Why can you call a fat person fat, a faggot a faggot but you can't call a nigger a nigger?

Why can you call a fat person fat, a faggot a faggot but you can't call a nigger a nigger?

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you can't call any of them what they are in today's society because:
>Body positivity

>Why can you call a fat person fat, a faggot a faggot
You can't. Also your image is insensitive to mentally challenged people.

They're too retarded to be offended anyway so what's the big deal

because they can't change the fact they are black.

neither can fags

i mean you cant even call a fag a fag anymore, and soon calling people fat will seem equally horrid somehow, fuck this world.

You can, but you would get your ass beat so whites don't do it.

I will always call out fatasses and will never stop calling people faggots

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I hate when white people do this
>why can't I say nigger/nigga???
>black people do it all the time!
You CAN say nigger. Literally nothing can stop you. Say it all you want, shout it from your window in the morning. You have the right to do so. Why aren't you satisfied with that? Because you aren't mad that you don't get to say nigger, you're mad that people won't tolerate your racism. You basically don't want anyone to tell you that they don't like what you said because it triggers you.

You can call people whatever ya want, my only question is who cares what you think?

I don't think this is accurate. I don't say nigger and have no desire to do so, but there exists a double standard where it's socially acceptable for some people to say it and not others, purely based on the color of their skin. This racial discrimination and hypocrisy annoys me.

No one is stopping you from using it.

yes they can. The chinese government actual found a cure for the gay virus. Forgot what it was though.

l don't want to use it. As I said, that's not the basis of my complaint. I want people to acknowledge the discrimination inherent in tolerating the word from some groups of people but not others.

The cure causes memory loss, that's why you forgot.

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>memory loss > being gay

It's like when people in your family make fun of you but they will beat up other people who make fun of you.

>but you can't call a nigger a nigger?
People do that on a daily basis. What the fuck are you talking about? You even did it yourself.

Woah! You go, big guy!

That's not what happened. They genetically engineered a set of twins to be resistant to HIV because their father had the disease. The modification they made also does the opposite of memory loss, it's associated with lower dementia risk and higher educational attainment.

You just forget that you're gay and then your natural sexual chemistry takes over for the opposite sex.

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