i always put it on snooze and go back to sleep and I hate myself for it. Otherwise I'm disciplined but waking up early is just impossible when I have nothing absolutely "necessary" to do like attend class or work. I tried putting my phone at the other end of my apartment but I just run there and dive back to bed when I wake up. And yes sleep is fit related
Pic unrelated, just our boi

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Set multiple alarms 5 minutes apart and not just your phone

wake up, stretch, turn light on, start thinking about past mistakes. you'll stay awake lad

I'll try
I will put my phone on my lap and just automatically shut every one of them off in my sleep. Done that before. Gotta get another alarm clock.

I figured out one way: I'm gonna crack open a /sip/ as soon as I wake up. If I go back to sleep it's gonna be all de carbonated and disgusting. So I have to drink it right away and then I'll stay awake.

Set up multiple alarms at a distance that requires you to get up and walk over to turn them off. Also have something to do when you wake up, otherwise there's no point in waking up that early. I feed my dogs first thing when I wake up at 5:30am.

Just get a real fuckin loud alarm clock and put it on the other end of the room so you have to get out of bed, it’s not that hard lad

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get up out of the bed, and go dress yourself, and leave

I don't have anywhere to leave to. I just wanna wake up early to have more time to do neet stuff and lift

Get a job.

true, it helps
and for OP, just get out of fucking bed mane it ain't that hard

Keep phone out of reach so you have to get up. Keep pre workout beside bed to start day

T. 5:15 alarm when I usually sleep till 11

>wanting to get up earlier just to do neet stuff
Fucking hell I was and I take it back just go fuckin sleep you lazy shit

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My neet stuff is productive

>My neet stuff is productive

Nonono you put your phone somewhere you can't reach from a sleeping position
That way to turn it off you have to actually focus and move to target the snooze

As said in the op if i put it on the other end of my house and I just run to it and dive back in bed.

Think of this, every single morning when you wake up:
>"Was I made to warm myself in bed, or to do my duty?"
gets me out of bed, at least.

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Drink and eat lots so u have no choice but to getup and use washroom

This doesn't work in my experience. I end up getting up real quick to turn it off and diving back into bed and not even remembering it. When I was in school I even woke up later because of this and was pissed at my brother a few times because I thought he came in to turn it off because it's loud as fuck, but he said he didn't, so it must've been me

I haven't slept in a room with a window for 7 years. last summer I went on vacation and had my own room with my own real bed and I woke up at 7AM every day, as opposed to 5PM. you need sunlight to wake up.

Yea but if you're alert you can recognize the time and decide to stop sleeping and start the day

This just reminds me about how much I hate stoicucks and then I go back to bed.


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Thanks for the tip actually. I have a vampiric habit of keeping my blinds closed so didnt think of that

This might sound stupid, but trust me it works. How do you get good at anything? You practice. So practice getting up right when the alarm goes off without thinking, make it a reflex.

Set up your room exactly like it's night and you're about to sleep, dress in what you sleep in. Set the alarm about 5ish minutes ahead. Close your eyes and pretend you're sleeping. Then when you hear the alarm, get up right away, then turn the alarm off after. Then do what ever you usually do when you normally get up. Probably walk to the bathroom or the kitchen.

Do it over and over again. Eventually it will become a reflex to immediately get out of bed when the alarm clock goes off. I did this to train myself to get up at 4am for a early morning job. It worked so well that sometimes I would get up half asleep and not fully wake up until I was standing in my bedroom or walking towards the bathroom, basically sleep walking.

This, actually force yourself to get up to turn off your alarms and get up until your body and mind get used to it. Go for a run or something

Go to sleep at 5pm. Do not use a phone and do not get out of bed except to use the bathroom.

You will be well rested for an early start

Put your phone/alarm across the room.

Drink a shit ton of water before bed, you'll have to piss in the morning.

Get an old-fashioned alarm clock, one of those analog ones with the bells. Put it all the fucking way across your room. When you get up, do not fucking go back to your bed. Don't even look at your bed. Take a shower and start your fucking day.