At least 20% of the male population can't get laid despite wanting it very badly...

At least 20% of the male population can't get laid despite wanting it very badly. What do we honestly expect these men to do? Disappear quietly?

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The incel problem is the only time liberals will shrug and say "if you can't earn it, you don't deserve it."

Funny that, innit?

yeah if they weren't so fucking selfish that's exactly what they should do

>at least 20% percent
lol what the fuck are you citing and from what country

hookers. literally what hookers are for

It's funny how libertarians disagree with the free market when the market decides they're not worth enough to have sex.

It's because society is a manmade product meant to hoard and monopolize women and ensure secure hypergamy

One in eight British millennials are still virgins at 26. You can assume this is disproportionately men.

In what way is wanting to participate in society in one of the most fundamental ways 'selfish'. Don't get me wrong, there's some bitter retards on here who think they deserve sex from supermodels, but I highly doubt that would even be half of them. Insulting them and putting them down doesn't fix anything and just makes the problem worse. If there's anything worse than an actual misogynistic incel, it's virtue signaling soibois trying to earn good boy ponts with feminists in hopes of some spare cunt crumbs.

>They're virgins because they choose to be virgins and they're not trying hard enough!

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good thing libertarians don't exist.

Really? Presumably the sexless problem is way worse in the US given all the shootings and stuff, no?

Go fuck off no one cares about incels

they just don't have guns in bongland.

where do you think you are newfriend?

Yeah, that's the explanation they give. So out of touch, sad!

Maybe, maybe not. One thing you see in both countries is that women move to the cities more while men stay put, meaning the cities have a small surplus of young women (small because cities also host foreign young men) while the countryside has a catastrophic surplus of young men who aren't getting any because the women just physically aren't there.

>British millennials
british people are just fucking ugly

Libertarians generally favor the legalization of prostitution you colossally retarded kike

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Holy shit. If you can't get laid in this day age, you've got bigger problems with yourself you need to be focusing on first.

I expect them to die in silence, alone probably

>You can assume this is disproportionately men
No you can't. You're a fucking idiot.

>Disappear quietly?

Oh no, you have to wageslave for about 50 years first.

Absolutely not. You don't get to live in luxury while other people suffer and then call the people suffering selfish when they fight back. Its you who is selfish for doing nothing to help.

Actually it's harder to get laid now than it's been in the past.

How? There are more options than ever, we have internet and fast transport. You're delusional. It is easier than ever to get laid.

Don't forget that you have to be greeted with a sneer by every woman on Earth for your entire life. That's just the icing on the cake I feel.

Not him but why do you say that?

I go and fuck prostitutes. It can get expensive but you know what, fuck it. Money isn't worth much if you're depressed all the time

It's easier for some dudes (confident and outgoing) to get laid for others (shy and anxious) it's even harder.

Don't bother, he only wants to wallow in self-pity because it's easier than making the minimal effort to get laid.

You've yet to provide a single reason why it would be harder.

Let's talk in terms of competing with other guys. It was only you against a village or a town back in a day, now it's you vs city, country and even world as distance isnt that relevant anymore.

Let's talk in terms of availability of girls. It was only your village or town back in the day, now you can find girls in your city, country, even the world. You make it sound like internet suddenly multiplied the amount of males.


Source? I was an average looking skelly autist and had slept with 2 girls before 17.

>Small town life.
>Nothing to do but drink and root.

Yes and the internet has given women unlimited access to chad thundercock whenever they want his penis. And because chad is such a fucking manwhore, he decides to fuck them all instead of choosing stacy and telling beckies that he is unavailable.

>now you can find girls in your city, country, even the world

A person shouldn't have to go traipsing around the fucking word to find a partner.
This is a ridiculous situation.

>What do we honestly expect these men to do?
Actually be men and talk to women
You usually don't have to. Just meet someone in work or school. If you sit around being a NEET, no, you don't get anyone. But if you become outgoing, you're constantly meeting new people all the time.

So even in the era of #MeToo and everything is sexual harassment, thots are too lazy to pursue the men they like and expect the guys to approach them? Its not about "being men" anymore, its about the fact that you literally expect us to do everything for you and aren't willing to meet us, not halfway, not even 25% of the way. You want us to do literally everything for you and take on 100% of the burden of creating relationships but also want the freedom to jail people if you happen to not like the guys who approached you.

Fuck you.

It's not a need, it's a luxury.
On top of that, it is a luxury that involves other peoples bodies. You cannot force people to have sex with you, so there's little that you can do about it.

they DO in fact pursue men. take a guess as to whom they pursue?

