Shit diet

>shit diet
>barely does any exercise (he skateboards)
>still manages to look like this
How does he do it?

Attached: tyler.jpg (500x334, 27K)

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black genetics and probably buys his food from a nutritionist/dietitian thing

black bbc genetics

genetics. Also he seems like a pretty active person, just the fact that he's always out doing hooligan shit

post body with timestamp, cuck

Skateboarding actually seems like a great core exercise, plus he probably does pushups and shit

Skateboarding would explain his strong core wouldn't it? Plus being lanky

Not that impressive. He just has low bf and combined with a little bit of exercise anyone can look like that in 5~6 months if they aren't obese.

you have literally no idea how much he does or does not train retard


Blacks are just naturally more athletic than whites.

I don't understand how racists have no problem admitting that blacks are lesser intellectually but as soon as you point out that they're superior physically these same racists throw a hissy fit. Pathetic cope.

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>I don't understand how racists have no problem admitting that blacks are lesser intellectually but as soon as you point out that they're superior physically these same racists throw a hissy fit. Pathetic cope.
Because it's not logical, it's just based on tribe mentality. Most people are incapable of looking at things objectively.

he got lucky with his genetics, he says hes had a six pack for as long as he can remember also skating 100% helps him out

written by a dyel cuck
9.9/10 you unironicly watch interracial porn and guaranteed dyel

>It's not logical that a race that was literally bred for physicality for centuries is physically superior today

Since when were whites bred for physicality? They always used weapons.
Unless you misunderstood my post and didn't realize I was agreeing with you.

Both nigs who believe in black superiority and whites who believe in black inferiority are equally retarded. It's like grouping all European people as "white".

There is a shitload of genetic diversity in Africa just like there is in Europe.

> >It's not logical that a race that was literally bred for physicality for centuries is physically superior today

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>people unironically think that this body is achievable by doing nothing, just having the right genetics
You're as dumb as the seething fatties in the Facebook screencaps

>wow user you must work out a lot
>huh? I just do some pushups once every few days

Good insertions +being lean, active and athletic throughout his childhood

He's really lean, have you seen him wearing a shirt? He looks like a DYEL twink in a shirt. Also he was active as a kid which is one of the most important things you can do.

Good ab genetics
Skateboarding is also very good exercise
Just skating around for 10 minutes nonstop had my legs burning and somewhat winded and that doesnt include people doing tricks
Hes also 6'2 and probably 170 pounds so its easy to get cut


>I can't use my context clues.
He's saying that the sentiments regarding race aren't logical, not that the facts about race are illogical.

t.seething white boi with shit genetics

post body with timestamp, cuck

i wanna know who is responsible for this stock photos existence. oh wait, i think i know...

this pretty much. what if he does go the gym and what if he's actually stronger than you? OP is a retard.

He's the offspring of literal farming equipment

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You know exactly ((((((((((who))))))))))
The you know whoish folk who practice whodiasm

Where's that study that showed white teen athletes do steroids around 15% and black teens are around 75%?

If you've ever been around actual blacks they treat steroids like seasoning. Salt, pepper, tren, they aren't shit to worry about

American blacks today are the result of selective breeding over several centuries. Only the strongest/most athletic reproduced.

>>barely does any exercise (he skateboards)
Anything more than pushing around on a skateboard actually requires a good deal of core strength. Also, you burn a shitload of calories in a relatively short period of time while working on more complicated stuff. It is very much like interval training when u get good at it.

This thread

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>Shit diet
>Barely lifts
You must be one of his boyfriends if you know this much about him.

I wish :(

Low stress lifestyle, not wasting energy on gymceling is a major part of this.

>>shit diet
>>barely does any exercise
You have literally no idea what tyler does everyday and he probably eats the best(in terms of quality and health) food you can afford since he's rich.

Dude looks like one of those weasles from who framed roger rabbit

...and still looks better than you lol

either talking shit or has typical negro genetics which always looked more jacked with darker skin no way he doesnt lift

athletic meh not sure about that sure you see no whites winning in the running but you could say the same for blacks in weightlifting whites have been proven to be better at it over a sample

The classic meme of lying about how much you workout and of course the classic bred from slaves to work harder.

slave genes, only those capable of pickin' cotton 22 hours a day survived

Absolute fucking bullshit that this guy doesn't work out
Hrr drr medial delts just grew by themselves
You niggers are so fucking dumb

If you honestly believe what people say vs what people do you're still naive

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