Jow Forums census

2 quick questions everyone can answer
1) do you actually lift?
2) if yes, how long for?
just want to guage what kind of people actually think they should be giving advice on this board

Attached: alexa.jpg (445x512, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1) Post
2) Body

ye, 3 straight years in september

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I did for about 5 years, but stopped after getting out of the Army. It's been a year and I haven't gone to the gym. I really can't find the motivation anymore.

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6 months

But I don't usually give advice. I don't like you guys well enough to take the time to

1. Yes
2. Probably 3 years

Motivation's for pussys. Discipline is what you need

>1) do you actually lift?
Lift my parents baby weight dumbells every few days
>2) if yes, how long for?
Since I started browsing fit 2 years ago

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Yes, almost 7 years. But my body is shit because I'm low test.

Yes, about 14 years

1) I'm a big guy
2) 6 years, Im 21 now
4) u

1. Yes
2. Zero seconds

A few years but took it more serious last April.
Who's the blonde bimbo?

Cool excuse, still DYEL

I don't lift, Im just here to spread misinformation.

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Yes. 6 years

1 and 1/2 years

Yes 15 years

Yes, 4 months seriously, with some dabbling before and played sports as a kid.

3 year


OP's a fag. Get in here:

I respect the honesty.

Now if you could kindly post body

I use resistance bands.
Coming up on three months

I'm here to share my wisdom and information with you guys despite being a fatfuck.

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"""Serious"""" lifting? Probably about 8 years. My all time best lifts are 455 squat, 280 bench, and 585 deadlift, all weighing about 193 lbs. I've been stagnant around a low 400s squat, mid 200s bench, and mid 500s deadlift for like 2 years now, while I'm in residency. I'm hoping things are better as a fellow. I would like to pull 700 natty some day.

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Not an excuse, I have varicocele since I'm 14, causing low t and a little pain. Ironically, I haven't fixed it because it would keep me away from lifting.

what do you mean with
> some Dabbing
? Is dabbing considered a sport now? What the fuck man

Imagine being stuck in an elevator with them.

It would be so stunning. Because guess who will be the designated toilet?
This guy.
Two short girls who take big shits.
Piss in my mouth Bliss. Cross streams please Bliss'. Blissi.
Moment of PISS.
Then mama Bliss can shit in my mouth while baby Bliss shits on my cock and balls and stomps my nuts.
I hope they take turns with my testes, giving me testicular torsion.
Stilletos up my urethra and virgin anus.
Then after 23 hours of suffering I am allowed to have sex with them.
Moment of BLISS.
Come hour 24, doors open. They walk out. I step forward, elevator drops and my head gets caught between the door. I am decapitated.
Then they take shits on my face and piss on me. Kick my head out the window for the rats to eat and take turns fucking my eye sockets and leaving eggs in my mouth.
My body gets thrown out to the Chinese buffet where gooks eat me.
I hate the dang chinks.

1) Yes
2) 10+ years

technically 10 years but the first 1-2 shouldn't really count

> 1

> 2
year and a half

You forgot:
> do you look like you lift?

Piss and BLISSpilled

54 years

don't worry, no one's asking you for it faggot

serious question, why is your bench so weak? your squat and dead are good af but that bench is poverty. i bench 295 paused at 180lbs and my best squat and deadlift are only 385 and 475 respectively.

Assuming no-one's fudging their answers, current results sit at Jow Forumsizens actually being experienced lifters.
So yeah, looks like you can come to Jow Forums for advice after all, OP.

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Yea for like 3 or 4 months.
I don't usually give advice anyway.

I don't know about you, user. But the less I know about the topic, the more likely I am to respond.

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Nobody wants your advice horse fucker

6 weeks and counting
>leaving the military with LESS discipline

3 years

not the guy you replied to, but I have a congenital varicocele and I have no problems putting on muscle. how sure are you that it is the varicocele that is giving you low test and not just a poor genetic roll of the dice? I assume you've had test levels measured by professionals?


>9 years off and on
my mood is not the most stable of things

alexa bliss

>1) do you actually lift?
5~7 times a week.
>2) if yes, how long for?
4 years natty powerlifting, 4 years non-natty bodybuilding

Interestingly enough, no one giving advice here has lifted for 6 months.

not surprising at all

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Yes, on and off for 10 years.
Had some shit with depression, a fucked up relationship, and some general digestive and mental health issues, but I always defaulted to lifting sooner or later.

1) Yes
2) 3 years BUT my mental issues (former fattass PTSD) kept me from surplussin' and really progressing, fixing that now

how u feeling now

Who is that?
1. Yes
2. 3 years

Yes, started in December.

About 50 minutes each session.

Alexa Bliss. WWE ‘wrestler’

6 years
Still a dyel tho

>1) do you actually lift?

>2) if yes, how long for?
If you mean 'lifting' as in does barbell lifts, then since 2011. If you mean 'lifting' as 'goes to a gym or has a garage gym and lifts shit' then since 2012.

If you mean lifts as in 'does pullups, barbell curls and overhead presses with a kiddie bar and babby weight' then since 2001.

I don't lift. Fucked up joints so I only do body weight shit, run, swim and cycle. I also only offer advice on stuff I do, never on actual lifting.

Nah, not in a long time, I just happened to swing by here to get some motivation

Yes, 2 years.
To give advice on weightlifting you should be able to do
>1x bw OHP
>1.5x bw Bench
>2x bw squat
>2.5x bw DL
anybody who sais otherwise is a coping fatty or weakling

Since the end of 2016. I only give advice to absolute retards.

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90 minutes a session 6 or 7 times a week (depends on work and other shit)