And this is despite the fact that thots know that 50-75% of the men they approach would fuck them. But apparently its still our job to risk rejection despite the fact that there's a very high chance for us being rejected and a very low chance for them, meanwhile, we could lose our lives and reputations for making the wrong move in the seduction process while she's another empowered woman if she seduces a man.

Despite all this, males are apparently privileged. Yeah fuck that.

>one in eight

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>Just meet someone in work or school.
I haven't gone to school in over a decade.
Women don't work in my industry.

Women do pursue men sometimes, but typically not because if they're not a total whore, most times they're just too shy and think guys arent interested in them anyway. On top of this, a lot of women also don't go looking for relationships to begin with since they're usually content with just having a close circle of girlfriends, their hobbies, study, and pets.

Procreating has always been about the male approaching and courting the female. If you're too much of a coward to do it then don't whine about being alone because it's literally 100% your fault. Your the one that wants a gf. So go put yourself out there and get one.


When are you normalfags gonna recognize that it is a need, not a luxury.

If you want the incel rage to stop, solve the root problem.

What industry do you work in? What are your hobbies?

I did put myself out there...

Hundreds upon hundreds of times.

My failure rate?


I'm actually above average looking, girls' standards are just insane.

It's not a need. Please show me where you will die without pussy and offer a solution on how to get pussy without violating any human rights.

I also don't buy this bullshit of girls assuming guys aren't interested in them. Guys are notoriously desperate and a lot of girls seem to delight in punishing desperate guys.

I will kill myself out of depression if I don't get a girlfriend eventually. I have a date set. I tried to kill myself once. A friend of mine tried to kill himself for the same reason. Tell me again how it doesn't kill people?

Make apps for the purpose of casual hookups illegal and start promoting the values of monogamy again.

Go ugly or buy it. Or learn to live with the loneliness.

men should never accept docility and always fight something they want even if means killing mass amounts of people

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But somehow this applies to females and not males? You fail at logic.

You can control if you kill yourself or not. It's your choice.

Don't mean to sound rude, but you must be saying something wrong that puts them off/doesnt feel safe about you. Do you know what you could be saying or doing thats causing red flags to them? What kind of women do you approach?
I don't know what to tell you user. A lot of women really don't think they're hot shit. They just go about their daily lives without considering attracting anyone or anyone finding them attractive either. Women don't tend to be as desperate as men to get into relationships-especially if they're raised right. A girl from a good family will hammer into her head that she shouldnt bother with men at all until she has all her studies done and her life on track.

You might have better luck finding a woman from a bad family, but she'll be a worn out whore who's so used to blazing through men she'll cheat without a care. This is why women that approach men first typically arent good to begin with. The more docile and long term worthy gfs absolutely will not approach you first because that's not in her nature to go meet a bunch of men. You have to find what you want no matter how you look at it.

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Yes, solve the root problem by forcing incels into re-education camps.

Not believing you buddy. You're not telling us something. What did you do hundreds of times? Why did you fail every time? Why is everyone else getting women but you are some special snowflake who can't?

100% of American population want to be millionaires.What do we honestly expect these men to do? Disappear quietly?

Don't you think this would show up as a huge discrepancy in sexual statistics? There's never been reliable stats that would show notable differences between males and females when it comes to sexual partners. In fact the trend has been for millenials to have less sexual partners and lose their virginity later when compared to previous generations.

Hookers have never been for young men.

Don't worry, sex dolls are being built for them, we just aren't there yet price-wise and development-wise, but its coming and you won't be able to discern them from normal people and after that brain upload will solve multiple problems not just incel problems.

Just hang in there and make as much money as you can to afford all this shit early on.

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Incels don't go to prostitutes, what makes you think they would get sexdolls?

Because sex-dolls will have AI's that will seem very human and act like it cares for you like a human.
The reason why incels don't like prostitutes is because at the end of the day they want affection, feeling like they are desired, a prostitute will never provide that, all of that disappears when you give them money.

So basically the sexdoll will be the same exact thing as a prostitute?
>acts like a human
>shows affection even though it's not real
>only has sex with you because you paid for it
>after sex leaves you alone

If they want someone who isnt going to want them for money or other fucked up reasons, then they're going to have to introduce themselves to more studious and quiet women then. Again, the responsibility falls on themselves. But I guess even the bare minimum is too much for weak minded men like that

>tfw 7/8ths of British millenials can get laid
>mfw this Canadian millenial cant


apparently in reddit

I said "sexdoll" but it might become more of a life companion that interacts with you every day. See the movie "Her (2013)".

