/cbt/ - no progress in years edition

Old one is on the verge, post them here boyos.

186 cm, 84 kg here, just did 95 kg x5 on bench and I'm really thrilled

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pretty much on your natty limit

My legs are are big and juicy but SL completely neglects upper body. I am on 5/3/1 now. Will benching and crunches be enough for me or do I need to do curls as well?

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why wouldnt you do curls? 5/3/1 gets you in and out of the gym so quick you need to add a bunch of accessories just to feel like you've done something.

You've got to be joking man, my diet is shit, I smoke and drink, only train 4 times a week. Weak as fuck. I can put 7-8 more kilos of muscle as a natty for sure.

You need chin-ups hombre, lots of them. You also need a stricter diet.

Thanks man. I am trying to build a habit of intermittent fasting and running. I'll try adding chinups too.

6’2, 196lb. Cutting to to 185 or 180, we will see. Recently changed my routine to get more work on back and legs.

Looks good for being lax on diet/ training.

You need to cut. Use a TDEE, eat at -500 calories and get 80% body weight (lbs) in protein (g).

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bulk it up buddy
you post in every goddamn thread. you keep hearing the same things, stop shitposting and get lifting
mirin physique, a cut gonna make you look 8/10 bodywise

6’0 76kg, trying to bulk. Getting a lot more mires, am i making it??

Still need to work on chest and legs, what else??

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Looking solid m8. Hoping I look half as decent as you when I finish my cut. Just don’t bulk too fast and get fat like me. Maybe throw in some pull ups and get those lats thicc af.

6'3 77kg still trying on abs been training them 7 days of week 20min

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Thank you man. You'll look really nice after the cut, it's obvious.

I'm trying a lean bulk, don't really wanna get fat during summer.

Nice man, I think dips would be nice for you as you can definitely put some mass on the lower part of the pecs without getting man tits.

Don't waste your time.

Posting a back pic as well. What do you guys think?

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fuck off dude

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Thumbnail looks like a ps2 cutscene

Goal body
Goal back

180lbs 6ft

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Up close

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183cm, 80kg. Hit 2 pl8 bench recently.

Was 76kg about 2 months ago, kind of on a mini bulk.

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Fucking tragic bro might want less time on the chan more time in the gym

for the user from another thread, who is 175cm and was a fatass 120kg now ~70kg
hope you are here:

>It's so demotivating at this point. Yet, I try to remain faithful to a lifestyle of health and fitness even when it pays 0 dividends. I could have been so much healthier and beautiful if I didn't develop into a horrendous mess.

nigga, mark this with fire in your brain:
the best moment to plant a tree is 10 years ago. the second best time is now.
it's about improving, not wishing, or "what if...", keep going, improve yourself as much as possible.
my suggestion is when you manage to get into that ~75kg range, stay there a few months. fatass dropping weights need to stabilize for a few months after losing that much weight in my opinion. from there, your remaining bodyfat (you should be at 15% bf if 75kg) will stabilize, you will see slightly your insertions, and all that good stuff.
from there, you will be able to see where are you standing and what you need to your goal: keep cutting, or just mantain focusing on strength gains, or mb even bulk, whatever.

Wouldn't have guessed you were almost 10kg heavier than me while being 4cm shorter. You must actually have some legs instead of hovering ominously as I do.

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Here’s what I’ve done so far. Best shape of my life but trying to get better obviously.

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200 lbs lol

mirin progress

lil mirin


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6'2" 200lbs
Au naturele.

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Making progress but lost, do I need to cut anymore for summer or am I good ?

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Here is a pic with not flex, for reference

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Looks great

I can see where u pin haha. Also who was back?


Thinking of doing smolov jr. to get up my bench and squat.

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Some constructive criticism would be helpful.
This is 1month of consistent lifting, had some ups and downs with my diet.
Everytime I get nice and consistent for about 3months,exam season starts or I have to be away for an extended period.

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damn looking good. same weight and height and i just look like a skelly. how high did you bulk before this?

5'5, 143lbs
Bench 242lbs
DL 264lbs
1 year and a half lifting.

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7 and half months lanklet

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Heavy mirin

Cheers broski.

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Went on slow bulk, I just made sure all my meals had some sort of protein in it.


your dick shadow is looking swole is that natty

also you're good for the summer imo

Just starting lifting last week, after not doing so for a few months.

How long would it take me to reach ottermode? What’s my BF% at?

