Did they deserve it, robots?

Did they deserve it, robots?

Attached: parkfirehydrant.png (650x786, 592K)

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I assume the hose needs to be relatively straight and that passing it over would have been too high an angle or something, but either way, yes. The law is pretty clear.

The window is down and not broken so obviously the driver is in on it. Otherwise the driver would have moved it out of the way instead of just rolling the window down.

There's broken glass on the ground and a piece of broken glass still in the window.

What happened here exactly? Did they have to put the hose through the car because he was parked in front of the fire hydrant or something?

That's not how water pressure works. I would seriously consider busting the windshield out of the next firetruck I see.

Yeah (original comment origami response!)

>That's not how water pressure works.
That's actually exactly how water pressure works retard.
Do you have any idea what would happen if you kinked a fucking fire hose?
>I would seriously consider busting the windshield out of the next firetruck I see.
Okay antifa

For parking in front of a hydrant? Yes.

Did I say anything about kinking the hose you gullible dicksucker of authoritarian PR photos?

Did they deserve it...? well put it this way... if you yell 'NIGGER!' in a gehtto...

If you try gay sex for the first time and he says "I don't wear rubbersth, but I'm clean thweetie"...

Yes, they deserved it. How is this even a question? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Enlighten me comrade, what exactly were you talking about then?
>Also thinking that making fun of a retard online is authoritarian PR
You should probably stick to whatever subreddit you came from.

I'm talking about how they clearly didn't need to break the window to get water from the fire hydrant to the fire. It's a hose. Not a pipe. They could have gone over the car, behind the back wheel, or it looks like they could have even gone under the car. Any retard who isn't just some wannabe hallway monitor spewing factoids-for-goodboys can identify this.

> making fun of a retard online is authoritarian PR
It's a government twitter account gloating about how they busted someone's window for parking illegal. You are a fucking idiot.

If you park in front of a fire hydrant you're a selfish cunt and deserve to have your car wrecked. You don't impede emergency services because you're lazy and entitled.

Lives are not worth the cost of a window. All first responders should burn in hell.

Don't think you've ever seen one of them hoses at max pressure. They might have a curve diameter of 10 feet, not exactly your garden hose you can bend as you will.

You severely underestimate the pressure of fire hoses. They need to be kept that straight because if you bend them, then they will get fucked up. It's a tube that essentially become a slightly bendy pipe when pressure starts running through it.
Don't you think it would have been easier to just "put it around the car" if they could you fucking rock, instead of busting though a persons car?

Also if this was posted by some random cunt then you wouldn't be such a baby about it, but because some fire chief who likes the internet did it it's suddenly """"propaganda""""
Eat my ass tankie.

I don't park in front of fire hydrants. I'm also not a government employee who pointlessly busts out car windows for petty retaliation before lying it was necessary so I can gloat about it on twitter. (Big urgent emergency, by the way!)

I hope the owner of that car takes a crowbar to the next firetruck he sees parked somewhere.

And that's why all fire hydrants have adjustable heights, right?

Retard kids like you always end up in jail.

>do something selfish and illegal
>get comeuppance
Typical commie

What are you even talking about?
Yes, a metal spout cemented to the ground is going to be able to withstand water presser better than a hose? You can move it up or down slightly before locking it into place. You can't make it taller than a car.
Did you actually think this is a valid argument in any way at all?

>break someone's car window out of retaliation
>"they can't do shit because I'm with the government"
Typical born follower.

>the hose has to make a straight line directly from the hydrant to the fire because water pressure
Checks out!

You're actually autistic. The base has to be in a straight line, the hose can bend slightly when it gets out in length, but even then it's only by a very small margin.
You have no clue what you're talking about.

lol thats like the second most apathetic thing ive seen this week

Absolutely. Every single person knows to not park in front of a hydrant.
That car definitely belongs to a nig or a teen.

Here's a video demonstrating that hoses are really pipes!

And here's one showing exactly how difficult it would have been to go around the back tire. Because of the water pressure!
(3:40 timestamp)

If I was the the fireman and could get my hose over the car, I'd do it and still break their windshield. Fuck Them

I'm guessing that the fireman who wasted time unnecessarily breaking out some guy's car window to retaliate for illegal parking would agree.