Unfortunately most incels are no joke, retarded when it comes to social interactions. And the "studious and quiet women" type is close to extinction in today's society.

>studious and quiet women
What a meme. These never existed.

If they don't exist how come there's thousands of examples of them throughout history and in the present day?

>the "studious and quiet women" type is close to extinction in today's society.
Untrue. I'm currently in college and I see them everywhere. They don't walk around looking like perfect 10s, but you can easily tell they dress nicely when the time calls for it. Averagely pretty quiet women with little to no makeup and polite behavior. Only time they talk is during class breaks, if someone notices something they're looking at on their phone and makes a comment about it. Which that's usually whatever show/cartoon they're into (have 1 computer science class and 2 art classes). You can tell they tend to stay home after class. A few though I've seen sitting at local cafe/tea shops.

They're out there, you just have to talk to them once you see them. Ideally with an opener in relation to something you already know they like based on what you've overheard them say to someone else or noticed them glancing at on their phones.

I'm just waiting for societal collapse and then the revenge will be democidal and persistent
I mean, shitskins will truly know what war and suffering is and women will know what actual oppression, patriarchy and Christian marriage is like

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College sure, but when they finish and head out in the world and see all the examples of "how women should act in today's society" you will start seeing major shifts in their personality's, we were all young and naive in high-school and college, but good luck finding someone like that past 25+.

At the end of the day we can blame society and women all we want, but the MAIN reason why incels exist is because mental illness. They are emotionally and socially retarded.

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What are key traits of such girls?
I'm extremely shit at understanding people. Enlighten me pls user

It's actually really fucking funny how unappreciative they are of our current system, even though it favours them. It's the reason they don't get raped and used as bargaining chips by tribal warlords, yet they still complain about microagressions and toxic masculinity. All the modern privileges taken for granted and seen as something they are entitled to. I'm sure they will come to miss these times when the shit hits the fan.

lol, who gives a shit
they are all heading towards the cliff and they don't even know it
when the war comes, me, and every other drafted loser, will wipe our asses with the geneve convention daily, hourly
fuck women and fuck minorities, lol

maybe when all the shitskins are dead we can start over, but this time all the laws will be rooted in lessons learned, so we never ever go back to this dark age

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>you will start seeing major shifts in their personality's
I'm 28 and have never once been influenced on how to act by others though and I'm far from being a special snowflake. Are most women past 25 already in a serious long-term relationship? Yes. Are all of them though? No. The idea that ALL older women have loads of experience, are taken, or have kids just isn't correct at all. There are a lot of reasons older women can still be single and usually it boils down to not thinking they're all that attractive anyway or just not having any real interest in dating to begin with. In both cases, if someone else were to present the idea of maybe getting to know each other, she would think about it. But other than that, she's probably just going to mind her business and live quietly.
Guys kick up big fusses about wanting women who arent chasing dick but then act shocked and horrified that these same women won't come to them first. If she's not chasing dick then she won't chase you either. Incels are just weird to me in the sense that they can never seem to understand that.
Off the top of my head; usually they have a small sense of style, scroll through art on their phones a lot, look oddly happy around the time of a big game release which tells you she probably just got it, has her favorite series or boyband merch located somewhere on her at all times-typically a keychain, and obviously just looks quiet i dont know

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i'am in these 20% i guess. Dunno what to do

You are speaking about your experiences, while i was referring to major segments of the population.
I never said they don't exist, just that their the minority.

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what? if beautiful woman seem attractive to me, doesn't matter supermodel or not, it is wrong wanting having sex with them?

What a dumb post senpai

and I'm telling you they're not. It only seems that way because they're not running around screaming, announcing that they're there. If the only places they go to are school, work, maybe a cafe and then home, then typically you will not see or notice them. But they're everywhere, hidden in plain sight. I have way too many single average looking friends all over the place for it to just be my area that has them. They're around, they're just minding their business and staying focused on their goals and hobbies instead of chasing men.

But if incels want to pretend to be victims that bad and still insist that they're rare then that's on them. They can be as miserable as they want to make themselves.

World wide government spurred on by big tech will arrive before world war 3, sorry to burst your bubble.

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no bubble was bursted, because it is likelier that satan will crossdress as satan and fly 500 times around the world in a private jet made of nothing but gold

Dose it really bother you so much being in the minority?

Society has been on a slow roll towards female supremacy for a long time. Men's physical prowess, which allowed for our dominance in the past, is now becoming less and less relevant as technology improves and the police state grows stronger.

