29 started college last month

>29 started college last month
>said "that's retarded" to person saying something stupid and people got mad at me for saying "retarded"
When did it become bad to say retarded? I grew up with everyone calling each other retarded and faggots and stuff, what happened?

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People grew up, you didn't.

They're virtue signaling elitist retards looking for social points and validation of their pathetic sycophantic beliefs.

Pay them no mind. Anyone hurt by a fucking word is too weak for you.

You're from a different time OP (same as me). Back in highschool we used to say something was gay or retarded and called people fags. But the people going to college now are a bit younger and a slightly different generation imo.

>29 started college last month
brave man

And I'll add that basically you're talking like it's 2009 when it's 2019.

College is just full of liberals from your professors to classmates so expect a lot of sjws

Progressivism, lol. Its gonna get worse before it gets better but the backswing will be awesome.

Young people now are recreationally offended pussy wipes who're too afraid of losing social brownie points to not virtue signal at every available opportunity.

I will never stop saying retard or faggot. I've never even used "faggot" as an insult to a gay person, but these god damn fascists want to tell me I'm a bigot for using it? It's a new world where intention and context don't matter, only the sound itself, i.e. language isn't language any more.

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You probably dont say nigger, though. Dont try to tell me thats voluntary either, I can see right through that cope. The culture war is real and you are losing.

I called myself an autist once and everyone got mad because 3 of the girls in my class had autist kids and they instantly thought I was mocking them even though I explicitly said "I'm autistic"

I say nigger irl at work all the time. Fuck off

>blue collar, possibly a southern white

All young people are such pussies nowadays that they get offended by words, it's quite saddening. Well, atleast here in eastern europe kids still call each other fags and tards and all other wonderful words.

Not even american bitch

Why do faggot liberals like you always say "oof", it sounds so fucking beta.

I'm the guy you originally responded to and no, I don't say nigger, and for good reasons that words like retard and faggot don't share.

"Nigger" was conceived purely as a hateful term for a group of people with no control of being in that group or not, and has only ever had that meaning (unless used informally by black people amongst themselves).

"Faggot" has always been a malicious word (when used to refer to a person), but it hasn't always had the same meaning. It's been used to refer to bitchy old women, homosexual men, and more commonly in my generation (I'm 28) to people who're cringe-inducingly pretentious, attention-seeking, pedantic, or otherwise frustratingly pathetic. South Park did an episode all about it a while back, and it's no wonder the far-left dumb shits like yourself have taken to hating that show like the right used to.

"Retard" was conceived as a scientific, passionless term for people with mental handicaps which impaired their learning and understanding capacities to replace the previous terms, e.g. "moron" and "imbecile" because people complained that throwing those words around to describe a normal person doing dumb things was insulting to those with real handicaps. A stupid argument, but it stuck, so the scientific community came up with a new, sterilized word... Until people just started using THAT word to insult people like the words it replaced were used before and the process started all over again until it's now, ironically, completely PC to call people "morons" but not OK to call the "retards". You do nothing by demonizing that word but frustrate people who probably never said a hateful thing to a legitimately mentally handicapped person in their life and push bad words along a round-robin of insults to be used at different times by different generations.

TL;DR YOU'RE the one who's coping, you fucking retard

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Wow, they were lucky they built those safe spaces in the US, can you imagine having their blood on your hands if there weren't any plushies to hug? Fucking calm down, you terrorist. People these days are like pustules, their heads pop whenever they come to contact with reality.

Ackshually the word nigger was not necessarily derogatory until the late 19th century. People invented a cascade of polite terms in the 20th century which each started to acquire a certain stink because there is nothing you can do about the underlying problem that black people are generally unlikable. Round robin indeed, eh?

I didnt just get cope, I got full paragraphs of cope. This board is great.

tfw everyone our age can now make a clear delineation between generations by how socially acceptable it was to use harmless slurs in public discourse

It seems like now you're getting into a prescriptivist vs. descriptivist thing, which is what I've been saying this is really about from the start. A word is defined not by what some "authority" tells you it means, regardless of its source, it's defined by the people using it. People stopped using "nigger" eventually because of how it was used for so long, but it never had another meaning than "black person", wether it had malicious intent attached or not. That doesn't apply to a word like "faggot" and a word like "retard" is almost never used against a person who's actually retarded.


>black people are generally unlikable


Whose team are you fucking on?

The PUSSY generation where they all have micro shrivelled up BALLs and think retard means you're baby killing SCUM

I do not consider anti-racism a moral imperative. Because I am not a progressive. Which makes me further right than you.

Have you ever considered why conservatards of 2019 have exactly the same cultural sensibilities as progressives of 1999? Think it will be different in 2039?

>it sounds so fucking beta
That's gonna be a yikes from me, pal.

boo hoo cultures change and people don't want to hear things they find rude

it's the same reason i don't say fuck, shit or piss when i'm talking to someone in a position of authority or a professional setting

Im 29 and in college, too.

Just put the autism filter on dude and dont say anything that will rustle the jimmies of faculty.
You can say whatever you want to students, though.

>talks like a middle school faggot
Well you browse r9k so I can't blame you, tried to cool it with the tizm words OP, just until you get out of skewl hehehehe

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SJWism happened years ago old man.