First I said they essentially become bendy pipes, similar to the ones used in sinks, and toilets. I get that you're autistic dweeb but I never said they were straight metal pipes.
Also in the video you can see the hose making slow wide turns up until it's exit when it's just fucking exploding. So thanks for proving my point that even when left alone, a hose will not bend any more then like 45 degrees at best.

As for the second one you can clearly see that there is plenty of room for the hose to slowly, and gradually warp for a handful of feet, because there isn't a car literally 2 feet from it like in the original pic. If they tried in Op's pic the hose, the hydrant, or anything else would have been damaged at that closeness and angle.

You have successfully proved absolutely nothing.
Good job.

>live in country that has been authoritarian as fuck since the beginning

>get mad when government does authoritarian things

go live in the woods

>even when left alone
lol oh ok

>wasted time

it takes like 5 seconds to break out the window with tools that they already have on hand.

nice rebuttal
When the hose got turned on it acted on it's own accord until the guy went to grab it.

They parked in front of a fire hydrant in a redzone, they were begging for it.

>totally not the worldview of some government shill

Attached: hydrant.jpg (1224x1632, 634K)

Lmao that asshole who parked next a fire hydrant in a rush to get to his shitty job got his window broken, let's all pat ourselves on the back

Yes and no, he shouldn't have parked there, they rightfully broke the car's window and no, posting the picture on Twitter is just petty.

This. I have a ton of firefighters in my family. This was 100% the correct decision, they're not going to dick around making your life nice while someone could be dying in a fire.

, he said in reference to firefighters who broke out a car's windows and threaded the hose through it instead of going under the car or around the back tire.

Attached: hydrant2.jpg (866x1390, 183K)

why the fuck are the police posting this shit? why the fuck does the police department even have a twitter? fuck police. they do shit like this and then wonder why they get shot. hmmmm let me think. also whoever broke that window is going to have to pay for it

Hey, just a fun fact: It leaked today that S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, the company, has been maintaining their own little mom and pop credit-agency-like service where "marketers" keep a secret file on you that you have no ability to review or challenge. They're saying it "leaked" today, but all that really happened was one of their customers left their own API gateway unsecured. ("Customer" implying someone important who is exempt from regulations like the ones which apply to those little-people credit agencies the rest of us are permitted to know about.)

Unrelated different fun fact: About 1% of the population has a security clearance. I'd assume that's significantly higher in certain kinds of economic centers. I'd wonder what all kinds of clearance you need to work on various lawsuits, PPP's, reporting, etc, but we probably shouldn't think about all that too hard since this whole thing is going pretty well, wherein government agencies don't gotta explain shit to anyone. It's not like modern intelligence practices blur the line between ruthless marketing interests and big data brokering or anything either.

Just btw.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019.png (1976x1040, 457K)

By the way, maybe I can kind of see how the car was right on the edge of where the hose could safely bend, and maybe the most deterministic thing was to just say fuck it and bust out the windows.

It's still silly to post it on twitter. And it's even sillier when you realize we go through all this like once ever three or four years, and it's clearly just a PR thing they do so people won't park in front of hydrants.
That's not to say it isn't clearly debatable whether they could have just gone around the tire. It actually looks like they arguably had room to make a complete right angle.

>don't you know they can't bend the hose 15 more degrees to avoid your car than it is bent to go through your car window, don't you know they might have needed to spend 10 more seconds to not smash your window

Attached: 1544552813870.jpg (1422x1626, 170K)

>do something illegal
>get mad when your actions have consequences
I've done some shit that I didn't know was illegal before that I hope never ever comes to light or comes to bite me in the ass, but you learn this shit in fucking driving school. You learn it when studying for the test. It's common sense. Your own damn fault.

>"People" in this thread actually think emergency services should tip toe around them and their sub freezing IQ

Attached: 1527805793783.jpg (280x280, 12K)

This thread in a nutshell- try going outside Jow Forums

Look at the actual picture. There is a kink at the joint where it meets the hydrant in OPs picture. Their line is under tension in order to reach, these are not. If a firefighter has to break down a door to put out a fire that's just what needs to be done and no one complains. Same principle applies. The law in this case isn't pointless and arbitrary, it exists for a clear functional purpose and you aren't supposed obstruct hydrants for exactly this reason.

