Why does everyone abandon me?

Is it something in my eyes, can people just sense that I'm trash?

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It's because you have BPD and start abusing them after a while.

I don't abuse anyone.

Do you have BPD though?

Yeah, I've been diagnosed. I was kind of surprised because I'm not really abrasive or anything.

I've never met a person with BPD who didn't abuse their partners. As far as I know, it's unavoidable. I had to reject a girl because she had BPD and I was afraid she would abuse me, so I prefer thinking it was unavoidable.

Maybe it's just that you only know the awful ones are BPD because they act so terrible. I can understand the hate people with BPD get on this board, I was in a dbt group with all women and most of them were terrible.

I'm just sad most of the time and afraid everyone will leave me, because usually they do.

I had a long distance relationship with one, and I wouldn't say she was terrible. She was actually a good person, and was very good to me while we were together. It's just that, one day, all of a sudden she seemed like a completely different person. She was cold and sadistic. It seemed as if, at that point, she had no empathy. She tried to convince me that I was a bad person (which is pretty shit, because I have OCD, and I will take stuff like that very seriously), and after a while of me being afraid and telling her to stop, she said "it's just a joke". It wasn't. She did it on purpose because she knew it would hurt me.
That's the problem with BPD people. It's not the emotional instability. I can deal with that. It's the episodes of sadistic behaviour that can occur occasionally. I understand that they can't control that behaviour, but I can't be in a relationship with someone I'm afraid of.

if any of you are fat make that your life priority people treat you far far better thin

Because you're one ugly fucker who has gay fetishes for every cat you see

what a disaster, every post you make has a red flag.

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I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm not sadistic at all, I've never done anything like that, even to people who have hurt me.
I used to be, now I'm thin and still alone. I probably feel worse now that I've lost weight. I'm more self-conscious and I miss gorging myself on food every day.

Aren't you a faggot? That's probably why.

Were you ever with someone who was abusive towards you?

My ex was in some ways, but not most of the time. I loved him anyway, would have done anything to make him happy, and then he discarded me.

TOP KEK this women made the EXACT same thread yesterday and now wants more (yous) she wont respond to. Maybe stop going for Bull football chads for a few seconds.

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>My ex was in some ways
Like what?

> then he discarded me
What happened?

couldn't afford the mana cost

Coerced me into doing things I didn't want to do, would leave the room/ignore me or threaten to put me outside if I didn't. Sexually assaulted me at one point early on then convinced me it wasn't a big deal.

He dumped me over text with nothing prompting it. We never had any fights or anything, I still don't understand it. He was so cold about it.
Not a woman and I always respond to yous.

That's seriously bad, man. One of the worst things I seen about having BPD is the near inability to get out of relationships, even if they are abusive.

Could it be the case that people with BPD only get abusive towards people who aren't abusive towards them? It would fit the overall theme of seeking and feeling intense emotions.

I didn't want to get out of it, I was really happy with him. No one else has ever wanted me before and it was a lot better than being alone in my room all the time.

by the fact that you're posting the same shit every single day I can see why they would.

You guys are my only friends, sad posting is all I have.

As was mentioned if you're asking this question every single day, then it becomes almost instantly clear why they do this.

I didn't imply you would want to leave it.

All the people I know who have BPD are women, and they are basically in relationships all the time. As soon as one ends, they go try to find one immediately afterwards.

I don't really know where I can find another relationship. I met him purely by accident, I never even leave my room.