suffered depression after trauma. maybe they have the genes for addiction and suffered through alcoholism in a culture that assumes everyone can drink whenever they want?

also, stop pretending you are perfect. you get off on hating on anonymous people on the internet anonymously. you should improve that aspect of your life, as you are currently peak beta.

>quitting the gym because the hamstring machine is always occupied
LMAOing at your life, faggot.

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Holy fuck, how does it feel being so miserable?

Nah, fat people need to fuck off. They literally take longer to do the same exercises on the equipment, but the weight is pathetically low.

The gym should be segregated based on body type. Hambeasts can come in from 1-5 am like the knuckle dragging mental midgets they are for letting themselves get that way.

I honestly question why fat people even workout. Their bodies are so frail that working out for them increases chances of injury. When I see a big fatty in the gym I wonder how long they will or can keep it up for. If they were serious about their health, they would hide themselves away, and work on their diet. Then, when they look semi normal and start to think about building muscle.


Hows it feel to admit you had too low of a mental capacity to not be a fattass in your teens?

Disgusting how onedimensional one can view people. I`m sorry for whatever made you like this.

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smell of shit with a hint of 2 days old sweat, you're obviously an incel if you cant imagine this

I used to be fat. Was a lineman in college, but quit when I started really looking at myself in the mirror. 288 lbs.

I was so disgusted, I quit eating. I dropped the weight and lost 100 lbs. Went from 400 lbs bench press, 600 lbs squat, and 340 lbs hang clean to dyel.

Why? Because being fat as fuck is embarrassing and gross even if you can move weight around. The thing with really fat fucks though is that they can't even move weight. They literally have nothing going for them. They have ruined their body and have no self control. They are in the way most of the time and dont realize how loathsome they are, and the they expect pitty. "Encourage me for doing something!"

Yeah fuck that. I'm not going to congratulate an alcoholic for drinking an O'doules.

>people trying to improve their image and pay for the same access to equipment as I do should go to gym at a time convenient for me and not them
Go fuck yourself retard

Nah, fat people can go fuck themselves. They will sit on a machine during their break and are shocked that you ask them to get off their fat ass and rotate during their rest.

They don't have the stamina to superset and thus spend more time than necessary in the gym.

The weight they move is pathetic, just like their appearance. Of which, is a total eye sore. I legit am disgusted by fat people and how little they care for themselves.

The time they spend in the gum is pointless. Working put does nothing unless they fix their diet, which practically none do. They just lift to justify they abhorrent caloric intake.

I hate fat people. They cost the US healthcare system billions of dollars yearly for preventable conditions, and thanks to Obamacare, I know I'm paying for more and more of them. So no, I don't have any patience or respect for second class citizens who chose to be a burden and inconvenience to those of us who actually care about ourselves and if we inconvenience others.

>Hambeasts can come in from 1-5 am
fuck off mate no fatties allowed in the 4am club

>Never gonna make it annon

Stop being a fat shit

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fatso detected

christ thats a nice arse

Fine with me, stay away from the gym.

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Machines are perfect for fat people. You should be using barbells anyway.

>my first post

Shoo summer frog

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>leddit retaliation
Hey buddy i think you got the wrong door, the summerclubs 2 blocks down

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Get real, user. She going to Starbucks afterwards to reward herself for light exercise.


how does it feel not wanting to put your face in DAT BOOOOOOOOOTAY

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can this meme die please? If someone gets winded walking up a flight of stairs then they aren't fit enough to carry their own body weight.

former fatty who also had poor habits taught to me by my parents
its not always the food itself, its the portion sizes. if you grow up from day one being served massive portions, it's going to seem normal. i never had twinkies growing up, but i did have fuck-huge portions of chicken pot pie that were probably 1,500+ calories.

God I'd cum in that so fast

You don't have to encourage them. Literally just ignore them. There is no one pressuring you to applaude them for doing some leg extensions or some shit.

>doesn't mean you get rewarded for doing the first thing to improve yourself.
>You don't get a pat on the back for doing less than the minimum.

Pretty sure they'd be happy if you just ignored them. I'm human, so if I see a giant ham planet at the gym I might look for a second, but I actively try to avoid judging them.

Being a judgmental asshole doesn't benefit you in any way other than stroking your weak ego. Not gonna make it

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Being harsh on others doesn't mean you're perfect or aren't harsh on yourself.

Stop being a fucking pussy. Stop expecting compliments and encouragement for being literally below mediocre.

It's instinct to be disgusted by disgusting fatties, I am not going to force myself not to be disgusted by something disgusting just to make you more comfortable. I'm not gonna go out of my way to interrupt their workout or anything, but I'm not gonna act like they're amazing angels because they're doing something right for the first time in their life.

Fat people in the gym are repulsive but atleast they are attempting to improve their health. Fat people that are lazy, stay at home and don't do shit should be ridiculed.

>act like they're amazing angels
Everyone in this thread said to ignore them. Why are you making shit up in your head?

It's the popular mentality to congratulate them on "making a change" for doing the absolute minimum a human should do

>Intelligent post featuring emotional maturity
I'm not sure if you understand, but you're on Jow Forums. Healthy worldviews are not tolerated here

Do you regularly congratulate random people in your gym? Who cares?

Fuck off idiot

Post body


??? I literally just need to be not fat to be able to support my claims, I didn't say anything about lifts or strength or aesthetics

this isn't a post body situation, anyone who isn't fat can win this

you fucking subhuman american fatty

>doesn't lift
>doesn't go to the gym "anymore"
Why are you here?

I'm not the op you retard

OK, why are either of you here?

Bashing fatties

but you are a fatty which is why tou wont post body

When the standard of what I need to prove is as low as "don't be fat" I'm not gonna bother

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I honestly don't believe you're not fat. Only a coping fatty would care that much about other fatties at a gym.

Kek stop being fat

>le edgy sociopath
>am I cool yet guyz?!


Post body u won’t

fuck off lmao. fatties don't deserve participation awards for doing what they are already supposed to do.

>not going out of your way to be a dick is a reward

Is this part of the nice guy syndrome incels love to yammer about

What, because you're a low test faggot?

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lmaoo i went to that school when she was on her last year there (she was 2 years older than me) The tits werent even real btw


I agree with what you're saying, but I wish you didn't sound like such a faggot when you said it.

imagine the vulgar fucking stench

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Fucking obviously look at them

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She's aching for a stabbin' from the ole meat stick

this, whenever i see a fatty working out or running outside, i feel a weird sense of proudness and happiness. probably because i was a former fatty

>The tits weren't even real btw
lmao! i cant tell if this user is joking or if he is for real 14 years old

No way! Those girls tits are fake? I don't believe you.

based unironically


you fat