>I've done some shit that I didn't know was illegal before that I hope never ever comes to light or comes to bite me in the ass
Give some details my nigga.

>Man children are entitled and lacking in self awareness.
Shocking revelation.

Draping the hose over two panes of broken glass vs bending it slightly further to go around the back rubber tire was clearly the safe move, I agree.
>try going outside
e.g. Maybe instead of shilling around here, you literal cops could just go around looking for illegally parked cars so you can bust their windows out and post about it on twitter.

Most cars would bottom out driving over a fire hose.

You're talking to actual bootlickers user. They really don't give a shit that there might have been another solution or that this kind of behaviour is petty.


>We posted this incident to illustrate and educate, not to humiliate anyone. In answer as to why break the windows instead of going under, over, or around the car... ir doesn't work. The hose needs a straight line out of the hydrant. We do not damage property unless it is needed.

>did they deserve it
possibly, but if I were a fireman, even if it could have been avoided, I would still be looking for an excuse to break somebody's window. And as a third-party observer, I relish in such quasi-justified property destruction by proxy, so I'm glad it happened.

>building's on fire
heh, I guess I'm gonna have to break this door down to save some lives and bust out of here looking like a movie
>car parks in front of hydrant

The hose can only make that shape going up, user. It can't make that shape going to the side. The giant hose that doesn't fit under that car.

lol no one is going to pay for their stupidity what the fuck are they going to do, tell a judge they illegally parked in front of a hydrant ?

If they need to move your car they will ram it with their fire truck and charge you for the damage to it.

>there are actually faggots ITT trying to prove that the firefighters were in the wrong

Is there such a thing as a position that's so wrong and unjustifiable that some stupid cunt won't defend it to death on the internet?

You can't defend Israel

I mean they could have probably put it over top of the car. Firefighters are such petty assholes.

>we didn't do it to humiliate anyone
>that's why we made sure to take photos of this and put it on twitter before we bothered fighting the fire

fuck firefighters and fuck normies

Attached: normie.png (1120x608, 1.1M)

Fire department says they couldn't run the hose over because it would have fucked the car up even more, at least windows are cheap. It definitely could not fit under the car. There was nowhere near enough room to run the hose around the car, there are other pictures out there with better angles so you can see for yourself. I feel bad for the guy becuase he probably didn't do it on purpose. Hopefully, this leads more people to being cautious of their sorroundings.

No. Let the building burn to the ground while firemen politely wait around for the owner of the car to return.

Attached: 1512558530058.jpg (265x299, 36K)

>we didn't do it to humiliate anyone
there is no license plate or any other clear identification of the retard who parked his car there so technically they are right

it's illegal to park and obstruct an hydrant, the firemen did nothing wrong.

I seriously hope these brainlets don't own cars

Those faggots just got a hard-on for breaking windows because they know they can get away with it. If they were really concerned with their "straight line" for the hose, they would have smashed one window, opened the door and then opened the other door, and laid the hose along the backseat which would have made more sense than breaking both windows but they needed their twitter likes instead. And how did those dumbasses even get the hose through the car without opening the doors? Nah they fucking knew what they were doing.

You'd get pissed too if your job was to save lives and risk your own but assholes are constantly breaking the law and getting in your way.

well maybe if they are so obsessed with their fucking fyre hydrant fetish, they could just put the darn things higher up so it doesn't matter if a car parks in front of it.

Based firefighters breaking the normalfag windows

That's a really good answer and I respect it but then you go on Jow Forums and jidf never sleeps

What's happening in the pic?

firefighters found a car of a white guy who isn't dating a black girl and they smashed his windows and stole his wallet to teach him to not be a racist

>be a firefighter
>get from place to place using a fucking sliding pole

Jesus christ, use the fucking stairs how-about. You have to have them because I know you don't use the pole to get up, just down. No wonder they broke the windows, their minds are just too stupid to understand ways of travel that aren't straight lines.

