16 Year Old Boomer?

>be me
>listen to 70s to early 2000s range music
>unapologetic about my views and opinions
>honestly give 0 fucks about what you think of what I think
>play old videogames, in fact grew up on them
>legitimately wish we could just go back on some things

mfw other than age I'm practically a boomer
I'm a fucking 16 year old boomer

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Enjoy your ban cuck

Jow Forumslewronggeneration
edit: Really guise? Downvotes?

>16 Year Old Boomer?
More like 16 banned faggot

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Anyone else sometimes think back of how much of a faggot they were when they were 15-17

What a tryhard faggot. I see your posts on youtube videos of Queen and Led Zeppelin all the time, faggot

You watch queen on YouTube? What a fag

shoot up your school you degenerate fuck


Enjoy your ban zoomer cuck

At least say when you WERE 16. You gotta be 18 bud

He may be underage but jfc I wish I were 16 again

Duhduh, nigga poo

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Listening to old music doesn't mean anything. Enjoy your own culture instead of living in the past you faggot

OP is underage. MODS!

I was born in '94 and I think anything pre-2000s is total shit. I might be less of a boomer than you are.

Janny help this boomer is illegal

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>I'm a fucking 16 year old boomer

Jannies get in here and ban this underaged faggot

mods delete a post calling them mean words in 5 minutes but it takes more than 2 hours to ban a guy with multiple reports for being underage

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mods delet this gay reddit zoomer thread

Underage boomer

just wait till you hit your 30s and your body starts to agree with your mind that there's no point.

mods are weaklings, step up your game and ban this man- sorry, i mean this boy

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