nofap won't cure me being a turbosperg will it
Nofap won't cure me being a turbosperg will it
No user, it won't.
no, but it might give you a boost in energy and motivation to escape sperghood. Some people notice a huge difference, but for many or most it doesn't seem to do much. I have a pet theory that NoFap responders are a sexual phenotype whose bodies are suited moreso for workaholism and self-overcoming than sexual pursuits (basically beta bucks vs. alpha fucks lol). Give it a shot for 2 weeks and see what happens :).
No, but after a while it will help bring some clarity. You should try doing something else instead, like reading.
Oh and as an actual turbosperg my symptoms got a lot better with NoFap for some reason. It was significant enough to notice it on my own, years before NoFap was ever a thing.
>miracle cure for being a sperg
yeah i also would love a pill that would instantly make me grow 2 inches in height and penis so i can be 6ft and 8inches cock. while im at it i might as well wish for a pill that makes me a millionaire eh?
>nofap won't cure me being a turbosperg will it
This. Self improvement is nothing but a meme that proves momentary false hope.
No Fap is useless without drastically reducing all screen time. Using a phone, computer, or watching TV (and poker machines!) for hours on end is not much better than fapping to porn, it's still melting you into Ludic loops for sustained but small dopamine hits, keeping your depressed.
No fap might directly mitigate your erectile dysfunction because you stop throttling your cock like a hangman's noose and give it a change to relax and also because you become more sensitized to vanilla sexual stimulation.
No breh, not a cure. I basically developed my own treatment protocol that turned me from a stimmy-vegetable into a halfway-functional human being. It started with NoFap, then I moved into diet (took out gluten, dairy, onions, and a lot of other trigger foods too numerous and obscure to mention), began running/ lifting daily, meditating for 5-10 minutes a day, and I also semi-recently began dabbling in psychedelics in addition to drenching myself in black tea, vaped nicotine (meh about this one), and ritalin on the daily. Psychedelics of greatest worth for autism are MDMA (we have studies!) and LSD. MDMA and LSD feel like they're permanently re-wiring your brain to be neurotypical, that's the best way I can describe it.