Anyone else eat their meat raw?

Anyone else eat their meat raw?

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No because I don't want fucking food poisoning.

>Am a nurse

Cooking doesn’t remove poisons.

Most cultures around the world eat some form of raw animal fat. For instance in Germany they eat mettbrochen (raw pork)

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You can't get sick from eating CLEAN raw meat.

Goes to show you that nursing classes are a waste of time..

Aight bruh you do you then.

I eat raw meat a lot and never got fucked up from it.

>also a nurse

>male nurses

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you disgusting faggots
just grill it bruh


Why would I cover my food in carcinogens?

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Ha ha

To die quicker obviously
>wanting to live

Fuck off you retarded meming pieces of human trash

Yeah rare chicken adds a chewy texture to it I love

Third male RN here. I would never eat raw meat because I don’t want food poisoning.

Just don't eat from shady places, idiot.

I eat ur gfs pussy raw

What poisons are in raw meat and how does cook remove them?

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I just wouldn't want to ingest flesh eating parasites. That's usually from raw pork, though.

Stick to grass-fed red meat and fish and you'll be fine.

The reason I started this thread is to let people know that raw meat consumption has cured my IBS.

When you cook all your meat, the enzymes in the food are completely destroyed as well as upwards of 80% of B vitamins

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HAHAHA epic LEL user totes relatable DAE wanrt to die?! xD

>the enzymes in the food are completely destroyed

>implying endogenous proteases don't to the same exact thing
>implying your digestive tract takes up entire functioning foreign proteins and enzymes instead of single amino acids and the occasional di and tripeptide

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No, don't want salmonella retard.

>implying endogenous proteases don't to the same exact thing

You mean supplements?

Yeah I'll go with something natural over a powder synthesized in a lab

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Nope not that savage, nor do I care to be.

Eating raw is going way back, even badass hunter tribes would roast meat.

Eating it raw is what mongoloid cave people did because they still haven't discovered fire... Or 3rd world disease ridden places with no education where people live just like the animals.

>You mean supplements?

He said endogenous, literally meaning from within the body or produced by the body.

Eating raw meat is for cretins.

The problem is most meat isn't prepared with standards acceptable for raw consumption

Unless you are purchasing meat which is specifically butchered and prepared with raw consumption in mind (its usually much more expensive) than you are putting yourself at risk.

The fact you are using the word "poisons" in this context tell us all we need to know. Go hop on another meme diet you fucking retard

This is incorrect.

Cooking goes far back but we don't know what % of food was cooked vs eaten raw. Given how brutal the life of the typical human use to be, I doubt they'd have time to constantly cook their meat

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Lmao WTF

He used the word "food poisoning" which is why I asked which poison they're talking about.

If the concern is parasites and bacteria then we aren't talking about poison

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Yes food poisoning means literal poison in the food

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OK I misread as exogenous.

Given how common IBS, IBD and constipation are, I'm not sure how you can say endogenous protease is adequate for a lot of people

I was eating it raw for a few months, going to start searing it again.
it's just so bland and tasteless when it's raw, it also takes a lot longer to eat.

If that is liver then that's where I draw the line, bro.

I occasionally eat raw salmon and beef tartare. Both are fucking delicious.

I sear my liver because I don't know the source of it. If I 100% knew it was grass-fed, I'd eat it raw.

>raw steak
This makes me angry. At least give it a light sear.


Fourth RN here, not cooking your meat is for fucking idiots unless you know exactly where your meat was slaughtered and prepared

The only type of meat the can safely be eaten raw are certain fish, and you fucks know it
>cured my IBS
Yeah, the e. coli took over
We arent cavemen anymore, and this is why the appendix is a useless organ now

Grass vs corn fed isn't going to do anything to change the way it was butchered.

Meant to post from the beginning

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You fell for it.

E.coli naturally occurs in our guts and is totally healthy and not dangerous to us

Grain fed animals are often injected with antibiotics and vaccines which leads to potential toxins in the meat, especially the organs.

Your chances of becoming ill usually come from this

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There are different strains of e coli. Naturally occurring e coli is fine, other strains are not.


You are a walking meme.

>Your chances of becoming ill usually come from this


Isn't e.coli on beef naturally occurring??

crazy that just 20 years ago this was weird

heating improves true ileal digestibility of protein significantly, that being said, its likely that you eat it because of the taste/experience other than gains

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E. coli O157.
Look it up, have fun shitting your guts out.

K, you got me. Naturally was a bad way to word it.

Certain strains of e coli are fine, and even beneficial for humans. Other forms of e coli are not. We like the types that stay in our intestines and just help us digest food. When people talk about food safety and e coli they are usually referring to other strains of e coli, which when ingested will proliferate in your digestive system, and than spread into your blood stream

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Nurses don't even need to take a full year of organic chemistry or physics. There are no true weed out courses, so any luke warm IQ retard who can deal with grumpy patients can be a nurse. You have a bachelors in starting IV's and wiping assholes lmao

Heating also chemically alters the structure of the protein and fat. My guess is that some people's bodies run better on the uncooked stuff.

It would make sense as plenty of humans around the world eat raw meat

biochemist here, i love threads like these

it makes me feel hugely superior watching retards google things at each other

id nver trust supermarket salmon raw

it would make sense that what we evolved to eat would work best for everyone, fuckwit

I do all the time.