We already live in a society where a woman can easily destroy a (non-wealthy) man's reputation in the snap of a finger with the right words to the boys in blue. Female-only safe spaces abound. Men are automatically assumed guilty in most family courts. Men aren't trusted by our mainstream culture in caring roles or near children anymore. Men are taught they're monsters in school and the workplace now, with every HR department and college campus not-so-subtly subtly screaming "RAPE'S BAD, IN CASE YOU FORGOT. DON'T RAPE ANYBODY, YOU NAUGHTY MEN!" in our ear through forced HR trainings, PSAs, classes, and the like.

The growing incel thing is just another symptom of society slowly conforming to what women want. These incels were men who either would have obtained their mate through force, or who would have paid a massive dowry/bribe to the woman's family to secure a marriage. With these avenues shut down by modern society and culture, they're just left to rot.

It's a shame for them, but unfortunately, what solution is there? Throughout history there were unmarried males who didn't pass on their genes. What did we do for them? The scary, sad truth is that men just aren't inherently valued and likely never will be. We can only gain value through our actions and accomplishments. Maybe some day all humans will be equally valued, and technology will allow for anybody to have the type of life they want without having to fight so hard. Not in our lifetimes, though.

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lmao, its a fucking need not a luxury. It's a fucking human instinct. Sexual frustration is a thing which can be a reason depreesion, suicidal thoughts etc. Elliot is a good example

na, you don't need a job, a woman, even money, and certainly not if you are white, then you can just fuck off and die, lol

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well, serving to your family(woman, children), bringing food to them were a thing since the creation of human. Evolutions also adds extra points to that. Rules didn't change, environment changed. So it is a fucking instinct, lol

>Not in our lifetimes, though.
If you will die in the next 10 years sure. If not i advise them to make as much money as they can, cause its coming.

But I'm not. The fact that anyone thinks quieter women are in the minority is beyond mind blowing. It's almost like if you arent autistically screeching and snapping 100 pictures of yourself in public, guys just literally do not even see you. You just blend into the walls or something while they walk around going "ugh I wish I could meet a nice gentle gf" I have no idea what's wrong with these guys. Literally just go anywhere and look with your apparently half blind eyes at women. If she's super hot in tight clothes and slathered in makeup, no she's not the one to approach. Look for the average minimal yet still clean looking ones. Hell, if you're desperate, literally talk to any fatty! Go somewhere nerd shit is sold. Go to a convention-do NOT talk to the cosplayers, they will laugh at you. Talk to the one quietly eyeing merch over at an art booth. Go to a book store, go to a cafe-do anything but sit at home and whine that such-and-such women are rare. It's not that they're rare, it's that you arent trying.

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>one in eight
>times two (because female virgins over 18 don't exist)
More like one in four, he was being optimistic if anything is to blame.

Men rule the world, not women. If you are weaker than a woman you're a pathetic being who doesn't deserve to be called a man.

And what does the alledged existence of "quiet women" (which is false, btw) have to do with the plight of incels? Those women, if they really did exist, would be single entirely by choice, while incels are single because they are ugly.

Problem is all girls are the same that cute nerdy girl at the library is just as slutty as Stacey. Even then if you not Chad there's no hope. Don't tell me I'm not trying I've been looking for a gf who isn't a total white every night for like years now

How many of those girls have you talked to? Or asked out?

stop looking for a gf you mongo, its not 1948 anymore
just pull thots in the club

Uh all of them.... Girls all want the same thing .That's why the top 20% of men fuck 99% of the women. Your all dumb shallow whores

>incels are single because they are ugly
Plenty of women date objectively ugly guys. Usually because the guy treats her respectively, is very funny, or yes sometimes because he's rich. But the average guy isnt rich and there are a lot of ugly married men. If your fathers, uncles, cousins and brothers made it, there's no reason you can't too. Incels are single because they refuse to put themselves out there and often refuse to follow proper hygiene routines-which male or female that's just fucking nasty
What do you mean by slutty??? If you met some who openly slept around a lot then that's too bad, but they arent all that's out there and if you keep believing that then in the end you're only cucking yourself from love and a relationship. You being bitter and projecting this idea onto all of them only leaves you alone and bitter, not them. At most, average nerdy girls might masturbate over their 2D or boyband husbandos but that's about it

>Go somewhere nerd shit is sold
Those places are a sausage fest.

I made a tinder profile with a fat ugly looking photo of a girl i found on google, and i got 10+ matches in 1 hour and they started initiating the discussion. Sorry but it really is a chose to be single when you are a woman, its not involuntary.

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