Steele Reserve just came out with new flavors and Benzedrex is now 5 dollars per inhaler...

Steele Reserve just came out with new flavors and Benzedrex is now 5 dollars per inhaler. What are we getting up to tonight, boys?

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Place looks nice compared to before. My favorite part is the jesus pics.

Thanks man. I hope the Lord will be merciful to me, I need to go back to church.

My bedroom in high school.

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I only took benzedrex like 5 times over 2 months and it gave me terrible arrhythmia.

Yeah the cardio side effects are hell but alcohol kinda helps for me personally, plus dxm kinda takes away the sensation of high blood pressure.

Also, I heard niacin (the actual flushing version) can help counteract the vasoconstriction but I'm not sure. I have a relatively high tolerance for the negative effects of OTC drugs so maybe it'll be different for others.

Me on my 21st birthday, my dad took this pic

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We're watching Evolution (2001)
Fuck it, right

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what happened to you user, to live like this? genuinely wondering

parents that don't give a shit about anyone or anything but themselves.

He sucked a penis and liked it then felt guilty

At least you can clean your room on the Benzedrex, right? Right...?

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Are you using one of those shitty dell desktops that cost like $80?

If you have an actual well functioning computer youre not a robot and need to get the fuck out

Watchin some early 2000s movies, just cracked into my 4th tall boy. We got a night ahead of us, boys.

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thanks for making the thread that gets me to quit Jow Forums

See you this weekend faggot

Boutta crack into a fresh pack of robo buddies. What're yall up to?

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Never robotripped, what's it like?

me too user my sister gave me a bottle of robocough i hope i dont puke it out

DXM is like waking up in your house one day and recognizing it as your house but feeling like it's the first time you've ever seen it. It's like seeing your reflection and being aware that it's you but knowing on some level that it's not right. Basically like if you've had a bad dream, not a nightmare, but a bad dream, you can get an idea of DXM.

I remember you man. Are you Orthodox? Your parents broke up and you only got your dad now right, and you're a NEET too, aren't you? Best of luck, brother.

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Yeah, chrismated in 2017. I've always struggled with sin and vice since I was 12 but I'm praying again, hoping to get on a good mend

What's up tw

Not much man, just turned 22. Still in the same situation pretty much.

I'm turning 22 too. It pretty much fucking sucks lmao. Hope we are gonna make it.

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How's your seratonin? Does dxm give you euphoria anymore and what are your experiences after using it for so long as of recent?

No doubt, no matter what happens we're still alive. As long as you're alive you can make a Heaven of Hell. At least that's what I read in the Evangelion manga.

DXM back to back for days leaves you feeling like you've had a high fever for all of your life and you're just now realizing that it might be fucked up, I would really love to see what my hormones are at. I don't even know what my serotonin is doing these days. Unless I'm forcing it out I probably don't have it

The room towards the end of 2015

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This was before I finished high school, I think

What's your Dad's room like? Is he as messy as you, user?

>DXM is like waking up in your house one day and recognizing it as your house but feeling like it's the first time you've ever seen it
fucking nailed it, I haven't done that shit in forever I might go get some for tonight for old times sake

problem is I'm a fucking alcoholic now so I'll need to drink on it and I don't want to fucking spew

I never got the nausea from dex that peopl seem to have, actually quite the opposite. When I drink I need to be on dex to dissociate enough from the drunkenness to enjoy it. Seems like such a common thing for people to get sick off dxm

Are the new flavors worth it? I usually just buy regular ones

Like if I'm gonna be drinking a bunch of calories with the intent to feel numb I would at least like to enjoy the taste, the blue razz flavor makes getting drunk alone a little bit more palatable, and honestly if it's just me sitting on my porch smoking menthols and watching anime I don't feel emasculated or some shit just because my drink tastes like a Kool-Aid, y'know?

Are they the same price? What are the other flavors? Also what anime do u like?

Nigga how tf you ever expect to find a girl to like you with being this grimey

In Florida I can get like three 24 oz cans for like 6 bucks, not too shabby. I really liked the Punch flavor (had a red sort of stylizing to the can). I think Steele Reserve goes by the elementary school flavor scale: red, blue, yellow, and orange.
As for anime I've just been clicking random titles on Kissanime looking for something cool, Phantom seems pretty sick from what I've seen so far.

I was going to try and give a recommendation but that one looks pretty good. Thanks for the info. I'll be getting drunk tomorrow. Maybe I'll see you around

Hell yes my man
I'll be here, as long as I live and breathe I'll probably be posting on here