After reading this book, I decided to give a plant-based diet a try for a week. And I'm not gonna lie...

After reading this book, I decided to give a plant-based diet a try for a week. And I'm not gonna lie, i've never been pro-vegan but I do feel alot better.

I not gonna go vegan but I think i'm gonna reduce my meat intake from now on.

Anyone else done this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait for the autistic retard to spam his links and screencaps ITT

I've been keto vegan for a few weeks now. It's fun, filling, and easy. I've come to realize that anti-vegans, especially alt-right faggots, are perfectly represented by dudes like Sv3rige(not saying he's alt-right) bat shit insane and completely mentally ill when you take a closer look and think for one second.

I think you should know the author better user

Also, some basics for you:


This seems unnecessarily absolutist.

Yes, red meat and dairy is bad for you. That’s no secret.

But does that book level specific criticisms at, say, salmon? Or roasted chicken? Or does it just lump healthy animal-based foods in with the ones we know cause cancer and heart disease?

Nice, keep going for more than 5 years then without cheating

In your wet dreams faggot

you're gonna get s-oy memed hard on Jow Forums but reducing meat consuption is probably the healthiest thing you can do for yourself

>reducing meat consuption is probably the healthiest thing you can do for yourself
Big AG shills go and stay go

The meme is almost dead. After realizing that it doesn't have estrogen, meat does, the soibois they post aren't even vegan, and that soi actually prevents the meat and milk from giving you too much estrogen, they're just saying that soi prevents testosterone absorbtion.

>shill for big ag by warning people against buying it's most profitable products

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just eat bivalves

whatever benefits you're feeling are most likely due to the removal of processed shit.
you didn't just eat the same meals without the meat.

Can anyone make a vegan-based thread and not have either autismo-linkspammer or Bart Kay (or is it a guy obsessed with Dr. Kay? idk...) post youtube links within 5 replies? I don't think it's humanly possible, which implies some sort of constant monitoring.

Become a trap or throw it out? Or just eat tons of anti-estrogenic food and a little bit of flax?

>Bart Kay (or is it a guy obsessed with Dr. Kay? idk...) post youtube links within 5 replies? I don't think it's humanly possible, which implies some sort of constant monitoring.

You have no arguments and you know it, how does it feel when an actual researcher steps up to your vegan bullshit and warn people?

Did you google the guy who wrote it? The guy is a bag of bones with a sickly look.

Phytoestrogens != Estrogen


a shill against eating a shitload of meat and poisoning your body so you'll be in the pocket of big pharma?

I didn't say Dr. Kay was wrong, I pointed out that that user (you?) is obsessed with him and posts links to his crap in every thread. Or, alternatively, that user IS Dr. Kay, desperately trying to increase his traffic. Either way it's pathetic and funny, regarldess of whether he's tehnically right or not, and I'm going to laugh at you.

>b-but muh mechanism! I'm a senior researcher!
Yeah I know, I don't give a shit. Welcome to Jow Forums, faggot.

>painful vegan tears.

Attached: Go Vegan and Die.jpg (863x833, 289K)

>everyone I disagree with or who calls me cringey is a vegan
No wonder you guys have this paranoid theory where 99% of the world is vegan and out to enact their vegan agenda or some shit, if everyone who thinks you're dumb or just cringe is "vegan" then yeah that'd be around 99% of the world.

>Yes, red meat and dairy is bad for you. That’s no secret.
Prove it.
inb4 that fucking useless colon cancer study again.


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Prove it.
inb4 that fucking useless ad hominem argument again.

bro you believe in Harvard studies if you want, and enjoy your vegan teeth. If a bunch of jews who want me to die, 'recommend' me to eat "whatever" you can be sure I'll avoid it.

I don't have to prove anything, I'm just here to laugh at retarded brainwashed vegans.

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Vegan dumbass here
>Fell for the As Many Fruits/Vegetables as possible meme
>Digestion feels slow and bloated
>Shit 4x a day
Is Greger's Daily Dozen enough for micros? Thinking about switching up my diet to just hit that and pile on white rice + proteins, keeping it as close to vertical as possible on a vegan diet

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Personally, he is right, a plant-based diet is far healthier than the average american diet, nobody is doubting that.

However he makes large claims to justify the plant-based diet that aren't necessarily accurate in my eyes.

As long as the meat you're eating is high quality, and you're eating veg, fruit, nuts etc like that list throughout the day, then a few servings of grass fed/organic high quality chicken/beef won't kill you.

