Would you lose your virginity to a trap, if given the chance?
Would you lose your virginity to a trap, if given the chance?
No but I would trap to lose my virginity.
Yes but two conditions;
1)has to be feminine
2)dick can't be bigger than mine
yes but she has to fuck me too
If she was passing then without a doubt yes. If it was a guy in drag then no.
I did. No regrets even though it didn't work out between us.
basically this id actually want a qt loyal trap wife over a roastie anyday
So you'd want to get anally fugged?
God yes originally ozrignally
>So you'd want to get anally fugged?
Yeah by a man.
Hi there user pless be in southern us
If I could marry her, get her pregnant and love her as we grow old together... Yes, I would definitely.
Unfortunately, as long as I can't breed with traps, the path of faggotry is closed to me.
This I really want a big trap dick in my bp
When will Jow Forums get a trap board for fucks sake
Already did, pic related had a thick long boiclit that took my butt virginity
We already have it... wtf do you think r9k is?
Fuck no because they're only one step down mentally from trannies and need to be euthanized.
No but I'll try a trap when I'm no longer a virgin
You can't lose your virginity to another man.
Only if he was a virgin too, and I could cum inside his boipussy.
Yes. I just want physical affection it doesn't have to be from a girl or from someone especially attractive. Just a hug would be nice at this point.
Already lost it to a chick so ugly she may as well have been a trap. Because of this I would probably fuck the trap
Under the following conditions:
>Feminine and passable
>I don't have to their dick at all.
>They exclusively bottom.
>I don't have to pay.
>They willing have to get fucked by me.
>They aren't annoying.
Basically impossible to find that fulfills all those requirements. So its easier to say no.
lol, ewww...what is wrong with you guys!?