Fresh /fph/ bread

post up faggots

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I love all these dumbass non-Korean youtubers doing mukbang and getting fat without realizing that most Korean mukbang video makers are probably throwing it all up after the video. Sure there's some who either eat appropriately afterward to offset the calories or work out, but most are probably just purging it.

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Nikocado is perfect, leave him alone ;_;

As if her giant ass didn't give it away. You'd have to be an idiot to fall for that anyway.

>25 gallon of oil
>6400 tbsp
>13.5g per tbsp
>86,400g of fats


someone needs to get him lifting weights, he's living the dream permabulk life

>people will watch 30 minutes of a dude eating fast food

Mukbang is for loners who want to feel like they are eating dinner with someone. Its akin to those female attention videos where you pretend the girl in the video is your girlfriend.

what's this from?


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To hell with this fatass lisping faggot. I hope his heart explodes and he dies.

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ive learned the tricks of fattys on tinder. Never see their neck, thick clothes, tits propped, dog filters. Just swipe left on anyone that doesnt have a full body picture

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is this faggot ftm? something is off about "his" face and i can't quite place it

*eats ur pokemon*

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>when your calling card is a poptart

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Damn, I'm really doing ALL the work.

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Last one I have for now. Hope everyone enjoyed.

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>It's akin to those female attention videos where you pretend the girl is your girlfriend
H-haha yeah, who would ever watch those lmao..

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totes would tho

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Unironically good costume

>liked by chairbreaker

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Getting rid of shame was the death knell of western civilization

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pls nuke us russia

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Well she is exercising

>bodybuilding is for aesthetics, not function and is a waste of resources
>eating to be morbidly obese is not a waste of resources
>muh functional strength
>muh scripted survival show
>muh hunter gatherers were obese like me

Legitimately delusional. I'm speechless.

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would smash

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Soon, brother.

yeah, and their goblin hands never lie

Gastric lavage

That or he dead

>liked by chairbreaker

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Keto fags, when will they learn

I honestly think this is almost healthy.
When I was a fattie fat fattie, I used "negative self talk" as a supplement to keep from having to change. It was OK that I was fat because at least I hated myself and called myself a fat ugly retard every day.
Being able to look at yourself and say: "wow, I need to lose 30 pounds/work on my thighs or arms" is vastly better than "IM A FAT DISGUSTING MESS" and comfort eating a pint of ice cream.
If you convince yourself you fat your body, you're not going to do fuck all to make it stronger or healthier.
She's probably gonna make the kid a fat-let though. Many such cases!

Dirtiest bulk ever

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>I honestly think this is almost healthy
Maybe in burgerland

I read this one four times and it's making my head hurt. Is the "author" saying that if some one tells me that lung cancer (a health outcome) is primarily a result of my smoking cigarettes (a lifestyle behaviour) that that's "calsplaining"? Or is this just in reference to fatties and food?

They spend so much shit on clothing and makeup to dress like the character they want to cosplay as, but they won't just avoid eating so that can actually look like them.

It's really not that hard to keep your waist to hip ratio below 1. What the fuck is wrong with people.

>tfw want to send all these fph memes to people, but all my friends are fat.

Yes that’s what it’s saying but also in reference to food as well

>I just want bulking advice

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>I stay asleep.

It's shit like this that makes me glad I ditched all social media almost a decade ago.

>milk under $2/gallon
>eggs under $1/dozen
>chicken under $1/lb
>veggies under $2/lb
Tell me again how eating healthy is more expensive than eating a $5 fast food meal 21+ times a week?

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>Both lactose intolerant and allergic to milk
>Allergic to eggs
>Allergic to other "important" things that i should be eating on daily basis.

I have to buy the fucking overpriced milk for vegans because if I dont ill choke with the chicken i would eat afterwards. At least the chicken is fucking cheap.

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>Queen of Heart Attacks & Jack of Plates

That half-breed hybrid in the frame. Pure pottery.

I was about to ask about how does it feel to be genetic garbage, but then I remembered the bit about throwing glass pots and kettles in black houses.

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I had a discussion like this with a friend many months ago.
Ironically the fat fucks spend tons of money and effort on costumes to overcompensate, and the Stacy's tend to put fairly little effort in (generally).

Occasionly you do get to see the pure gem of a fat fuck in a horribly done costume and its hilarious.

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It could be worse, i cant eat shit but at least im not on Reddit. And it has a cure

Routine for those arms?

Possible but he might just be a doughy basedboy

Anyone have that image likening fat fetishism to pedophilia? Swear to God I thought it was a naked baby from the thumbnail.

Does anyone have this GIF but it's been turned into one of those fashwave memes? I've seen it before and I know it's out there.

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Nailed it.

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Looks like scrambled eggs, what the fuck.

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based wrong poster.

Sam's been eating well.

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He's LARPing as a pirate and probably has legit scurvy.

Four 4s, AVAST!

>that fat and her tits are still tiny

I know it's out there. I've spent all day scouring the fucking archives. Anyone else know the image I'm talking about? I didn't phase out of reality, did I?

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i swear on my mother this nickado guy is pulling the greatest art performance in history, everything about his videos is dripping with satire and parody, and he acts and talks so ridiculously, and he's so un-self aware - but at the same time he's actually a virtuoso with the violin

i genuinely think he's destroying his body in order to design this massive, long time post-post-post ironic troll

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>queerly a thor


he plays the violin? wtf
truly human beans are an enigma

Please tell me that its him who is saying that shit on the bottom of the pic, i need that to be him i would make me feel like there is still hope in this world

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he does, and personally, i'd say masterfully enough that there is actually no possible way he can be that good with such an instrument, but still be such a fucking retard

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wow, Im trying to figure out where the strokes end

they dont watch cringebang compilations while fasting

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Mirin those neck gains

that was some decent playing
>actual video starts
I am reminded that man is a fallen animal

Eat what you are currently eating just in bigger quantities until you hit your desired point breh

he was on something crzyeyes