What do you think sushi restaurants use? They're not spending $20/lb on the salmon they serve you, i hate to break it to you

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>There are no true weed out courses

Most nursing programs require that you can't get anything below a B- in any of your classes, and maintain a minimum of a B average across all classes. Sure it's not absurdly strict, but you can't get absolute morons through an RN program. I took and finished two orgo classes and that shit is just pure memorization anyways

Also wiping asses is the job of the PCA

farmed supermarket salmon usually has surface bacteria, which is cleaned off with a light brine of salt and vinegar (you can dillute it enough to the point that it has no taste and it will still sterilize it in 5 seconds)

however, to treat ocean fish, you want to put it in a deep freeze at -20c for one week or -27c for one day to kill off the parasites. this freeze treating method is the standard for making resturaunt sushi safe to eat

the people in this thread that just eat it straight up raw are retards though

I love raw Tuna, I love tar tar (I buy high qualit meat from my butcher, and prepare it myself)
I love fermented foods and etc

>that awful butchering of the salmon
you're supposed to remove the brown tissue so it doesnt taste fishy, and you're supposed to slice it so the fat channels run perpendicular to the blade. that way you can taste the fat better and you don't have bits of connective tisue making everything chewy

You have been fed lies

german here. mettbrötchen are great!

>not peeling the salmon piece by piece so you don't deal with connective tissue

Im thinking about starting to eat raw liver and things like this, what are you guys's experience of it?

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The connective tissue acts as fiber.

That's how carnivores are able to shit without eating plants

I mean, some meat is good raw. Steak tartare, sushi, raw dairy products, cured meat like sausage/salami (technically not raw). If you're going to do some pseudo-caveman larp though, you can just go right ahead and neck yourself. There are reasons that humans have universally been cooking meat for tens of thousands of years, and you're not about to explain away that tradition with a handful of over-reductionist low n-value studies and some boomer's stupid new fad diet book.

Enjoy getting tapeworms and eventually getting stroke when one of their eggs gets to your brain

what do you think food poisoning is, numbnuts

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Enjoy your tapeworms and aids OP

No because I prefer my steak to have flavor instead of following the latest meme trend on the internet

Not eating the animal sphincter raw, NGMI.

doing this results in the subtle fatty tissue flavor being lost, you'll notice sushi chefs never do this with salmon
i didn't say throw it out, i said don't use it for sushi
i take the scrap cuts and pan fry them with lemon and dill, or make them into teriyaki rolls as a side to my sashimi

I eat liver always raw and if it's high quality it will taste mildly sweet (because of the glycogen I guess).

sometimes I eat medium rare chicken

Only the lard, after it's salted and freezed

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Don't freeze it first.

freezing lard destroys the fat cells tho, it makes it all watery and spongey

I'm still here guys

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>raw bacon
oh dude, no
the smoking process for bacon involves pretty much letting the meat rot, but it's not smoked to a level where the meat is sterilized, the meat isnt dried and the liquids are left in the package, becoming a breeding ground for shitloads of dangerous stuff.
bacon is probably the most bacteria ridden and least safe food to eat raw, if you like the taste just buy thick sliced pancetta and save yourself from a life of having to shit in a bag
t. someone that also eats a lot of raw meat but isnt a retard

it still is mate


Ive never seen a more retarded post than this. You pulled this out of your ass. Go get another geometric pattern tattoo

>the challenge to be the biggest retard

I do aajonus raw primal diet desu

Live large, die large. Don't wanna become an old 2 generation monster ultra sipping boomer larping ass dyel

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I love raw salmon. I eat it with the scales still on like its watermelon, then I throw the "rind" out my car window at some pedestrian. it must freak them out.

new friends are a treat, and always welcome in my casa

Yeah I eat meat raw sometimes and raw eggs often. People who think it's not safe don't know food safety agencies exist.

But most food poisonings come from vegetables.

Imagine this sperg screaming at people eating sashimi or tartare in autistic rage tears in eyes.

I've always wanted to, just to feel the texture and taste the flavor, but there's NO way I would risk dying over eating a piece of uncooked meat.
I hope you guys don't really do this, but I know you do.

>Cooking doesn’t remove poisons.
Cooking kills parasites and bacteria which is most of the problem with raw meat you absolute mongoloid. What the fuck is even 'poisons'. You're mostly concerned with organisms in your meat which will ruin your day, week and next couple of months.

Raw salmon is heavily regulated so it is edible raw. Regular meat is not.

You all don't really listen to this guy, do you?

>The proof is in the pudding. You have to give raw meat a try to see how your body responds to it. The very first time I ate a raw steak, I immediately felt my body respond to it. It was like my body was saying,"Thank you" over and over again. My muscles felt stronger, my thinking was clearer and my energy level improved. In fact, it was kind of scary because after eating raw meat, It felt like I had taken a dose of steroids.

The absolute state of youtube comments

Look up Aajonus vonderplanitz

So is meat, at least in the US. Restaurants all over the US serve raw beef and lamb in the form of tartare and kibbeh

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>What the fuck is even 'poisons'.
Cellular toxins which occur when bacteria dies. If it's alive it's harmless.