I know i'm reaching, but in one of the studies he cites, it shows chocolate contains a large dose of endotoxins(which cause inflammation in the body by leaking in to the bloodstream via animal fat, which the book is pretty much all about preventing via the plant-based diet)

However, the plant based cacao nutrients in the chocolate actually meant that inflammation caused by this was lowered(rather than increased when one ate just meat)

Again it's reaching but it leads me to believe that if a high quality meat meal is followed up with some fruit, veg, and nuts etc, that the inflammation caused by endotoxins in the meat would be minimal.

tl;dr imo you can have your cake and eat it too

I follow this books diet advice and the fat just drops off. It works.

I eat tons of flax seed and no gyno to be seen ever. Jow Forums broscience doesnt represent reality.

Dude just ignore that guy, all he does is post the same youtube links over and over and call anyone who calls him out a (((Jew))). He'll dismiss any study or proof you post without bothering to ever read it. Try it out, sent him a link to something that condemns veganism, 50-50 chance he'll just screech and tell you that your teeth will fall out and that a rabbi paid you to post that.

Well there's no one whose opinion on mental stability I'd respect more than a nigger loving vegan that thinks carbs are the devil.


>incoherent rambling
Your opinion is appreciated, user, however unnecessary. Nice try though, friend.

Same here. Tried /nomeat/ for a month, felt way better, then tried some decent (not cheap) salami and got literally sick for a day. Went vegetarian for 2 years then came here and decided to lift, slowly forced myself to start eating chicken again once a week and cow on special occasions. Went crazy on deenz and other small fish too. Humus and chickpeas and beans are all nice but it's a lottery, you can get bloated. Red processed meat still tastes shitty since the day I stopped eating it. Even on holydays I can only enjoy finest meat and in small quantities otherwise its pukeable. I honestly think it's all about the habit. On the other hand, where I live, food is mostly extensively produced so everything has a lot of taste naturally and vegetarian food can be as good as meaty food not even memeing.

lol, even clarence says there is no difference in mood/energy when he switched from a meat based diet to a vegan based one

Well, if you're dead set on vegan diet, that looks fine to me.
Funny story though, I went on an all chicken breast diet, and at the end of the week I was tired, probably because I didn't eat a single carb, and I didn't shit but once every 4-5 days for the next two weeks.
Needless to say, I brought carbs back, kinda missing burning all fat no muscle losing a pound and a half a week (supposedly), but I'm still burning fat, slowly, and I feel so much better.
Be careful user, good luck, and we are all going to make it.

>Can anyone make a vegan-based thread and not have either autismo-linkspammer or Bart Kay (or is it a guy obsessed with Dr. Kay? idk...) post youtube links within 5 replies? I don't think it's humanly possible, which implies some sort of constant monitoring.
All it implies is that there are a lot of people calling out your bullshit meme diet.

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>Personally, he is right, a plant-based diet is far healthier than the average american diet, nobody is doubting that

Even that, is bullshit. A "standard amerifat diet- can be exceedingly healthy, as long as it's not just McDonald's and frozen pizza.

Watch and learn as Abby sharp, healthy fertile tradwaifu explains her (healthy) standard American diet....

I like how most vegan are like weirdly overweight stay at home moms with dark circles and bad hair (you see them hug boxing on FB etc) and like weird insipid faggy looking guys who seem malnourished?
There are some choice celebrities who look good but that’s called steroids and test replacement / manipulation cause they got $$
Vegans are legit only women and like dudes who want a vagina, full stop

I had chronic knee pain especially during colder months and going vegetarian almost completely got rid of it. I still feel a tingling sensation from time to time, but I can squat pain free again. Tbh I'd be vegan if it wasn't for eggs.

These kinds of generalized, dogmatic dietary strategies really only "work" short term, often either by blunting physiological responses or by removal of some harmful substance.

this guy would sound a lot more reasonable and intelligent if he cut out the constant insults and swearing.

You have to be 18 to post here, kiddo. Why don't you run off and watch some family friendly fortnight videos.


but I agree with him. I just think that his presentation makes him seem like an abrasive moron, regardless of the content of his videos.

>Tooth literally falls out on camera from screaming about "da poor animals!"

What the actual fuck? I did not need to see that before going to bed.

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Vegans one they are going to lose their teeth, their health and even their lives. They knowingly sacrifice all, for the animals.

there's not one immortal vegan

>flax sneed

Give it try!!

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>an actual researcher
>5 youtube links
lmaoing at your life
imma go have some quinoa salad

Same but 4 years in.
(Once a week or two i eat fish thou.)
One of best decisions of my life.

