This is what 95% of you guys look like

This is what 95% of you guys look like.
Maybe if you improved yourselves you wouldn't call yourself a robot.

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Nigger I look like fucking Sandor Clegane because my face got fucked up by a fire as a kid. I can't "improve" myself.

I look like a african poet

>You have the potential to improve yourself!

Are capitalists still repeating this meme to their victims?

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Keep telling yourself that fat fuck

I'm a cross between Jon Snow and Gomez Addams, except fat.

Personality is essentially Gomez except misanthropic, used to love hosting people.

What kind of pink wearing queer do you take me for?

>fat fuck
I have a BMI of 22 and gym regularly. Not fat by any means. My main issue is my fucked up face.

Are you seriously saying that guy couldn't get a gf? I've seen plenty of other guys worse looking than that who had partners.

He looks like an M&B creation.

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Thanks for the inspiration Zyzz. May your spirit always be in my oats.

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nuh uh, i look like a gay lil bitch

tried that, this happened

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he c*te

It angers me that there's a slim chance that this person is actually a "robot" that posts here. I can't imagine someone looking half as good as this person and having the gall to call themselves robots.

YOU call yourself a robot? You are more attractive than average. Assuming you do not have autism or severe social anxiety, you have no excuse.

been lifting for years, i have a nice body and i'm over 6 feet
what should i do now? nofap?

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Lanklet burn victim, can confirm I don't look like that.

>This is what 95% of you guys look like.
I wish I was a fucking boomer.

I don't believe looks have very much to do with it. It's all in the way you sound when you talk. That's why a fat fuck can say the same line as you and get laid instead of arrested. If your voice sounds "weird" or "creepy" aka you sound autistic, girls will never, ever fuck you. Ever.

"you can take the robot off of r9k, but you can't take the r9k out of the robot"

this sounds hot, why tf are you here unless you are embellishing your appearance by a mile