>I have enrolled in higher education again
>I have a job
>I am 6ft1
>5.9x7.9in dick
>I don't have a deformed face
>I go to a gym 5day/week
>I am on a diet
>I am not underweight now
>I have hobbies related outside of computers
>I do my own taxes
>I use hygene producs and shower every other day
>I am nice to people, always say thank you and your welcome, don't try to treat people like trash even if they are
>Through research I have learned how to talk like a normal person and have small talk

I want my gf NOW!


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Other urls found in this thread:


Did I fell for the self improvement meme? Can I go to playing league 16hours/day again?

The million dollar question: How many girls have you asked out?

>I don't have a deformed face
Geez buddy is that really the best thing you could say about it?

I have a normal face, Is that a better descriptor, not ultrachad, not hunchback
Where do I do this? In uni it's only guys, at work seems inappropriate. Bars and clubs are only 1 night stands from what i heard. Do I need to go to random libraries and coffee shops and be like a predator on the prowl, asking every girl that is alone if she is single and whats to date?

I also require the answer to this question.

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With so much to do, do you even have time searching/caring for a gf?

>gym everyday
how do you have the time?

None... But why can't they come to me, I am doing so much already

She's in my asshole sucking it dry, sorry you shitty excuse of a person

>ivy league degree
>play 3 instruments
> speak 3 languages fluently
>read two books a week
>ex-chef, cook like a pro
>cleaner than anyone i know
>own my own place
>C cup
>gym three times a week
>never owned a TV, never had a netflix
>not a leftie
>at least 7/10
>love animals

and still no chad bf

Because you are an entilted moron. You dont deserve a partner just because you try to be a decent human being.

Let's be real you're just a NEET obese transgenered person living under the nearest highway by an Ivy League

My guess is closed minded and superiority complex.

WTF is a 5.9*7.9 inch dick?

>Where do I do this?
Honestly, I think most people meet their mates through their social network. Like a friend introduces them or they meet at a party.

>WTF is a 5.9*7.9 inch dick?
>he doesn't know
oh no, user...

ur just ugly and too overbearing dude. learn to fucking relax and focus on being chill, people will gravitate towards you eventually

Omg, the stupidity of you people is unbelievable.

If being a good person, having a job, being decent to above average looking, practicing good hygiene, and having hobbies doesn't make someone deserving of a partner then tell me...



sounds about right, I do want someone with a superiority complex above mine

Trying to get a chad bf is not the equivalent of trying to get a girlfriend. OP didn't say he wanted stacy.

And the worst part of it is that women expect men to fuck anything that has a vagina.

So women or a cucked ass bitch get to say that the OP isn't deserving of a partner but women deserve partners literally just for fucking existing even if they are a hideous landwhale who definitely doesn't practice good hygiene and in-fact smells like shit.

But she has a vag, so men have to fuck her.

This is the root of all manosphere rage, user. The fact that men are held to borderline impossible standards while women just have to fucking exist and society is determined to give them everything.

The stupidity?
You really cant tell why you are still single?
You have been living in this world for idk how many years, and you still cant figure out the problem?

Die alone, you intrapersonally crippled imbecile.

Then idk. Get some robot to abuse. They'll do anything to have an interaction with a girl

I'm not the OP.

You think I was always like this?

You're the retard. The world makes people who they are.

Wow you guys really havent had any contact with women.
Also why are you acting like some raging fat acceptance whale?
You guys will do anyrhing but admit that there is something wrong with you.

We just aren't meant to be happy, user. This world is hell and the normalcattle are demons put here to make us suffer.

Attached: I deserve a gf.png (1549x691, 741K)

god damn you're so fucking embarrassing man, what is wrong with you?

>Being a decent looking guy is equivalent to raging fat acceptance whale.

The world may make people who they are but that doesnt mean you shouldnt work on yourself. Once you get out of your hate and depression hole you'll start appreciating other humans and will see that everyone is just trying to survive the best they can. And the happiest and most succesfull (not necessarily in term of jobs and education, socially and health vise too) need others to thrive so they can aswell.

Begone, normalfag. You mean nothing to me. If it is true you serve evil, tell your masters they need to try harder.

FInd somebody less attractive than you. It is literally that simple. Don't like it don't bitch about being alone.

Never said that, you ignorant fuck. I said that he's acting like one.

People on this board cant even process what they read. Really sad.

Are you introducing yourself to women often? When you go back to school, make sure to do so if you havent been doing this already. School is a great place to meet women. Pay attention to who's in your class. Offer to help with homework or just be very helpful with group projects.

Try reading this, OP.

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Maybe try actually putting g yourself out there and asking the girl that always runs next to you on treadmills at gym (or whoever it is) if they want to get a coffee or something.

>>Through research I have learned how to talk like a normal person and have small talk

You know how you can tell the difference between a native speaker of your language, and someone who learned it later in life? The small tells, the subtle accent. They're making the correct sounds in the correct order, you 100% understand what they're say, but you can still just tell it's just not quite right? Not wrong enough by any objective metric worth correcting, but still not quite right.

This is what people feel when they interact with you.