Imagine you're a firefighter approaching the hydrant with the hose ready to attach. You're on the street, on the opposite side of the car to the hydrant. When the Chief says smash the windows, do you walk around and kindly smash the window by the hydrant and then waste time crawling through the car to open the other door? Fuck no, you smash the one closest to you so you can get the hose in.

In an emergency situation you don't think about how you can minimise damage to the property of retards, you get your part of the job done so other people can get water where it's needed. Then you humiliate said retards on Twitter. GG.

No, YOU imagine you're a firefighter. Should be easier for you since you're already a massive faggot.

no need to be so hurt about your windows user, next time dont park in front of the hydrant

Not me but I have many friends who are volunteer firefighters. I'm Australian so fire is actually a serious annual concern rather than the mild annoyance you seem to think it is.

Eat your own shit by the way

Listen here you fucking weasel. I'm not a bootlicker and I fucking hate authoritarianism but the fact of the matter is I don't give a fuck about some retard's car window and you shouldn't either. Sure, they shouldn't have broken the window but the fact is they thought they had to so they did it in the moment so they could save lives.

People defend Hitler and Stalin so obviously no.

You just made the first sub triple digit IQ post of the thread. Impressive.

Bro there have been SO many sub 100 IQ posts ITT it would take 5 minutes to link them all. Anyway nice trips

Only redditors will say they should have broken the car window.

You're right.
Breaking ALL of the windows and filling the car with water is more Jow Forums's style.

It's illegal to park your car in front of a fire hydrant because it makes it hard for firefighters in the event of an emergency which can cost lives. This is actually pretty standard practice desu.

Dude fire hydrants are like 2 a block you can't just get another one in a flash. What if it was you in the fire asshole.

That is wilful and spiteful damage of property. The correct thing to do if a car is inappropriately parked is to have it towed away or otherwise moved. Also, the police and other governmental agencies should not use social media for anything other than alerts, tax dollars should not be paying some little shit in the office to be snide on Twitter.

never understood this normie idea of people "deserving it" and being shamed all over social media.
the driver made a simple mistake and the firefighters did what needed to be done. the car will be be fixed and there, story over.
it's always normies complaining about petty assholes when they're the assholes themselves

>The correct thing to do if a car is inappropriately parked is to have it towed away or otherwise moved.
when a building is on fire theres no time for that shit. say goodbye to your windows, normalshit

Two firemen could have pushed that car a couple of feet out of the way in a matter of seconds if they didn't have time to call a tow truck. You just like breaking things, nothing to do with how much of an emergency it is.

and you just like parking in front of fire hydrants. why should people waste time and effort to accomodate your lazy ass for breaking a simple law?

I don't even own a car you fool. I am pointing out that there are proper ways of dealing with lawbreaking. Law enforcement is pretty much all about wasting time and effort to deal with lawbreakers, because it is more civilized than simply sending a big man in to break skulls. If law enforcement doesn't follow their own rules then they just become a government-funded gang, and anyone with a speck of common sense can understand why this is bad for everyone. If you prefer that approach to law enforcement then go and live in some African shithole where you have to bribe the cops not to beat you for looking at them funny.

that hose is so thick it wont get cut easily like that you moron

you really think they'd use a flimsy hose when lives are at stake

getting your windows smashed is a pretty appropriate course of action in this emergency situation. let it be a lesson to you normalfaggots.

This wasn't cops dealing with lawbreakers this was firefighters doing what they needed to do in an emergency situation

It was firemen doing what they didn't really need to do for Twitter points and smugness. It is a law enforcement issue if it is illegal to park there and it is arguable that the firemen were acting entirely outside their authority. Personal property is not something you can just disregard if there are other options available and I wouldn't be surprised if these firemen got successfully sued.

No it isn't. You are just spiteful. Don't pretend you are in the right, be honest with your desire to see people's expensive property get damaged and destroyed.

thats the best part, i am in the right and i do like to see peoples shit get smashed. i get to have my cake and eat it too. you literally have no defense, if you tried that shit in court youd just get your stupid ass fined lmao

This retard has no idea how auto glass works.