What is REALLY causing the obesity epidemic...

What is REALLY causing the obesity epidemic? It's obviously not sugar because people have been eating honey since pre-history. I refuse to believe that millions of years of evolution lead to... this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

kff.org/other/state-indicator/adult-overweightobesity-rate/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel={"colId":"Adult Overweight/Obesity Rate","sort":"desc"}

Consumerist lifestyle

High fructose corn syrup
Hydrogenated vegetable oils

cars, video games, elevators, washing machines, electricity, air conditioners ....

Convenience lifestyle. People sit in a chair all day at work and then all evening consuming TV and Internet. Nobody moves or is encouraged to move. Ready meals are convenient and the main staple of many peoples diets along with take aways. People are encouraged to consume, consume, consume. The TV and Internet tells them they should be watching this new show or miss out on the chat in the office. They tell them they should be buying this latest fad. It's all a bit shit really.

This is the same in South Korea, except in Asian countries people will make fun of you for being fat
It's just socially acceptable to be fat in the US
The west is artificially dying because of crap like this

And also an abyssmal knowledge of nutrition in the general populace paired with a strong food industry lobby that retains the status quo.

Well for one food was not historically as abundant or as cheap as it is nowadays.


It's the hormones put into the feed of cows which goes into dairy and beef products.

Look at all of the places who's primary protein source is seafood. No obesity issue.

Holy fuck, /thread, Jow Forums actually made sense for 8 posts in a row.

It is caused by a high intake of dietary fat which is obvious from looking at the data, looking at what fat people eat (high-fat diets), looking at why countries like China, Singapore, all of South America, etc. are getting fat. Movement has nothing to do with it

Sugar and ignorance

It is a well known fact that negro seman contains a large amount of fat per pump. With the rise of interracial breeding, it's no surprise we are having an epidemic.

>see its not my shitty diet and lifestyle its the HARMONES

It has and always has been the combination of simple sugars and fat.
Ketards may be retarded, but there is some truth to their demonization of sugar.
Just like there's some truth to low fat vegans demonization of fat.
You can get rid of one of the two and be objectively healthier than you were before, not ideal but healthier.
When you have a lot of both together, the fat prevents your cells from absorbing all the glucose properly and so it spills onto your blood sugar, causing a huge insulin response.
Also food deserts where poor people dont have convenient access or the time to not just home cook, but cook healthy on top of that.

Lmao. Saying it’s obviously not sugar because we’ve always had honey. Excellent logic.

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It is definitely sugar.
Cutting out sugar from my diet resulted in me losing like 60 lbs.

Its next to impossible to get anything convenient that isn't packed with sugar.

access to a nearly endless amount of calorie dense foods combined with a sedentary lifestyle. any other answer is wrong

Its not just one food and foucusing on one thing becomes part of the problem. Its fucking simple these fat fucks eat to much extremly calorically dense foods on a daily basis. Ie they all fuckig gorge themselves anx cutting out sugars will not fix that.

Low iq

Calorically dense is just a hipster way to say dietary fat

didn't ask

Lmao this. Nobody is calling honey "calorie dense"


Literally the industrial revolution

Wait, I thought eating beef was redpilled. If not beef, then what are we supposed to eat?

It's processed foods. Artificially created products loaded with refined sugars and other garbage, little to no nutrition and all without the satiety. Through in bad upbringing due to socio-economic status, and you have the environment for obesity. Last ingredient is in the mind: some form of familial abuse where the fatty goes on emotional binges to compensate.

Fat people don't eat when they're hungry, they eat when they desire an emotional boost.

This is a big one. Since everything is so spread out, people take cars everywhere instead of walking a fucking mile. People will also opt to stay home for recreation, sitting on their fat asses watching TV.
>White collar culture
Everyone works at a desk job, and physical labor is looked down upon.
>Fast food
Due to a lack of traditional cuisine and bastardized foreign food, Americans eat whatever shit they can. Due to long labour demands, fast food becomes more prevalent.
In fucking everything, even something simple as bread. I saw a Brit on here compare the same food and condiments between the UK and USA, and the ours was jam-packed with sugar and corn syrup. Saw a shitty BuzzFeed video comparing American and Swedish candy, and they all said our candy was sugary as fuck.
Also in all our food. And ours isn't like the stuff in Japan or China where they properly ferment it, it's cheap shit.
They subsidize the ingredients that mega corporations put in shit food, making it cheaper for them to produce.
They don't work and get free food stamps.
Niggers are naturally very lazy and lack self control, so naturally they eat garbage. Same with Latinos.

