How do I leave this place

The negative attitude and destructive beliefs of this place are negatively affecting the quality of my life. I see that now. The thing is, I've been browsing Jow Forums for over 8 years and you guys are all I got. I have no real life friends because humans as a whole are garbage and I can't be friends with them. However I need social contact or else I will go crazy. Is there a popular anonymous image board like Jow Forums, but without all of the toxicity (don't recommend reddit)? If there isn't, is there a suitable alternative to spending my time on Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

throw the pc into the trash, idiot

It`s only negative if you view it as negative, honestly I`ve been on the internet my entire life and the toxicity part has always been there, i`ts really nothing new, browsing Jow Forums for 6 years now, laugh at the things I want to laugh and and ignore the things I want to ignore, sorry OP but I think that you have to be a genuinely weak fucking person to let a website change your world view.

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You and I joined at the same time, we are like brothers

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Man is the product of his environment; this is common knowledge.

is right
is wrong

quit using it for a while
just play vidy, watch movies, read books
you will never be able to enjoy any normalfag social media again but that's ok, you don't have to use any site

What are you 12? Just use your own fucking brain lmao who gives a fuck is half the people on this website are depressed, shit isn`t contagious is it?

>wHaT ArE YoU 12? JuSt uSe yOuR OwN FuCkInG BrAiN LmAo wHo gIvEs a fUcK Is hAlF ThE PeOpLe oN ThIs wEbSiTe aRe dEpReSsEd, ShIt iSn`t cOnTaGiOuS Is iT?

Attached: stoP-THAt-RiGHT-nOW.png (583x411, 442K)

First of all, imagine still thinking that that meme is relevant.

Second of all, I grew up in an alcoholic household, upper middle class family and since dad held a wine shop everyone just drank when they could.
The only time I drank was my 18th birthday, haven`t had a drop since then (3 years) when everyone in my family is a heavy drinker.

Seriously, just have some basic fucking willpower, you guys are all just a bunch of pussies blaming a fucking website for ending up the way you are, it`s your fault and nobody elses, stop trying to shift it to a FUCKING WEBSITE.

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You don't. Once you enter, you're here forever.

Attached: you're here forever.jpg (640x480, 34K)

>throw the pc into the trash, idiot
And then what?

Attached: self improvement virgin.png (1386x570, 303K)

>fIrSt oF AlL, iMaGiNe sTiLl tHiNkInG ThAt tHaT MeMe iS ReLeVaNt. sEcOnD Of aLl, I GrEw uP In aN AlCoHoLiC HoUsEhOlD, uPpEr mIdDlE ClAsS FaMiLy aNd sInCe dAd hElD A WiNe sHoP EvErYoNe jUsT DrAnK WhEn tHeY CoUlD. tHe oNlY TiMe i dRaNk wAs mY 18Th bIrThDaY, hAvEn`t hAd a dRoP SiNcE ThEn (3 YeArS) wHeN EvErYoNe iN My fAmIlY Is a hEaVy dRiNkEr. sErIoUsLy, JuSt hAvE SoMe bAsIc fUcKiNg wIlLpOwEr, YoU GuYs aRe aLl jUsT A BuNcH Of pUsSiEs bLaMiNg a fUcKiNg wEbSiTe fOr eNdInG Up tHe wAy yOu aRe, It`s yOuR FaUlT AnD NoBoDy eLsEs, StOp tRyInG To sHiFt iT To a fUcKiNg wEbSiTe.

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wow i had no idea what bathmate was...
i'm curious, does it work?

OP if you want to make changes in your life you need discipline and willpower. if you don't think it's healthy to spend time on Jow Forums then don't. do constructive things. learn a new language (great for talking to gurls of a different culture/country), learn a musical instrument, learn how to draw, read books... just fill your time with improving yourself instead of something you feel like ur addicted to and doesn't add any value to your life.

yea the hard part is changing your habits. maybe this vid can help:

Attached: freeTime.jpg (680x383, 21K)

press the little "X" on the top right corner, dumbass

Attached: 1551364337964.png (444x204, 58K)

do you have a script that changes the capitalization of a string? or are you doing this manually?


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Addicted To 4chna Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

making trolling efficient. user is dedicated. i tip my hat to you.

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>I've been browsing Jow Forums for over 8 years and you guys are all I got. I have no real life friends

It's too late for you now. No point in wasting your time thinking of escape. Embrace you true calling OP! This is your life now!

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Go do something productive. The more productive I became, the less interest I had in r9k and eventually I stopped coming here altogether. Except for occasional visits like today. Life is a lot better when you leave.

Post loli in /v/ or dab on the jannies ez ban

its a habit, it will take time and feel fucked for a while until one day you realize o geez things are different. its strange how things work so just persist if u want it.

OP just try to be a little less shit, you can do better than this nihilism sucks and brings you nowhere

Don't let shit that doesn't matter get to you life is a game don't let a bug or two spoil the ride

do what I do, spend an hour of the day on the internet at a set time. practice this for 30 days and it will become habitual. spend your free time meeting people so you won't go crazy (use or go to gaming tourneys or anime cons or something) and practice your hobbies, get a job, play vidya, etc..