Police application rejected

>Police application rejected
>My dream taken from me
>Feeling a little down i guess

My energy has been taken away from me within the blink of an eye, don't even have the energy to go gym today.

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Fuck you pig

You know what you must do.

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>wanting to be a cop
Better have been in detroit or some shit so you can at least excuse being a pig by killing nogs

why'd you want to be a pig anyway?

Just apply to a different force..

Always been a dream, always wanted to give back to my country and the community that has given me everything. Also because of the stress, which i do extremely well in - any stressful environment is my go-to and something i excel in etc..

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okay, but that doesn't answer why you'd want to be a pig

become a paramedic

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>grunt for the rich
>help enforce tyrannical laws
FUCK 5-0

But those are reason FOR me wanting to be a police officer..

Respectable job, but not for me.

im not familiar with the process but cant you just apply again? it seems pretty silly to let someone take your dream from you. if you want to be a cop, go do it. ask why you were rejected and fix your flaws

But it has nothing to do with being a pig.

based dorner

fuck lapd

I already know why i was rejected, and i cant for 6 months. But it's the police, being rejected once already literally puts me under the pile and won't be looked at favorably anymore.

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>Wanting to be a ZOG foot soldier
Kys op

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Police are the factors that got Cs abd Ds at school and went to community college for a couple of months before realizing it wasn’t for them. The lowest stock of cocksucking civilians and they’re who we give power of the state to

>FUCK 5-0 he types with a smirk on his face
>"ANOOOON! Your pizza rolls are done!" his mother calls from downstairs
>user lets out a sigh as he braces himself against his desk to lift his fat ass out of his chair
>Wattling out of his door, he passes by the set of dumbbells he was given last Christmas which have gathered cobwebs now
>"Tomorrow." he thinks to himself
>As user returns with his 5 servings of microwaved pizza rolls, he realizes he did not click "Post" and must re-do the now expired capatcha

Failed bi? Wtf you got on you?

based and EMSpilled

>I want to give back to my community and I do extremely well in stressful situations
>nah I'm not going to become a paramedic I'd rather be a pig

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Im more partial to chocolate rolls today

but to reiterate: FUCK 5-0 and FUCK their groveling bootlicker drones
cant you be border patrol still, at least thats somewhat good for society

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>become a paramedic

If the cops wouldn't take him I doubt he could cut it as a paramedic.

>4-5 years ago
>Go to work, have fight, use self defense
>both get fired
>guy i had fight with, been jail, is a criminal, used to brag about bashing people and breaking peoples heads
>he went to police after the incident and tried to get me in trouble with assault charge
>nothing came of it, when at the station cops told me if nothing happens in the upcoming months everything about the arrest, interview, finger prints will be erased
>completely forget about the incident, when filling out application
>they find out about me being in custody

Honestly did forget, just shows you who unfair life is sometimes.

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Reading all the posts bashing police in this thread, I realize that the opinions of the far left and the far right kind of blend together. Like their biggest difference is just who they blame society's problems on.

goes to show you to NOT TRUST THE POLICE and also shows their role in enforcing unjust laws

Police bashing is 100% american, here in Finland it's a very respected profession.

I still trust them, but how can two officers on my case tell me how everything will be erased if I'm found not guilty and don't go to court, yet in my application they were able to find details?

Join the military then excuse-making NEET pussy

ACAB user, even finish-line ones

>how can law enforcement find a record of an incident I had with law enforcement
am i talking to an actual brainlet

>am i talking to an actual brainlet

Can you not read, they said it will ALL be removed.

>i-it would all be removed! they said so!!
clearly it wasn't LOL

I know, i got played it feels like.

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Nigga you wanna give back to your country do some volunteer work. There's soup kitchens, homeless shelters, even schools filled with old veterans and mentally ill that need your help that the police force can't help.

Yea an arrest usually fucks you in the bi. Apply to multiple different agencies if there was no actual conviction.

This is what I mean, you never see this type of sentiment in stable EU countries. Any Finn would consider you a retarded anarchist for saying that cringy line.

ow, sorry user :(

Idk maybe give it a few years, thats one way I can kind of see something "being erased", thats how it happens with speeing tickets after 3 years

desu you sound kind of young and . . . "naive", so maybe a few extra years can help, you can still research and ask for help

based liberal

it is just the way it is

How about applying to Differential states or national Police instead of going all in in one state?

Also stop being a faggot and try again.

I'm 28.. life is closing in for me i don't even have a career and everyday is getting harder
much harder to get into federal police and more pickier.

I would suggest not trying border patrol. I had a friend do it and he had to pay for everything out of pocket, use sick days to drive to Texas and do a polygraph, only for them to not believe it and drop him six months into the process

If it really is your dream job then move around and apply to places desperate for police help. If you can get hired even in a dangerous shithole then that'll open you up to moving on to a safer place later. It's rough and you'll have to take a harder path but you can still make it.

I'm I was also rejected by my states police, but got accepted into another. If it's really something you want, you'll find a way and take chances.

lol, poliisi on sika joka toteuttaa juutalaisten määräämää homoagendaa

>based liberal
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but god forbid someone cares about them. I'm against illegal immigration and I hate muslims. A lot of poor people don't belong there or were screwed over by the government.
>inb4 what are you doing
I do donate to the local shelter. If that makes me a liberal then that's fine by me.