Tldr: JEWS

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The government is committing a "soft genocide" of people

Legumes of all kinds, leafy greens, nuts, berries, fruit... all organic and non-GMO of course

Also forgot to mention pure brainwashing, where obesity is not only accepted but encouraged.

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This post makes me want to destroy western civilization

To expand, mixing your macros fat+carbs triggers a metabolic process for fat storage. This isn't necessarily bad per say, why?

>people used to carb load around the harvest in advance of winter
>this highly inflammatory process would give you fat energy stores to survive
>also useful to load up if you planned on going on very long journey's

The problem now is with the Standard American diet, people trigger this fucking mechanism daily, multiple times a day, 365 days of the year. It is called the Randle Cycle. Its also why carbs are indicated for chronic low grade inflammation and is contributive to metabolic disorders.

Optimally in this society of plenty, you want to avoid carbs. They're indicated for metabolic disorders, especially with how dense processed foods have become. Then there's liquid carbs, extremely dense, easily digestible processed food items which easily allows fat fucking war pigs to become God damned planet.

Cereal for instance was created within the Eugenics mindset by Kellogg's to destroy peoples reproductive systems. In way it works by making children fucking obeasts, and by destroying their teeth, making them reproductive losers.

People werent eating honey 24/7. 365 days a year dummy.

What about all of the slim people that eat beef? Your argument is shit.

Because it's not calorie dense, duh

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I don't really see a lot of obese people throughout the day desu. But I do live in Vermont not the south

An ounce of honey has less than 100 calories, and is a pretty decent chunk of honey my man

>fat makes you fat

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What about the president of China?

There once was a movement that solved these things.

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I actually agree, I think deep down that is the most fundamental issue there is. People feel bad about being failures, mediocre or downright useless fucks. But consumerism gives you an out, you can just buy the newest junk and feel good about it. You can be happy with the newest gadget for a week until it grows old, you can be part of the special club of people who vasted their money and potential for a rush of endorphines. Everytime you pull out your new phone you feel like you made it because you feel superior bcs ofc you chose the best brand and everyone else is beneath you. You judge other people because of the clothes they wear, the phones they use and the cars they drive despite the fact you know fuck all about the how and why. Seen it far too often, downright pathetic people will look down on others because they think they have a nicer car delusional of the fact they are in debt because of it and the other person is more successfull and a better human being in every aspect and just doesnt care about their car.

But as long as you can watch the newest Marvel movie or play the newest flavor of the month game it is fine because it numbs the pain and blurrs out the truth for just long enough until the next shitty thing comes out to waste your life on. And if ther eis downtime you can always rant on the internet with your secret club of angry losers.

>the fat prevents your cells from absorbing all the glucose properly and so it spills onto your blood sugar, causing a huge insulin response.
Is this true? I'd be curious to see a source on this

it's in the name "f a t"

Same, and I live in Mass. But there's probably a handful of factors. New England is among the less fat regions in the US, and on top of that people in cities tend to be less fat, which is where you see other people the most.

Obese people probably don't go outside very often, and when they do they probably drive everywhere so you don't get a good look at them.

Even so, no region of the US is less than 50% overweight.

kff.org/other/state-indicator/adult-overweightobesity-rate/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel={"colId":"Adult Overweight/Obesity Rate","sort":"desc"}

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no purpose sitting down all day and getting bored. humans need their dopamine from somewhere, food is a quick source of it for the huge amount of people with an otherwise deprived life,despite living in the most abundant and entertainment rich time in human history

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>I refuse to believe that millions of years of evolution lead to... this.
yeah, because your dumb

This. The amount of sugar in soda is equivalent to the sugar intake of someone from the 1800s over a three day period.

genuine autism

High stress lifestyles including a poisonous diet very high in polyunsaturated fats, methionine and tryptophan. Calories and activity levels are more or less irrelevant on account of the resulting endocrine dysfunction.
Honestly hydrogenated oils are arguably healthier than polyunsaturates.