> want someone with superiority complex
>get a robot to abuse

that's literally the opposite, user. I'm a sub

There is nothing more unattractive than a man that does shit so he could impress someone.
Your life doesnt evolve around dating someone.
Also if a person doesnt want to date someone,they dont have to.
You'll find someone once you change the way you're thinking about this

I really shouldn't have to tell you this but girlfriends don't just appear out of thin air once you're "worthy".
All the self improvement in the world won't do shit if you still don't have contact with females. You actually have to meet women and hit on them.

>where do i do this
I hear the internet is rather popular these days. There's a ton of dating sites and apps around. Some are just for hookups but some are for actual relationships.
The other option is basically meeting a girl through your social circle. Or yes, hitting on women in your everyday life.
If you never go anywhere you could meet women you're left with the internet or finding somewhere to go.

>the normalfag ESL

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God, you're stupid. You think only dominant people can be abussive. You toxic piece of shit.

No, I think I can't abuse someone who will be more dominant than me. I don't want to abuse anyone. That's the point. I want to be abused >:[

op here sorry it took time to respond
>mon | 8-12.30 uni | 13-14:30 gym | 16-23 work | sleep
>tue | same as mon, I can squeeze a game of league of league between gym and work or play around on my keyboard.
>thurs | 11:30-15 uni | 15:30-17 gym | mealprep for wed, fry, sat | then aquarium maintenance if needed, playing my keyboard, homework for uni, vidya, but no more than 2h a day (these things are named - freetime onwards)
>Wen | 8-15 uni, rest is same as thurs
>Fry | 8-9:30, uni | 9:30- 17 freetime | 17-23 IRL DnD (I come with containers of food, while they eat pizza, candy and chips)
>Sat 8-16 work | 16-18 gym| 18+ freetime
>Sun | 8-16 work | cheatday on meal plan | freetime + mealprep for mon, tue, thurs

I am not american so taxes aren't that hard

>very nice face
>man boobs and big gut
>even when fat, have 8"x5.6" dick
>fuck sluts on the reg

your just autistic

So can I go back to playing league and NEETing? That is my true self, that's the life I lead when I don't want to impress anyone.

What if my friend doesn't have other friends? In the UK people don't really have parties past 18

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Sure you can. You may even find a gf online, assuming you actually play anything where you might meet girls and then actually talk to them without sperging out.

>What if my friend doesn't have other friends?
Make more than one friend? Most people have a lot more than one.
>In the UK people don't really have parties past 18
I really, really doubt that unless you have a very narrow definition of the term.
Most people are social. They meet up in pubs for a beer, go to concerts or meet at someones house to drink and socialize. It's normal.

Then go to a party with under 18 people? Duh?

I was talking about emotional abuse, shitface.

Doubt you did even 1 of those things.

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This is true. You either have a night with mates at their house but no-one outside your group is there or you go to the pub/out clubbing. Even then, the only real chance of getting some is from someone you knew from school or some other way already, no one really wants to approach or be approached by a stranger.


Try going to a carnival, they have tons of girls who are into clowns like yourself.

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He probably has never left his house desu

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Are there no candidates at uni? You could go to social gatherings in your area for stuff that interests you at friday or saturday. Are you awkward when talking with girls?
Best thing about social gatherings is, there are almost always whats app groups. If you manage to talk to a girl at a gathering first and you find her on whats app, it's much easier to start a conversation with her without appearing creepy.

By "party" I thought you meant house party. People go to nightclubs often but those women...aren't "ideal" if you catch my meaning.
I don't know any under 18s. I was never friends with any in hs and never went out back then.
Yep. People just don't really invite acquaintances or friends of friends around their homes it seems. I figured it had something to do with drinking age laws compares to the US, why would people risk getting their homes messy if they can go to a club and not have to put any effort in. Nightclubs are kinda like the fast food of parties.

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I can small talk fine and people atleast seem interested. I don't know how and when to transition from we are talking about my aquarium and your one time with your friends to we are now flirting, can i have you number?

You don't have to flirt right away. Just check if you have similar interests and there is kind of a flow in your conversation. At the end, when you wanna leave the place or see her getting ready to go home, you wanna quickly grab her attention and say: "Do you mind we exchange numbers? I think it was fun talking with you."
But like I said, if you join a whatsapp or discord group before hand you are saving yourself the hassle of asking for her number.

Loool you really are an idiot.
Emotional abusers abuse because their idiotic flaws make it impossible for them to have a normal relationship. Superioriti complex happens to be one of those idiotic flaws.

The point is guys are expected to do back flips and multiple disciplines of self improvement to even hope of being "worthy" of love. Meanwhile girls are told "you deserve love" "someone must love you for who you are" "you don't have to change anything "

I'm of the opinion that every human deserves love. There just seems to be disproportionately more burden placed on the guys

all of that cannot make up for a shit personality, user
also, considering yourself "entitled to a gf" is probably one of the worst turn offs you can imagine
sorry, but you're fucked, might as well kill yourself now

>I hear the internet is rather popular these days. There's a ton of dating sites and apps around. Some are just for hookups but some are for actual relationships.
I've tried this, it's a waste of time for robots. Don't bother. Online gives women an inflated ego because they get drowned in attention and then they think that only chad is worthy of them. It's even worse then IRL.

im not an idiot shut up wehhh

Join a yoga class, the problem with men is men go places where THEY would hang out to meet women. Men go places where men go, you need to go places where WOMEN hang out like yoga classes, spin classes, starbucks etc