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Ok, homoanarkisti.


literally the lowest tier of emergency assistance. Go firefighter, everyone loves firefighters

>"screwed by the government"
>donates to shelters full of addicts, retaining them and attracting more
l i b t a r d

Why dont you apply again next year?

find a cosy small town you can be a cop in

lol npc ei osaa edes vastata jos ei kirjoita sovitun käsikirjoituksen mukaan

based, and 99.9% likely to be true

Sorry to hear about that user
You need to know though that low activity is one of the depression dragons
>feels bad about stuff
>not really in the mood to go out and do what you usually like
>you stay in doing nothing
>chance of feeling better by doing something that makes you feel good is lost
>feels even more bad
Cut the cycle now. You tried. It wasn't meant to be

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Apply for smaller agencies nearby. Be willing to move to neighboring counties. Look at he local PDs within those counties. Each will have their own standards of hiring. Look up and research each department. Also look into the sheriff side of LE. There are many small towns out there, each of their PDs is a potential gateway to the LE career.

The more willing you are to branch out, the sooner you’ll get hired.

Also, from now on, you will always mention your previous contacts with police. Disclose all of your bad shit with the BIs early on in the process.

I'm sure you can still find another way to get attacked by feral niggers

you aren't handling the stress of being rejected very well

oh well, police are autistic enough as it is, they dont need someone from Jow Forums to join

nah you would make a shitty cop lmao go fuck yourself bootlicker

Address why you failed and reapply

>all applications to any job are rejected
>even a few interviews but nothing
>somehow not even fucking qualified to work at McDicks or Pizza Hut
bros, I just want to move out of my parents house.

Move to seattle and apply there. They are hurting for cops since BLM has shit up the whole coast

neck yourself pig wannebe pig

try again, pussy

Im a police officer myself user... its common practice that the police keep a “secret” list of charges... sure it whont show on the list u and the public have accses to but it will still show on the special one the police have...

Dodged a bullet there

serves you right for wanting to be a cop.

>don't even have the energy to go gym today.
this is why you were rejected

I'd assume being a cop is like being in a cult, and they saw you probably wouldn't fit in with the sketchy shit they do so they used whatever they could find to legally reject you
They don't actually want to stop crime or they'd be out of a job, they want to let just enough shit happen to keep their numbers up

Shut up nigger

>dying for israel
Lol no thanks

I know that feel bro. I am a cursed man myself

>apply to join army
>meanwhile Bretty Good job shows up, literally 300m away from home
>give up on army
>next year join again
>rejected, too many applicants
>try again next year
>rejected again, failed the run of 1000m in less than 1’10’’
>apply for firefighters
>fast forward five years later
>they call me for medical examination
>boss denies my work permit to go get my asshole inspected

can't you apply again OP?

Apply for a fire department dude. All cops want to be firefighters, and you get to do a very respectful job that doesn't have any moral issues associated with it.

This. Firefighters may be pussies, but they GET all the pussy.

>Giving up this easily on your dream.

No shit you got rejected. You're a fucking pussy.

How is that even possible? I see really fat unhealthy American cops. Do you have a mental imbalance?

Some departments are too obsessed with their own safety instead of getting the job done, but I'd say cops are bigger pussies than firefighters.

>can't shoot the fire if it scares you
>can't manufacture some trumped up bullshit to put a fire out

It’s most likely the background investigation. Most applicants get dairy queened in this process. Agencies aren’t looking for perfect little Boy Scouts, but they want everybody to be upfront about their past. Transparency helps. user forgot to mention his little altercation from a few years past. This came up in the BI, since it was documented by the cops, and then used against him in DQ.

Omissions and forgetfulness are seen as dishonesty by the investigators. They are assholes like that. You will only have a hard time when you “forget” information

It's pretty hard to even be considered for hiring at a station. If you smoked weed once 4 years ago that can disqualify you. And if you lie about it and they find out, that can bar you for life in that state.

Post body

>prison trash the first to snitch
You dont say


throw the whole point about him being a bad guy out the window. stick to the self defense argument and unavoidable fight argument.
apply again for that and several other agencies. OR get a masters degree and apply for a federal agency

Goddamn, how fucking retarded do you have to be to fail being a cop? Basically don’t be covered in your own shit and you’re a shoe in.

So fucking lazy. Don’t you have some boots to clean with your tongue, you fucking worm?

Fuck, now I want pizza rolls. Don't even know what those are.

Now you're not going to be a class traitor, that's great

Underrated comment

Fucking cringe. You have have to be over eighteen to post here. Go back.

You have to be a brain-dead npc user.

Also having been in the army helps

Its all good. Modern day police are fucking pathetic and 90% of them are retarded power hungry faggots.


Lmao this bootlicker

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It happens, I was rejected from the military because of a suicide attempt as a teenager even though I'm perfectly healthy now
Life moves on and other doors will open. I'm now at the #1 university for my major, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't still prefer to be a soldier.

Dont worry about it too much
My friend got rejected because she was below 5ft
Imagine going to a school just for that and in the final exam you fail because of a thing you cant change
Damn it feels good to be 6ft1


How the fuck do you even get rejected to be a cop, half of them are fatasses who just sit around all day.

y i k e s



you can do better than being a cop user