As Tyson Fury, Andy Ruiz Jr., and Roy Nelson have taught us, more fat == more power

The US Government.

You see that first big increase from the 1976-1980 point?

In 1977, the USDA put out new dietary recommendations to reduce fat and replace with carbs.

It's still the staple to have mostly carbs, and that's what fuels obesity. It's easy to overeat carbs, but not with fat and protein.

How the fuck the US fucked it up so bad is beyond me. They get hundreds of millions in funding.

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What if I'm keto vegan. What's in it for me, been doing it for about 3 weeks now.

Stupidity + wealth.

What's the methodology for that sharp increase in the prediction? Also this X-axis is all over the place

Eating fish doesn't make you a fish.

I know, it's a bit shit, but I assume it's due to using data points from when surveys were done.

Here's a better one from the CDC.

I couldn't tell you how they made the prediction, but considering the upwards trend, it seems plausible, unless the government gets it's shit together and rewrites the whole dietary handbook.

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>It's obviously not sugar because people have been eating honey since pre-history. I refuse to believe that millions of years of evolution lead to... this.
Snacking didn't exist until very recently. People used to have to walk more places and do mroe physical activity. Sugar in itself isn't the cause, it's sugar being in everything combined with snacking resulting in constantly higher insulin levels.

It's definitely not (just) the food.
People back in the day used to eat shitloads of butter, also a lot of salt was needed to keep food from rotting.
And certain people like the Inuit are know for eating pretty much nothing but fish.

The difference is in how people live.
An active lifestyle with daily exercise makes a world of difference.
Nowadays the best ways to make money all involve sitting on your ass all day, staring at a screen. That's what's making people fat.

I'm afraid you're the one with Autism

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Man even this, better than before, but they could've done a stacked area chart. Anyway, enough about charts...

The one thing I thought Obama did right was his plans to end/reduce obesity, particularly targeting children, but unfortunately that requires a lot of consistent effort. They did release that plate thing but I can't remember much else from it.

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>It's obviously not sugar because people have been eating honey since pre-history

There weren't eating it in every single meal every single day.

Cars. Cars make you fat. Americans will drive half a mile each way to a convenience store instead of walking a mile, which would be about 100 Calories.

So say 100 calories per day X 365 days per year / 3500 calories per pound of body weight ≈ 10.4 lbs gained per year.

Starting at 16 or 17 when kids can drive to school instead of walk to school (or walk to a bus stop). In a decade they've added over 100 lbs for their bodies to deal with.

Consumerism, the way companies make a profit is to convince you to buy something, how do you do that? You convince them the product will make them happy.
Society is set up in such a way that people are kept in a constant state of depression so that their only respite or moments of happiness are fulfilled by buying new things. Because happy people don't need the latest iphone. That's also why people are more depressed now than ever.
And when you're depressed what do you do? You're not motivated to move, you barely have any time to yourself, so you eat the stress away and turn into a tub of lard.
It's merely a symptom of the insidious corporate plot to make people only able to feel alive and happy by spending money

It's an archaic food policy that promoted the growth of too much corn- the idea in the 20th century when we still had a lot of farmers was that they needed a break and needed to get more calories. So corn was subsidized, farmers could afford more food, and the surplus was processed into corn syrup, which made everything taste good.

Fast forward to the 90s, everyone is in cars, getting fat as fuck from fast food. The gov says "we gotta cut down on people's weight" and makes high fat the enemy. Sugar starts creeping in to health foods so they don't taste like shit after you get the calories out. Literally every fat person starts cardio and high carb, which feels fine at first but becomes a yoyo.

Now we're just fucked because we're in the dark ages nutritionally. YouTube is a battle between vegans and carnivores, and this is where people get nutritional advice- orthorexic cretins who ignore that humans are opportunistic eaters. It's impossible to discern what good nutritional advice is for most people, you literally have to do research and trial and error with your own body.

Traditional diets took the guesswork out. You also used to live a much more stress-free lifestyle. Now it's survival of the people who can exert more self control than their fellow person.

People haven't changed, we're as retarded and lazy as we have always been, but now it is actually feasible to just sit inside and eat all day. We in the first world lack that essential fear of death due to the overwhelming comforts of home destroying our brains.