Just remember if you have MTHFR, Undermethylation, pyroluria or something else like that where you have to avoid certain vitamins/minerals like folate rich foods, or you can only process active b6/b12/folate forms like P-5-P/methylfolate/adenoB12 ect because gene variations or you have to avoid certain foods like histamine rich foods,
then you just have to do small tweaks to your plant based diet. I think that wasnt covered/reminded well enought in the videos. But I understand why.

Also use cronometer to calculate right micronutrient balances and ratios like omega3 to omega6, zinc to copper, calsium to iron and so one.

And I choose to avoid everything too acid like lemon, apple cider vinegar for my teeth and take out any anti-androgen/testosterone plants like Mint tea, licorice root, rosemary, and replaced flax seeds with awsome chia seeds.

I have made over 200 recipes with 700/1400 calories that i can cook ready for next week that each one has has just perfect pre-calculated same amouts of carbs, low sugar, protein, fat, low saturated fat, low salt, fibre and correct micronutrient balances.

Choose perfect micros/macros for you, find a recipe and then use different foods to get the numbers right. Decrease calories by removing fat/carbs, use zinc rich foods to add zinc and something like rice/pea proteine smoothie to add proteine for the day and so one.

Highly recommend doing this for couple week and you will have healthy junk food for rest of your life and dont have to think about cooking and tracking calories ect never again.
Just eat 2x1400kcal means a day or 4x700kcal meals. You can pump up/decrease calories with carbs if you are bulking/cutting.

It wasnt easy at first, but after 20 years of shitty diet, food addictions and eating disorders, it became my passion and have given back so much.
Now days i just help with my friends and family with their diet.

>an actual researcher
A (((beef industry))) shill*
Or it could mean that we are right and that there's an obnoxious nigger who can't handle the vegan red pill and spams lies to justify his dead animal addiction and drag others with him

the fuck is that comic?
>doesn't know the difference between a publisher and a platform
>thinks being bitched by corporate overlords is ok as long as it isn't the government

Why does the supermajority of olympic athletes continue to eat meat?

Chia is even better.
Shit tons of omega3, vitamine K and will help out filling calsium needs.

what are your stats? Bw, lifts, etc?

Because the supermajority of people still eat meat, the majority of people care about "muh taste" and about not being the social pariah who doesn't eat meat, so they do, and Olympic athletes are just a subset of that.
The question is why do people not switch diets if the best antivegans bring to the table is strawmen compilations (by a balding manlet flat earther) of anorexic retards

Can't imagine why people would get offended of me eating carrots

You think olympians care more about taste than winning medals? That's why many consume inhuman amounts of calories / actual slop, right?

Enjoy low testosterone

Who here is weston a price pilled?
A healthy diet is
>rich in fat soluble vitamins
>prepares their nuts and grains properly
>uses high quality animals
>includes plenty of animal products
>only uses raw dairy
>is low in fructose and omega 6

Jow Forums won't admit it but it's basically a slightly more right-wing (and only very slightly less self-delusional) tumblr

No, I "think" that Olympic athletes don't see a reason to change since they like the taste of meat.
For the record, because you seem a bit confused, most vegans don't claim that a vegan diet will give you superpowers, we only state that there's no disadvantage at all by following a vegan diet.
The correct argument for veganism isn't "go vegan because it's healthy", it's "go vegan because it kills less animals and it's not more unhealthy than a standard diet"

>Yes goy, cut out all meat from your diet and you too can look as good as me.

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Ah, so it's exactly the same. That makes perfect sense, usually when you do things significantly differently you do in fact get the extremely similar results.
Also, human enjoyment > an animal. If a bull wouldn't pity me as it makes me into a shish kebab, I'll return the favor

What a dumb fucking anti-argument
Did you vote for Trump because you wanted to look like Trump, or because you like the way he looks?
What a retard

Tom Brady eats plant based diet.

Animals have no moral agency so you can't reasonably hold them accountable over their actions
Also no, taste pleasure

Labradors give humans pleasure, so no, I wouldn't. But a zebra? I'd eat a damn zebra any day of the week

>But does that book level specific criticisms at, say, salmon? Or roasted chicken?

>usually when you do things significantly differently you do in fact get the extremely similar results.
Nice sarcasm, topkek, 5/7
What essential nutrient is hard or expensive to get on a plant based diet? Because you said "extremely differently", surely you can point out some essential nutrient the vegan won't get, right?

Brady eats fish. Brady is also pretty much the least athletic high-tier player in the NFL other than kickers. He's a QB, all he needs is to be able to throw

>High nutrient density
>Vitamin B-12
The list goes on. The sheer volume a vegan would need to consume to reach, say, 3,500 calories is unreasonably difficult to maintain

Okay, so the research you've done is reading posts by other Jow Forumsizens and sv3rige videos
I don't understand, if you haven't done any research at all, why do you want to share your wrong opinion so much?