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Thanks dude, I’m natty, nearly coming to 1 year lifting

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6ft2,down from 245lb to 205 since february. Been doing SL 5x5 since May eating at maintenance, 3lb gain since. big str gains but I dont notice anything physically and probably never will because of high bf

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Good work. What do you focus on for upper body? My arms are maxed out with my 20 pound dumbell. Perhaps i'll get a membership @ a 24/7 gym and lift when no one is around.

5’10. 175lb

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The goal. Are you takin anything?


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Delts and chest. Anyone have tips for triceps ?

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Goal body, saved

Not that user but doing a lot of supersets with my triceps exercises has helped a lot. Also changing it up every once in a while too. Chase the exercises that give you the best pump.

6ft 170
Gonna cruise on this body for summer I've already lost over 25lbs

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Post negro
Get more replies


6 foot 1, gone from 150->170 lbs, slowly trying to escape skelly mode

Bf estimate?

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>My legs are are big and juicy
i fuckin doubt that lmao.

How long did you 150-170?

why don't you tan?

Underage b8 reporting in, gonna start lifting this saturday.
Should i bulk or should i cut? What program?

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from 70kg to 100kg 3.5 years

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132 lbs

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Haha I wasn't accusing you of using gear, was just making a comment on your dick shadow lol

1 year? What did you look like starting off?

you look fucking amazing.

5'11, at ~80kg. 3 weeks into cut

Looking good bro tho why is DL so low?

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>benching almost as much as your deadlift


Mirin' traps, OP. Routine on those?

>juice legs
If not a joke, drop SL and start PPL right know. For lots of guys here PPL is a meme but in your case I would start ASAP.
Also, judging the assimetry on your traps and leaving aside probable camera angle, you have scoliosis. Another reason to drop SL.

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>trying to bulk
>getting a lot more mires
You know these are inversely proportional in terms of progress, r-right?
Unless mirin' comes from guys.

Routine, m'lady....?

For a second I thought your phone was invisible or something but the case is just that colour lmao

182cm 74kg this form pretty much 2-3 years now
1rm dl 185kg sq 120 bp 90 p 65kg

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Is it good for 1 year or shit ?
Don’t have any starting pics, only like one from like 1 month in when all I did was abs and cardio cause I was retarded

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Pic on the right is from Friday
Can I get an estimate on bf%

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What do I do?
keep in mind I have only 3 months so dont hesitate to give intense advice

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mediocre and loosly organized PL routine based off madcow 5x5, with one extra day for fun stuff like hack squats and box deadlifts.

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>those cuts on your legs

Everything ok?

32 year old boomer
179cm manlet
73kg ausschwitz

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if everything would always have been ok i wouldn't ever end up on a korean basket weaving forum i guess


How the fuck do i correct this? I have always wondered why my belly leaned one way.

absolutely ridiculously low.

85kg Bench x10
120kg Deadlift x8
45kg OHP

Can't squat because I fucked up my old man knee

> 6’
> 175 lbs.
> lifting 4 months

Currently running Greyskull tryibg to drop bodyfat for visible abs. Do I have potential bros?

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How did you get the quads then?
Also merlin your physique

you're already BF low enough to have abs but you havent worked them
do dragon flags

Where are you from? I have a similar complexion.

>dragon flags
thanks m8, I'll look into these. I appreciate it. I still have low/noob lifts, should I stick to greyskull?

Good fucking question. I was always T-Rex mode with those ugly big ass quads. Never fit in any nicely cut jeans. I used to be a pretty good sprinter but I never did any serious squat exercise.

Thanks for the merlin, appreciate it. You will make it too, it's not that hard - my routine is basically Push/Pull, 4 days a week.

Thank you based boomer

I dunno, i never lift,im a barstarz

5'10 198 lbs
Down from 305 lbs
Too insecure to post shirtless pic with flabby loose skin

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Woops, didn't mean to quote

You got some big ass feet, but you look stronk

pls gib advice.
I have 25 kilos worth of weight,which i can use in a bar or put it all inside a bag and use it as a kettlebell.
Also have a table for inverted rows and a chin-up bar.

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Great job bro

thx m8, if my feet were too small i wouldn't be as stronk


Go to the gym

On drugs or on the bicycle? Neither.
I'm doing a shit ton of recreational drugs against boomer life and being midlife crisis depressed but not fitness related.

68kg 177cm. Is it worth to lean bulk rn or just wait after summer season?

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Pull-ups. Recently power cleans. I don't deadlift.

Thanks to all the bros who commented, strong fucking motivation damn.

unironically you need facepulls