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Fit culture is amazingly retarded as fuck too. Drugs and surgery are a must for any of these instagram stars, along with a "healthy" lifestyle of 4 hours a day in the gym and then spending 75% of your income on food.

It's just not possible for people, the best the average desk dweller might do is not being obese or in pain from lower cross syndrome by the age of 40, and even that will take a decent amount of discipline. The average Jow Forums user would be able to say "oh do meal prep, eat a lot of veggies, lean protein and fiber, do postural work and walk with proper form," but that's fuck-boring advice while Jen Selter and Brad Castleberry are bouncing their glutes and pecs in your face.

Meh, if you're too stupid to figure out instagram models (or real models in magazines) are just heavily photoshopped then so be it

What0s wrong with the onions?

>It's obviously not sugar because people have been eating honey since pre-history
Are you retarded?

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"That not normal"
No that is called dedication and awareness of consumption.

Yes, this shit makes you hungrier. Also sugary snacks are much easier to find. Back in the old day there was one specialist snack shop in the entire town, nowadays every single store sells some form of snack.
No, cars and lifts have been around for a hundred years yet no-one was fat until recently. Physical exercise makes little difference to your weight unless it's very heavy anyway.

most of the instagram women get lipo and most of the men are roiding

no it makes you a fag

A large proportion of humans aren't actually sentient. That's why.
These creatures are incapable of using reasoning and willpower to not be gluttons in the age of unlimited food.

The "Randle Cycle" is an underpinned biological mechanism explains why the carbs are causing metabolic disorders, particular to obesity in fat gain and diabetes.

>Hasn't even tied the bair hugger blanket to the arms yet and the nurse is looking ready to prep the surgical site

0/10 OR technique

1. sugar is now in everything processed & processed food is consumed in large amounts
2. sugar water aka coca cola / energy drinks are consumed instead of normal water
3. hfc is even worse than regular sugar
4. it's not sugar alone of course, food intake overall is up. You can't avoid getting fat unless you avoid becoming a a champion of gluttony. Most people have no self control. This behaviour is trained on a society level to sell them more crap and not just on their own account.

A combination of the green revolution which created a massive food surplus and subsequent advances in food preservation (processed foods, ultra-low oxygen storage, etc) which allowed for even more food to be present at market than at any other time in history.


If you can't respect yourself then why should I respect you?

Wouldn't do shit by itself if the food was still healthy. You can't get fat on pure salad. Crap like energy drinks had likely the biggest impact. You can see people make good improvement just dropping them for water.

I'm looking forward to this. It's quite interesting how half of you burgers are overweight and almost a third obese.
By all means, please keep getting fatter.

Yeah, and? This isn't some secret.

Are you genuinely retarded?

You are. Try getting fat on salad retard.

Starts with a J and ends with ews

well the retort would be it depends on the calorie content of the salad and how many you eat a day its sill CICO bruh

I want to see the guy who can eat enough salad to get fat. (Unless you cheat with dressing) It's practically impossible to consume the same calorie intake with salad compared to simply eating burgers.

The word you are looking for is energy density.
Quick google: 1 mcd meal = 38 carrots. Didn't expect it to be that extreme desu.

yeah humans used to be lucky to eat 1 pound of sugar every year. now the average American consumes over *one hundred* pounds of sugar every year

holy shit that is a keeper

This sums it up perfectly

It's theoretically possible thanks to the wonders of the modern supply chain. Keep your non-nonsensical appeal to nature arguments to yourself.

People willing to enable the fat fucks to exist. Without mobility scooters,doctors, transport cranes, welfare, and /or a feeder to tend to the fat fuck they couldn't BE a fat fuck. Becoming a bed ridden pool of lard is a team sport.

>Look at all of the places who's primary protein source is seafood. No obesity issue.
Egyptians prove you wrong.

Americans were already eating 90 lbs a year in the 1920s and obesity was exceptionally rare. Lmao at these cognitive contortions to try to keep believing in momscience when the only major dietary hange in the 20th century is a huge increase in fat intake, and the same shit is happening in China, South America, India, where nobody is eating sugar

A life time of never shutting the fuck up about your diet in any social setting ever.

Is that why cows eat other cows then?

I'll give you a hint: farm subsidization.