Why are people who study science such faggots. They always have reddit shit like this...

Why are people who study science such faggots. They always have reddit shit like this. I studied physics for a year and couldnt deal with the how cringed they were.

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up their own assholes with how smart and important they are

universities lavish their departments with high budgets, reinforcing this arrogant mindset

That person probably has a biology degree or something. You don't see fluid mechanics experts posting that gay shit, they're busy "doing science".

This. Tis a meme but it is true. High IQ people tend to be reclusive and autistic.
That guy is just trying to make people like him.

i never got this either. but i was never very social so i didn't give a fuck about one-upping others and patting myself on the back for bending over a toilet and taking a fat steaming shit once a day. which is all they're really doing. i studied physics too, and pure math and philosophy for that matter, and i never cringed at anything harder than stuff like this and XKCD. even randall knows he's just condescending to the new internet population of "nerds" and their level of discourse, which to anyone who actually spends their time using their brain for hard-won, extensive analysis, looks like absolute dogspeak and self-indulgent rubbish.

>this is your mind on leftism
with all due respect to non-leftist scientists, never reveal your power level. Watch how abruptly your colleagues who thought you their equal rationalize how dumb you must be.

This makes me want to kms. Who knew leftism was worse among the smartest people on the planet than it is in entertainment.

I studied Anthropology and Biology and all I can really say is

>Normies wanting to be Daniel Jackson from Stargate
>Degenerates who want to justify their degeneracy and propagandize it to the world
>Children of very wealthy families who have the money to bank roll them through countless field schools which will guarantee PhD positions straight out of undergrad
Either way, none of them can do anthropology for shit and make the field a joke

>Pre-Meds who deserve death (95%)
>Future lab monkies who got duped into thinking that because it's STEM means they can make good and easy money with it (5%)

Either way, I am severely regretful of my decision to learn the ways of either field and wish I never introduced myself to such absolute, ball aching, mind cancer.

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>make science cool to little kids
>hope some kid cures cancer
that's the plan

I really hate how much scientific equates to anti-religion to people. I think theology and philosophy is extremely beneficial and worth studying and everytime i see some troglodyte post something clumps every religious person as a radical right wing, flat earth, ethno-centric, science-denying strawman I want to jump through my screen

yeah but they're not actually making any more kids into scientists than there would normally be. it's just virtue signalling to other geeks.

Most of the time it's someone who doesn't actually have science as a career. Cringey "Science" material is for the most part produced by and for larping faggots who think reading a sciencedaily article is the same thing as being a PhD

Sometimes people use things like claiming social anxiety or saying they're "mildly autistic" as a way to get a pass for parroting unfunny Facebook meme shit all the time, this is basically why XKCD exists

The people in STEM who actually have serious problems from social anxiety or autism aren't the same ones doing the meme shit but both groups can be very self-important about their field of study sometimes

Pop science is a religion for many people, so obviously they want to put down competing faiths.

I wrangle 6th grade children in a science classroom every day and it's painful what they expect.
>When will something EXPLODE, Mr. user!?
>Can we make SLIME!!!?
>What would happen if you set it on fire XDDD?
>Can I drink the chemicals, I'm so randumb guyz HAHAHAHA EBIN!
Shut the fuck up and think critically you little monsters, REEEEE. I was always the odd one out in college because I emphasized development of critical thinking, observation, and communication skills over LE FUN XDDD for students. I should have known it would be this way.
On the one hand, I understand using cringy memes and bullshit to hook children, but on the other hand their expectations and perceptions are so warped it hurts to live. This is my eternal punishment for falling for the college meme, the science meme, and (worst of all) the education meme. I deserve all of my suffering.

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>Pre-Meds who deserve death (95%)
You should become a TA soley to fail premeds. Feelsgoodman

Just let kids have fun, user. They only have that for a short time

TA's at my university have no allowance to grade things anymore simply because professors were caught offloading all their grading onto the TA's. The only responsibility the TA has anymore is to answer questions emailed to the professor who simply wants to fuck with you and impromptu quiz you. You're also required to carry a copy of the course's book so unless you bought it the year you took it on the off chance you became a TA your first pay check will simply be to cover the expense of buying the damn book.

Doing science...which field though? Do some science. I guess it's ok but I hate that they just wrote science. Sounds fucking stupid
Anyway op I agree

I know, but my worth is determined by their performance on not fun tests. Any of my qualities as a human being are irrelevant in the face of test scores. The tests want them to read, think, and apply. (All of which are skills that are kind of useful for life as well.)
I am generally considered a 'fun' teacher. We do lots of activities, I keep up with the memes and can somewhat understand their child babble, but they refuse to do anything of substance.
I sometimes wonder if I'd have more luck if we kept them all at home and teachers just had fucking Youtube channels at this point. They cannot comprehend participating in something rather than watching an eceleb or streamer do it for them, and it's fucking infuriating.

On a separate, more on topic note, science has been all but removed from elementary school. So these children, 11-12 years old, come to me with no knowledge of what the word even means. To them 'science' is a word that means Big Bang Theory, explosions, LE SLIME, and goofy Youtube videos. They have no idea of what science is or how it contributes to the world, and when I try to show them, they don't want a dam thing to do with it unless it's encrusted with memes and bullshit.

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What kinds of things interested you in the field? I'm an engineer but in my free time all I want to read about is the formation of European language, society and even biology. I also see plenty of recent publications related to new theories on ancient populations, their genetics and migrations. It seems like it's pretty active. Also, Daniel Jackson was really cool, you have to admit.

the only way to make it worse is to stick an article in there
>I did a science today!

>Daniel Jackson was really cool, you have to admit.
I am in agreement, he's my second favorite character right behind Teal'c for SG1

>What kinds of things interested you in the field?
What interested me in anthropology in general was simply that I always enjoyed learning about the histories and cultures of various civilizations. Each people have a heart that is unique to them and I always enjoyed chiseling at the surface to discover this heart.

I also have a knack for understanding the logical flow and reasoning put down by other cultures as I can easily put myself in their shoes and check many biases at the door. I also seem to have knowledge of the difference between UNDERSTAND and AGREE which most anthropology students are, apparently, absolutely fucking incapable of doing for even the shortest period of time. Mind you, my specialty was fucking biological anthropology and not cultural yet I received insane praise from the cultural teachers.

As a side note: My cultural studies led me to be more of an isolationist nationalist than I ever was before as I realized just how much of the world are psychotically backwards in relevance to my preferred cultural paradigm.

>Art departments
"Hey, we need easels and oil paints"
"Okay, sure"

>Biochem department
"Hey, in order to stay on the cutting edge of research and retain our position as a leader in research, thus attracting more high achieving students, we need an electron microscope. Given the microscope, we plan to do research project X, Y, and Z"
"Okay, sure"

A science department necessarily needs a higher budget to get the results that attracts STEM students.

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>tfw in the part of science where everyone is only mildly autistic and mainly normies but of the more chiller, tolerable, less judgmental kind who just like to snowboard and go hunting

Idk I have a friend studying physics and he and his friends are very reddit.
Yeah XKCD comes up often too
Hmmm to an extent. The amount of this shit from actual career scientists is less than the wannabe, pat themself on the back types but way higher than any other degree or profession
Yeah I was expecting this
I am stuck in limbo. Not gay enough for the science types. Not chad enough for the law and finance guys