I don't even know who "sv3rige" is, but his name tells me he's a fucking troglodyte. But, educate me then, Mr. Gazelle. Are plants more nutrient dense than meat? Is there vitamin B-12 in vegetables? Is fat not a part of a well-balanced diet?

The "nutrient dense" thing is too abstract. Which specific essential nutrient do you think takes a lot of volume in plants to eat
B12 is made from bacteria so you can take a cheap as dirt vegan B12 supplement
Vegan fat exists, I don't know why you keep mentioning it, olive oil is vegan for example

185cm/83kg/8%/FFMI 21.7

Lifts arent nothing that incredible powerlifting wise, because heavy taekwondo training and longboarding, but been getting great results by doing Lean Gains/(kinobody) type of principles/training and still hitting personal best every month.

My main goal is just to be functional and aesthetic af, and from my experience and OCD type of measuring everything, plant based diet has only helped me reaching these goals after optimizing it.
Worth of try atleast for everyone open minded imho.

This right here is all the proof I need, thanks user

>keto vegan
how the fuck
>for a few weeks now
wow I guess the diet is sustainable after all! thanks for posting wtf I'm a vegan now

you could do ALL that or you could just eat meat and cheese and not have to worry about macros or micros or this toxin or that toxin or having to worry about your teeth rotting off from the excess carb intake

>raw vegan ketogenic diet
Oh lawdy

nice digits
it takes over 8 liters of carrots to obtain 3,500 cal. Protein/Amino acids are also a pain to obtain without sups when vegan.
Oil should not be your primary source of fat, shit's processed like all hell

also, cheap as dirt? How many of these do you need to take?

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I guess if you're aiming to be lean plants aren't that poor of an option. How is your injury recovery?

I love how OPs thread goes from

>i'm gonna reduce meat intake, thoughts?

to a full on vegan vs anti-vegan thread in about 10 posts, you're all fucking obsessed, OP just wanted to discuss what was healthiest without getting caught in your freak cult wars

we appreciate your wisdom, oh mighty one

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OP has a literal shot of a book cover that was made by a vegan shill

here's two easy suggestions that should come way before such a weakly based idea as "reduce meat consumption": quit sugar and quit alcohol.

what about vitamin A tho?
how will get it? only source of pre formed vitamin A is animal products
producing it in your body from sweet potatoes can only take you so far

Attached: veganmog.jpg (183x275, 5K)

>nice digits
Thanks user
>it takes over 8 liters of carrots to obtain 3,500 cal.
Come on user
As a non vegan you don't rely on carrots to meet your calorie intake, why should a vegan do so?
Vegans eat potatoes, rice and pasta to meet their calorie needs. You can eat more vegetables, legumes and proteins (eg tempeh or tofu) to cut, more peanuts to bulk
>Protein/Amino acids are also a pain to obtain without sups when vegan.
Actually, they aren't. I only use protein powder when I want to enjoy a fruit smoothie, for variety and taste. Most days I just eat legumes and tofu for protein.
Don't fall for the "plants have low protein bioavailability" meme, that shit is only true if you're eating eg. only pasta or only rice or something. Legumes and tofu are great for protein, both in terms of EAA composition and overall protein content per mass, volume or calorie.
>Oil should not be your primary source of fat, shit's processed like all hell
Not all oils. Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil for example is exactly as healthy as eating olives straight from my grandma's tree.
Don't buy expensive brands. I get the myprotein one and there's other cheap ones in Amazon too. You shouldn't have to pay more than $0.04 per day.

althou worth nothing that most onions is GMO and the main pesticide used for it's production is glyphosate which is in fact estrogenic but there's a lot substances who also do that like for example plastic ,.so per say drinking/eating from plastic is eating PURE S O Y

based OP, love this book

Meat is good for you brainlet. Especially the liver.

Increasing meat consumption is probably the best thing you could do for your health.

A few years ago I fell on some hard times and my weekly grocery budget was $30. All I ate was oats, beans, lentils, and rice for about a straight month. I lost something like 15 pounds and all my joints stopped hurting, but I lost a lot of strength in the gym. Max bench went from 275 to 205. I did, however, feel amazing.

>a lot of people
Sure, but most of them either engage in discussion or at least try for original insults. There two guys who just spam links and even the most avid meat-eater and vegan hater has to admit that it's a *little* strange how they're always there, immediately, and post the same thing over and over again.

I mean I'm a Christian, and I think that one poster on Jow Forums who just spams posts with Bible quotes and Jesus infographics is weird. He's right and I agree with him, but dude is obviously weird,